
numb xxxtentacion歌词

numb xxxtentacion歌词(求一首英文歌 男声 只记得高潮是 呜喔喔哦 呜喔喔哦)

admin admin 发表于2024-09-18 16:35:06 浏览5 评论0


“numb xxxtentacion歌词”相关信息最新大全有哪些,这是大家都非常关心的,接下来就一起看看numb xxxtentacion歌词(求一首英文歌 男声 只记得高潮是 呜喔喔哦 呜喔喔哦)!


求一首英文歌 男声 只记得高潮是 呜喔喔哦 呜喔喔哦

Lifestyle - Rich GangI’ve done did a lot of shit just to我做了很多live this here lifestyle只为了这种生活方式We came straight from the bottom,我们从底部直接置身最高处to the top, my lifestyle我的生活方式Nigga livin’ life like volcano黑人的生活像火山般颠簸and this only the beginnin’这只是个开始I’m on the top of the mountain,我在山之巅puffin’ on clouds and niggas在云朵中呼吸still beginnin’仍只是个开始Million 5 on the Visa card五百万的Visa卡Hundred bands still look like乐队仍然看起来像the fuckin’ tires令人厌倦的东西Nigga servin’ great white like像是为大白鲨服务I’m feedin’ sharks我喂养大白鲨I won’t do nothin’ with the bitch,我不会对女人无动于衷she can’t even get me hard她甚至不能让我坚挺Somethin’ wrong with the pussy这个女人有问题Even though I ain’t gon’ hit it,尽管我没兴趣I’ma still make sure我很还能确定that she douche it她冲洗了私处Me and my woadie,我的woadiewe don’t get caught up like that,我们不能被那样抓获no way没门We ain’t got time to go see doctors, J我们没有时间去看医生Who said money?谁说钱Hop up in my bed full of forty bitches我床上满是40岁阿姨兴奋的跳起来and yawnin’打着呵欠Hey, this a show bitch you performin’这是完成的表演I do this shit for my daughters我为我的女儿做这表演and all my sons, bitch还有我的儿子女人I’m a run up them bands,我让他们成为乐队I’ll take out their funds, bitch我会拿出资金I got a moms bitch,我像个老妈子一样she got a moms bitch我的女人有了个老妈I got sisters and brothers to feed我还有兄弟姐妹要养活I ain’t goin’ out like no idiot,我并不是白痴I’m a OG我是OGI’ve done did a lot of shit just我做了很多to live this here lifestyle只为了这种生活方式We came straight from the bottom,我们从底部直接置身最高处to the top, my lifestyle我的生活方式Nigga livin’ life like volcano黑人的生活像火山般颠簸and this only the beginnin’这只是个开始I’m on the top of the mountain,我在山之巅puffin’ on clouds在云朵中呼吸and niggas still beginnin’仍只是个开始Still screamin’尖叫着"Fuck the otherside"去他们的I’ma ride for my niggas, aye我为我的哥们疯狂And I’ma die for my niggas, aye我为我的哥们牺牲Ain’t gonna be latching并不是要封闭on my niggas aye我的哥们Niggas couldn’t see me如果他们有一个精灵if they had a genie他们看不到我I’ma live my life like Bennie, R.I.P.我会像Bennie一样活着 安息吧my brother Bennie我的兄弟BennieI stack my racks to the ceiling,我叠起架子通向天花板now these niggas can’t beat me这些黑人们不能击败我I just might wake up when Chanel当我醒来and these bitches can’t see me香奈儿和这些女人看不见我I’m in a whole other league我在另一个团队里I ain’t got aids我没有艾滋病but I swear to God I would bleed但我向上帝发誓我会流血’Til I D.I.E直到我死28 floors up I feel like我觉得像是28层的高楼那样伟大I could F.L.Y.E.E我也可以逃离Pee on top of these bitches蔑视那些女人God told me they can never stop me上帝告诉我他们不能阻止我so they ain’t gon’ stop me所以他们不能阻止我I’m in that coffin with baby mommy我跟我的宝贝躺进棺材gettin’ sloppy toppy穿着肥大的寿衣I’m bleedin’ red like a devil,的鲜血就像是个魔鬼I see these bitches plotting我看到这些女人策划着They wanna know他们想知道how I got M’s我怎么赚钱and I didn’t finish college我没有完成大学学业I’ve done did a lot of shit just我做了很多to live this here lifestyle只为了这种生活方式We came straight from the bottom,我们从底部直接置身最高处to the top, my lifestyle我的生活方式Nigga livin’ life like volcano黑人的生活像火山般颠簸and this only the beginnin’这只是个开始I’m on the top of the mountain,我在山之巅puffin’ on clouds and niggas在云朵中呼吸still beginnin’仍只是个开始I do it for my daddy,我为我爸爸I do it for my mama为我妈妈付出Them long nights,漫长的夜晚I swear to God我向上帝发誓I do it for the come up只为了实现承诺I’m Willie B beating on my chest,我是在丛林里打在in the jungle, aye我胸口的Willie BMoney on money,钱I got commas in every bank每间银行都有我的钱Sunday through Monday周日到周一I’ve been grindin’ with no sleep我不眠不休的工作Talkin’ ’bout takin’不停的说着somethin’ from me,我自己like no way像是没办法Thugger Thugger,恶棍that’s my brother, brother这是我的兄弟You don’t want no trouble trouble你不想惹麻烦or you can get these fists,或者你可以得到拳头knuckle knuckle开始认真工作Buckle up like a seatbelt系好安全带or I’ll shoot yah或我就开枪Punchin’ on the gas, too fast,加好油 很快and I lose yah我失去踪影Give me a bed, I’ll do her,给我一张床 我要做她I want a head, Medusa我希望有个头 美杜莎I swear a nigga gone我发誓一个家伙走了cause this strong I’m blowin’ super因为他超级强大Grindin’ for a new day为新的一天辛苦工作I’m skatin’, like that nigga Lupe我像Lupe一样Hey, I’m on the top just like toupee我在顶端 就像假发般Hey, I’m in her mouth just我在她的嘴里like toothpaste像牙膏一样I’ve done did a lot of shit just我做了很多to live this here lifestyle只为了这种生活方式We came straight from the bottom,我们从底部直接置身最高处to the top, my lifestyle我的生活方式Nigga livin’ life like volcano黑人的生活像火山般颠簸and this only the beginnin’这只是个开始I’m on the top of the mountain,我在山之巅puffin’ on clouds and niggas在云朵中呼吸still beginnin’仍只是个开始

外国男人唱的貌似是黑人,歌开头是两三句比较长的喔哦哦哦,中间连续有break heart歌词

  • Break your heart 是 Taio Cruz 专辑Rockstarr 中的一首单曲,在2010年美国Billborad排行榜第十期中位于第53名,而到了第十一期狂升到第一,摘下冠军宝座

  • 歌名叫NUMB,很伤感的音乐

  • numb抖音上刷到的视频背景音乐是来自XXXTENTACION的NUMB。可能光听这个名字和歌名大家不太熟悉,但是一旦你听了这首歌,你会感受到麻木、悲伤。歌词And every single year每一年I’m drowning in my tears我淹没在我的眼泪中I’m drowning in my tears again我再次淹没在我的眼泪中I can’t seem to forget the pain I seem to give我似乎无法忘记我似乎给予的痛苦(XXX一直在处理痛苦)The pain I seem to give my friend我似乎给我的朋友带来了的痛苦(在密友去世之后X发布的《17》写道他陷入了痛苦的循环)And every single year每一年I’m drowning in my tears我淹没在我的眼泪中I’m drowning in my tears again我再次淹没在我的眼泪中I can’t seem to forget the pain I seem to give我似乎无法忘记我似乎给予的痛苦The pain I seem to give my friend我似乎给我的朋友带来了的痛苦Oh oh噢,噢Oh oh噢,噢Oh oh噢,噢Ho oh噢,噢Ho oh噢,噢Ho oh噢,噢Woah oh噢,噢Ho oh噢,噢Woah oh哇哦Woah oh哇哦And every single year每一年I’m drowning in my tears我淹没在我的眼泪中I’m drowning in my tears again我再次淹没在我的眼泪中I can’t seem to forget the pain I seem to give我似乎无法忘记我似乎给予的痛苦The pain I seem to give my friend (Woah oh)我似乎给我的朋友带来了的痛苦(哇哦)And every single year每一年I’m drowning in my tears (Woah oh)我淹没在我的眼泪中I’m drowning in my tears again (Woah oh)我再次淹没在我的眼泪中Woah oh哇哦I can’t seem to forget the pain I seem to give(Woah oh)我似乎无法忘记我好像似乎的痛苦(哇哦)The pain I seem to give my friend (Woah oh Woah oh)我似乎给我的朋友带来了的痛苦(哇哦)And every single year每一年I’m drowning in my tears我淹没在我的眼泪中I’m drowning in my tears again我再次淹没在我的眼泪中I can’t seem to forget the pain I seem to give我似乎无法忘记我似乎给予的痛苦The pain I seem to give my friend我似乎给我的朋友带来了的痛苦Woah oh哇哦








And every single year


I’m drowning in my tears, I’m drowning in my tears again


I can’t seem to forget the pain I seem to give


The pain I seem to give, my friend


And every single year


I’m drowning in my tears, I’m drowning in my tears again


I can’t seem to forget the pain I seem to give


The pain I seem to give, my friend


Woah, oh, woah, oh


Woah, oh, woah, oh


Woah, oh, woah, oh


Woah, oh, woah, oh


Woah, oh, woah, oh


And every single year


I’m drowning in my tears, I’m drowning in my tears again


I can’t seem to forget the pain I seem to give


The pain I seem to give, my friend


Woah, oh


And every single year


I’m drowning in my tears, I’m drowning in my tears again


Woah, oh


I can’t seem to forget the pain I seem to give


The pain I seem to give, my friend


Woah, oh, woah, oh, woah, oh


And every single year


I’m drowning in my tears, I’m drowning in my tears again


I can’t seem to forget the pain I seem to give


The pain I seem to give, my friend


Woah, oh






关于本次numb xxxtentacion歌词和求一首英文歌 男声 只记得高潮是 呜喔喔哦 呜喔喔哦的问题分享到这里就结束了,如果解决了您的问题,我们非常高兴。