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Task 1Nowadays, teachers tend to give students group assignment but not individual assignment.Discuss an advantage and a disadvantage of this tendency.Task 2When you disagree with your friends and family on some controversial issues, Would you choose to convince them or just keep the disagreements?Task 3Annoucement: 学校取消了借laptop给学生们的项目。Reason: 没有人借laptop,学生们都爱用大学里面提供的电脑。--------------------------------------------Attitude:×Reason 1: 大学电脑很旧,而且经常崩溃,非常不好用。Reason 2: Laptop很方便,便携,可以带到任意地方,学生有时候会在宿舍放资料书目,如果使用laptop,就可以把laptop带回宿舍,不用搬着书去到学校电脑室写论文,那样会很累的。Task 4Aposematism is the term used to describe the use of bright colouration to advertise that an organism is dangerous or unpalatable.Task 5Problem:女孩子想做十个人吃的家乡菜,但是能买到食材的超市很远,她的舍友又出了突发状况没法借她车。Solution 1:骑自行车去买;+ 可以做家乡菜给大家吃,很special;- 食材很多很多,要买两趟,会花很多时间;Solution 2:换个食谱;+:食材可以在local grocery买到;+:不special了。Task 6Term:internal constraintsAspect 1:有的商家是因为physical原因导致营业状况不好。Example 1: 超市的cash register又老又旧,会影响收银速度,从而让客人annoyed,然后客人就不会再来第二次了。Aspect 2:employ training方面做的不好导致营业状况不好。Example 2: 超市员工不熟悉货物的位置,顾客询问某件商品在哪里的时候带客人去了错误的地方,从而导致客人流失。


托福口语第六题考查的是与学术讲座相关的题目。下面为大家介绍这类题目的答题要求,并结合具体的例子为大家分享这类题的解题技巧,大家一起来看一下吧。一、题目介绍第六题也是一道学术问题,但不需要阅读文章。讲座内容大多是大一水平的基础知识,考生不需要有相应的专业背景即可听懂。本题的听力文章一般分为三段,为总分关系。考生需要记录第一段中提及的某个学术概念下的两种现象。如:动物适应新环境的两种方式、植物入侵的两种现象、色彩搭配的两个原则、吸引投资的两个前提条件等等。后面的第二、三段中,教授会用具体的实例分别解释说明上述两种现象。二、例题讲解我们以2012年12月8日托福口语第六题为例来看一下如何解答这类题目。1. 解题步骤第一步:听对话,记重点Today, I’d like to touch on some species of egg-laying animals. Remember now, all egg-laying animals must ensure that their eggs have sufficient moisture to survive. At this point, dry out means death to the unborn young. There are two main ways animals keep the egg moist.The simplest way, of course, is to lay the eggs directly in water. Frogs, for example, adopt this method. The eggs can absorb water directly from the environment, and the frog parents need not trouble themselves further.More interesting, another method to ensure the humidity of eggs is used by snakes. Most snakes, after all, live on dry land and can’t rely on water for moisture. Such snakes simply encase the needed moisture inside of a bag. Then the eggs are laid in the bag. The young grows inside the moist bag and hatches from the egg just like a bird. This is most common among snakes living far away from wet environments. In this way, you see, the snake avoids the danger of the too-dry environment.笔记如下:Two methods:2法: ani- →egg湿inside1) lay eggs→watere.g. frog→egg→water→吸water→湿parents×卫, ↓烦2) another way→湿e.g. snake→egg→bag/water inside∴lay egg/dry area2. 参考模板Two methods:The professor talks about two ways... The first way is...Another way is...3. 参考答案The professor talks about two ways animals ensure humidity inside the eggs they lay.The first way is to lay eggs directly in water. For example, frogs lay their eggs in the water in order for the eggs to absorb enough moisture. This saves the parents a lot of trouble because they don’t need to keep guard.However, some animals cannot lay eggs in water, and they have to find another way out to ensure the humidity of their eggs. For example, snakes usually put their eggs in a small bag with enough water inside. So the snakes can lay eggs even in dry areas.


阅读里的example一般不重要主要理解就行了第四题主要答听力的内容!阅读的甚至可以不说。在理解的基础上把阅读部分的定义记下来就可以了。因为听力的部分很有可能会说不完,所以建议先讲听力内容:In the listening passage, the professor gave us a/two example(s) to explain’’’(标题)然后讲听力中的例子,结尾如果时间不够没法讲阅读内容的话,就以:So the example show us what is’’’ 结尾就可以了如果觉得自己听力很不好对内容不太清楚的话也可以先将阅读内容:The reading passage tell us ’’’ is ’’’’’’’(定义),然后再讲听力中的example,不过这样很难把听力内容讲完,建议还是先讲听力内容最后再说定义。希望你满意哈~O(∩_∩)O阅读先看懂吧,看懂了有时间再把定义部分重点记下来。时间不够的话就直接讲定义内容就行了不用转述。如果阅读没看懂光记定义没有意义啊。因为这题主要考听力,理解阅读是对听力的内容有帮助的,理解了才知道听力那些地方是重点该讲什么。建议从网上下TPO练习一下,最好能弄到文本,如果听力没听懂就看文本把重点说出来。一定要练好听力啊!要不然口语会悲剧的(o_o)加油!电脑出了点问题,就在这里补充回答了。


托福口语考试是让广大考生相当头疼的一部分,特别是在托福口语考试中的时间是很紧张的,并不允许我们一次次地审读题目,即使碰到难懂的句子也是如此。下面就为大家介绍一下托福口语考试中各题的应对措施。第一题:为非限制性问题,但一定和学校或日常生活有关,要答 the reason & detail,注意一定要有具体的细节支持。第二题:为二选一问题,一般会问你A和B那个好? Why? 第1&2题:题目在一开始就会出现在屏幕上,所以不要理会电脑中读什么,用最快的速度将题目扫一眼 à 一句废话 à B à 15’ à 一句废话 à B à 开始(中间可以挤出30秒的时间准备) 答题时间均为45’第三题:为校园事件话题,语言不学术,一般为两个人的对话,有习语,听完后会让你重复其中一个人的观点70% 两者的观点一致 (In the listening passage, the man expresses his opinion about the Office, he believes that…) 点题句,一定要30% 两者的观点不一致 (In the listening passage, the man and the woman…)as the reading passage indicates特例:要你说出相对于listening, reading中哪些没有(In addition to the reading passage, we also find in the listening that…) 这类题要多说些reading部分,大约20~25’第四题:学术类。Reading & Listening的关系要么是承接要么是驳斥。听完后70% 让你说出一个Lecture中的例子来解释…,即细节解释 (In this lecture, the professor gives two examples to illustrate the principle of…听力1à阅读1;听力2à阅读2中间用However, in the reading passage…)第3&4题:都有阅读,3题较短,4题较长,都要求45’读完,长度一般为75-120个词 (5-7行)。其中4题的内容较重要,而3题则不重要。答题时间均为1分钟。Take下的Notes里的词最好做同意替换,并且在答题时绝对不能出现如 in the reading passage之类的词。两道题的时间分配大致为:15’说阅读,40’说男女观点,中间用点题句连接。回答应尽可能完整,但也无需面面俱到。第五题:为学校生活类问题,有人会提出解决方案,让后让你重复他们的问题和观点,最后说Your Opinion & Why? (一两句就OK)这也是唯一一个问Your Opinion的题,而3,4,6题都只是让你重复。但有些题目仅要求描述,而不解释或不需要给出Your Opinion,要听清20’准备 (In the listening passage, the man and the woman discuss a problem. The man was…If I were the man, I would choose the second opinion.)第六题:为学术话题,讲一个Lecture,让你重复professor的观点or解释一下理论。(开头句:In the listening passage, the professor introduces…)第5&6题:都没有阅读,Listening部分都较长,笔记要充分。答题时间均为1分钟。Rules:2,3,5题一般与学校生活有关,而4,6题则涉及社会,人文,百科。只有3,4题需要阅读。3,4,5,6题均用一般现在时答题。以上就是为大家总结的托福口语考试中,每道题需要注意的部分以及相应的解题方法,希望大家可以牢牢记住。


