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一般,很普通的学校。芬兰公立大学拉普兰大学(芬兰语Lapin yliopisto)建成于1979年3月1日,地处北极圈上的罗瓦涅米城,是一所国际性的高教中心。.建校年代:1979年所在省州:拉普兰省所在城市:Rovaniemi学生人数:4700人中国教育部是否认证:获得认证拉普兰大学下设有艺术设计学院,社会科学学院,商务与旅游学院,教育学院,法学院等五个学院,还有六个独立的单位,分别是北极中心,方法研究系,语言中心,图书馆,梅里-拉琵研究院以及拉普兰大学地区服务中心,发展与行政管理。拉普兰大学开设的课程多种多样,除了本科、硕士和博士的学位学习项目外,还有芬兰语和预科课程。拉普兰大学开设的英语授课国际学习项目有:本科专业北极圈研究,硕士专业比较社会工作学,博士专业北极圈研究以及北极圈网络研究。芬兰语课程有:外国人芬兰语入门,简易芬兰语课程,芬兰语网络课程。其预科课程的主要目的是帮助国际留学生适应新环境,了解拉普兰大学所在地–罗瓦涅米城。


芬兰公立大学拉普兰大学(芬兰语Lapin yliopisto)建成于1979年3月1日,地处北极圈上的罗瓦涅米城,是一所国际性的高教中心。拉普兰大学下设有艺术设计学院,社会科学学院,商务与旅游学院,教育学院,法学院等五个学院,还有六个独立的单位,分别是北极中心,方法研究系,语言中心,图书馆,梅里-拉琵研究院以及拉普兰大学地区服务中心,发展与行政管理。拉普兰大学开设的课程多种多样,除了本科、硕士和博士的学位学习项目外,还有芬兰语和预科课程。拉普兰大学开设的英语授课国际学习项目有:本科专业北极圈研究,硕士专业比较社会工作学,博士专业北极圈研究以及北极圈网络研究。芬兰语课程有:外国人芬兰语入门,简易芬兰语课程,芬兰语网络课程。其预科课程的主要目的是帮助国际留学生适应新环境,了解拉普兰大学所在地–罗瓦涅米城。

芬兰的拉普兰大学 研究生 英文授课的有经管类专业吗

拉普兰大学研究生英文授课有以下专业,跟楼主说的最相近的是European Masters in Arts, Culture and International Management。Clothing Design – The degree programme of clothing design combines knowledge of the practices of the field with university-level research and thereby to offer challenging perspectives into research, design and practical applications.Comparative Social Work (CSW) – Master’s degree programme in Comparative Social Work has been developed within the framework of Barents Cross Border University (BCBU) which offers and creates setting for cross-border learning environment between the universities in Northern Finland and North-West Russia, but also in the whole Barents region. EMACIM: European Masters in Arts, Culture and International Management – The two-year EMACIM Master Programme offers you modern expertise and education where tourism, culture, art and design, and management are seen equally significant elements of cultural industies.Global Biopolitics – The programme provides students with a comprehensive understanding of the politics of ‘life’ through a training in the theories and concepts of biopolitics, as formulated by Michel Foucault and other key thinkers such as Gilles Deleuze, Giorgio Agamben, Antonio Negri and Roberto Esposito. Graphic Design – The areas of graphic design studies and research are: visual communication and design Management.Industrial Design – Industrial designers receive training in the development of industrial products - objects, equipments and environments - as well as in research dealing with the products and the world around us. Interior and Textile Design – The studies encompass textile design and production, textile art and spatial design. MICLaw: Master of International and Comparative Law – The one and a half year MICLaw Programme offers you modern expertise and education where you will be in the forefront of legal research in these fields. The programme offers a possibility to specialize in: Arctic Law and Governance or Transcultural Business Law.Media Education – Media Education can be studied at the Faculty of Education as a major subject, leading into a Master’s degree in Education.


芬兰的大学有:名次 学校名 (中文进入中文介绍 英文进入英文介绍) 所处地区1 赫尔辛基大学\University of Helsinki 南芬兰省2 芬兰奥卢大学\University of Oulu 奥鲁省省3 坦佩雷大学\Tampere University 西芬兰省4 于韦斯屈莱理工学院\Jyvaskyla Polytechnic 南芬兰省5 坦佩雷理工大学\Tampere University of Technology 东芬兰省6 赫尔辛基工业大学\Helsinki University of Technology 南芬兰省7 图尔库大学\University of Turku 南芬兰省8 埃博学术大学\Abo Akademi University 西芬兰省9 芬兰约恩苏大学\University of Joensuu 西芬兰省10 芬兰瓦萨大学\University of Vaasa 西芬兰省11 芬兰库奥皮奥大学\University of Kuopio 南芬兰省12 拉普兰塔理工大学\Lappeenranta University of Technology 拉毕省13 赫尔辛基艺术和设计大学\university of art and design helsinki uian 南芬兰省14 西贝柳斯学院\Sibelius Academy 南芬兰省15 拉普兰大学\University of Lapland 拉毕省。
