
去美国留学英语翻译 去美国 美国

去美国留学英语翻译(急 英语 翻译 有关于留学! 我想去美国,请帮助我!翻译)

admin admin 发表于2024-09-19 16:49:04 浏览2 评论0


“去美国留学英语翻译”相关信息最新大全有哪些,这是大家都非常关心的,接下来就一起看看去美国留学英语翻译(急 英语 翻译 有关于留学! 我想去美国,请帮助我!翻译)!


急 英语 翻译 有关于留学! 我想去美国,请帮助我!翻译

(本人翻译爱好者,纯手打,人工翻译,保证正确率,谢谢采纳,有任何疑问,请追问)I‘m Mark, and I am preparing for language research and studies in America.I want to learn English in America.Firstly, because I hold the idea that many producers in the world are not as good as those in Korea when I worked in Hyundai Motor.Secondly, I think that America is a country that will be friendly with the blue-collar workers when I traveld in America during January and February last year. So, I have been persuading my parents to allow me to study in America. How do American think of blue-collar workers? I think , the answer will be required when I communicate with the American before long.After my study, I want to acquire many certificates, and then to help people in the underdeveloped countries.I live in a rich family, and my father has worked in a company for 23 years, so ,I have no economic pressure.I don’t need to work part-time, what I need to do is to fix my attention on my study.I hope to go to America to study as soon as possible, and finish my study, then come back to my country.


1.How long has she been studied in America?2.She has been studied in America for 3 years already, and is planning to work in American ever after.3.That girl smiles really nice, plus her skin is while and fine.4.Have you got your pay/salary yet?/when do you get your pay/salary?5.We got our pay/salary already/We haven’t got our pay/salary yet.

急 英语 翻译 有关于留学! 我想去美国,请帮助我!翻译的介绍就聊到这里吧,感谢你花时间阅读本站内容,更多关于急 英语 翻译 有关于留学! 我想去美国,请帮助我!翻译、急 英语 翻译 有关于留学! 我想去美国,请帮助我!翻译的信息别忘了在本站进行查找哦。
