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admin admin 发表于2023-12-16 10:52:41 浏览64 评论0





United Kingdom is a beautiful and stable as well country , I am a student , hope arrives in this to own tremendous teachers strength and advanced teaching equipment place pursue advanced studies. University’s education is to benefit all self’s life as for everyone , its professor student knowledge , the knowledge training individual an ability , will are used for practice , the prospect and society exist for students employment with the future to develop to have laid down solid basis. I firmly believe , British university will be a talented person having the synthetical ability me is molded being accomplished, the motherland who makes me be able to return back to homeland for self after learning to be accomplished makes a due contribution. Be in charge of since father is an important company’s, the mother job is to engage in business deals, before such a family environment edify down, I have deep interest from childhood right away to economy , repair only financial affairs and finance special field therefore hoping the business college in United Kingdom university. Business college of United Kingdom university enjoys high reputation in the world , this implies me being able to learn to arrive at the tip economy knowledge here , that it can trains my ability , opens up my potential , makes me have stronger competition in future society and. At present, I have studied 1 year already in Tsing Hua University "learning bridge " project , the plan has accomplished the self’s studies for 3 years remaining , has got bachelor’s degree and to United Kingdom. Effort passing me among studying for 1 year , in this, every section’s achievement is extremely not wrong , that this learns coming to speak to me to United Kingdom is a very good beginning. I have studied English at the same time strengthening a course , this has been conducive to me communicate with the foreigner more well and discuss that , have decreased by a few unnecessary in living and studying language barriers and. Studying by these courses, I think that I am prepared already to going abroad. I decide to look on the first school terms as a transition period , study some of basis courses first because of language aspect factor and the difference being hit by west culture after arriving at United Kingdom,dodge my bag and way adapting to United Kingdom step by step in the middle studying. Within school term in the hereafter, I may put priority on self special field , repair a few and special field course having rapid and intense connection, such can enrich self knowledge , broadens self’s horizon, be that developing in the future creates more advantageous condition. Choosing in studying abroad is object because of that I like to accept is fresh , feels idea is different from domestic teaching abroad , strengthens self , benefits out of , reaches self ideal target therefore spending more money elegant appearance and bearing studying to be able to have a taste of the world tip knowledge in the nowadays technology in abroad. But exchange and anastomosing learning implying different culture in United Kingdom, it helps me to use multivariant culture world outlook and outlook on values to go to observe a problem , to widen ken , also can be used self soul get distillation. I think of , this is one kind of valuable investment. And studying abroad to my English is that one kind takes exercise, in the process of development of Chinese Yue Lai Yue tendency internationalization, skilled English using an international to be applied or used universally, this will also be one kind of intangible wealth. Besides, I am keen on motion , I think that essential points thinks of much better studying , need to have a good body first. I am fond of the swim , the secondary squash most , I make a tennis also often. Be Chinese , fully grown the day afer tomorrow to some extent from study of United Kingdom, I return back to homeland surely for self country uses up a strength. China is vast in territory and rich in natural resources , have boundless amounts potentials, science and technology’s at full speed development and economic strength feasible China of lifting draws with to be modernized gradually globalization receive a track. And have made me have excellent analysis and have created an ability from the knowledge learning arriving at greatly, can handle the what be come across difficult problem much better. In abroad my all that one saw and heard experience that can increase me makes English aspect more better for 3 years. Therefore I am able to get chance more in in the homeland gain a space for one person. I can make get up , accumulate experience and capital from grass-roots unit , should have owned the sufficient fund, I miss cause that can start self , me , future China can provide I with much better development platform and space , I am sure to compose very good !不懂是不是你想要的效果```````是的话,请给悬赏分```谢谢

留学加拿大本科的个人陈述Personal state该怎么写呢

把真实的自己写出来招生时都会有要求申请者写essays,其中很常见的就是“Describe your most substantial accomplishments”。这样的题目就是要求申请者写出自己认为最值得自豪的成就。但是在描述这样的成就时要注意到成就的真正重要性.很多人认为在文书当中把自己的成就写得冠冕堂皇,惊天动地就会显得很重要,很有自豪感。但是我们需要看到的是成就的重要并不是在成就本身,而是在于你从成就中学到了什么。其实在这样的成就当中你要突出自己学到的是什么,而不是简单的描述所获成就。文书写作是很讲求技巧性的。描写同样一件事情,不同的人都会有不同的写法。要脱颖而出就要在文书中突出自己的个性.

上海理工大学自主招生个人陈述 英文提供一份 谢啦上海理工大学自主招生全英文个人陈述一份

摘要Dear teacher:


My name is XX, from XX middle school. I hope that through your independent enrollment to achieve my dream of learning in your school.

My junior high school was at XX high school. During the study, I pay attention to the balanced development of morality, cultivate self-study ability, actively participate in various activities organized by the school, won the XX award or honor. In my opinion, physical exercise can not only make people have a strong physique, but also have a strong will.

Through the hard work of teachers and personal unremitting efforts, I successfully entered the XX middle school to continue to learn, and in to obtain the XX provincial high school mathematics competition three prize and XX high school mathematics competition, such as the two prize.

I am cheerful, hard to learn, strong interest in the natural sciences, especially love mathematics. I am interested in a wide range of astronomy, geography, domestic

咨询记录 · 回答于2021-07-21

上海理工大学自主招生个人陈述 英文提供一份 谢啦上海理工大学自主招生全英文个人陈述一份

Dear teacher:Hello!My name is XX, from XX middle school. I hope that through your independent enrollment to achieve my dream of learning in your school.My junior high school was at XX high school. During the study, I pay attention to the balanced development of morality, cultivate self-study ability, actively participate in various activities organized by the school, won the XX award or honor. In my opinion, physical exercise can not only make people have a strong physique, but also have a strong will.Through the hard work of teachers and personal unremitting efforts, I successfully entered the XX middle school to continue to learn, and in to obtain the XX provincial high school mathematics competition three prize and XX high school mathematics competition, such as the two prize.I am cheerful, hard to learn, strong interest in the natural sciences, especially love mathematics. I am interested in a wide range of astronomy, geography, domestic
