


admin admin 发表于2023-12-10 10:38:17 浏览41 评论0





references ,英语单词,可作为名词、动词。



3、音标:英/’refərənsɪz/  美/’rɛfərənsɪz/;

4、例句:All references to the local variable after this refer to the field. 







Also, the transformation performs some cleanup of references and links at this stage. 



for reference  以供参考;备案

with reference to  关于(等于in reference to)

reference value  参考值;标准值;参照值



reference是什么意思 reference的意思

1、reference英。 2、n.说到(或写到)的事; 提到; 谈及; 涉及; 参考; 查询; 查阅; (帮助或意见的)征求,征询; 3、v.查阅; 参考; 给(书等)附参考资料; 4、The library contains many popular works of reference.这家图书馆藏有许多常用的参考书。 5、第三人称单数:references 复数:references 现在分词:referencing 过去式:referenced 过去分词:referenced。



n.  提及; 查询; 征求; 引语; 编号; 参考书目; 推荐信; 介绍人;

adj.  供参考的;

v.  引用;

变形 过去分词: referenced 复数: references 过去式: referenced 现在分词: referencing 第三人称单数: references


1. Read these notes carefully and keep them for future reference.  


2. I’m calling in reference to your series on prejudice.  


3. The details are filed away by his three secretaries for future reference.  


4. We know we’re dealing with someone with a different frame of reference.  


5. I am writing with reference to your article on salaries for scientists.  


reference 是什么意思

  reference:美   n.参考;编号;提到;查询  v.参考;查阅;给(书等)附参考资料  复数:references 现在分词:referencing 过去式:referenced  例句:  1.If you were content to remain at rest or in uniform motion relative to anunaccelerated frame of reference, no force would be needed.  如果你愿意相对于一个非加速的参照系去保持静止或匀速运动,并不需要有力作用。  2.You can only return variables by reference, not the result of a statement.  只能通过引用返回变量,而不是语句的结果。  3.and it has been used for reference meaning of the computer detection onaeromagnetic abnormity.  这一思想对研究航磁异常计算机检测有一定的借鉴意义。4.It was a bit old document but at least you can use it as reference.  这是一个有点老的文件,但至少你可以使用它作为参考。

美国留学申请好的自我陈述(personal statement)和推荐信(reference letter)

Personal Statement I am an overseas student from China. I am applying for a Mathematics course at University.Mathematics is my favourite subject and it’s the most wonderful thing: For any person in the world, even if he/she doesn’t learn about Literature, Physics, Biology, Art, Law, (perhaps he/she doesn’t even know who is the President of his/her country.) There is one thing he/she must know: Mathematics. Everything relates to Mathematics; nothing can work without it.Although, to me, Mathematics is a wonderful thing, lots of people have suggested that I choose another subject to study at University. Because in their mind there is no job that needs Mathematics as advanced as University Mathematics except researching or teaching. But for me, Mathematics is part of my way of life. It’s a key that could open the door into my dream!I want to have my own enterprise. I need to have good logical judgment to discern what is an opportunity or a crisis. I need to have different ideas to find a new way; I need to calculate what will happen in the future Lots of things I need and all of those I can find in Mathematics. Why not choose it? There is no reason for me to change my decision.I will describe my study as an exploration for knowledge. As an explorer I have good endurance but it doesn’t mean I like to waste time. I like to ask if I don’t know: I think of teachers as having the map that could show me which is the right way. It will not let me get lost in exploration.As an explorer I have adventurous but this doesn’t mean I am rash. I like to find out different ways. There is not only one way you can go to a destination. I could discover lots of things during my exploration. It will help me to break new ground.As an explorer I have my own special skill. I like to know why something works. It’s not just to help me to solve the same style problem more quickly and easily. I could infer further development when I know the basic theory. It gives me the ability to face the future by myself.I left my parents to study from the age of 11 and I have now lived alone in England for about 2 years. I feel so lucky that I can study in the UK. In China we have no chance to choose what we do or do not want to learn. Study in China is very boring for me. But now I can study the things I am interested in, so I am enjoying my study very much.Every week I drive to a school and teach the children Chinese. It’s quite hard for me because this is my first time as a teacher. Sometimes I like to read fiction about magic and myth. I enjoy escaping to a different world.At the moment I am a Dreamer. I imagine all sorts of things: What is the past? What is the future? What is the truth? Perhaps Mathematics will give me the answer. Then I shall become a Thinker. I hope.

harvard referenc作者是组织

harvard referenc作者是组织Harvard是一种引用格式,通常应用于大学生的论文写作中。它主要包括两种类型的格式:一种是文内引用,另一种是参考书目。Reference 在论文中主要由两部分组成。即 In-text citation 和 reference list。 不同文献/资料的不同引用格式。由于各种资料和文献,媒体等均可以作为论文的引用来源,为了区分各种来源,Harvard reference对不同来源的格式进行了区别。

harvard reference格式是什么

哈佛(Harvard Reference)引用格式,全称Harvard Reference System,即哈佛参考文献注释体系,是上世纪50年代起源于美国学术界的一种引用格式。与其他常见引用格式相比,哈佛格式是采用“作者-日期法”(auther-date method),与APA格式类似。

Harvard Style引用分为两部分:文本中的引文(Citation in the text:),这是在使用引文,措辞或摘要后即刻使用您的著作中的原文。


哈佛风格引用如果在正文中引用来源,方法是提供作者的名字,后跟出版日期。详细的参考文献、书目、出版物信息等将会放在最后的Reference List。

1)如果引用是指完整的信息源,或者贯穿整个作品的思想或主题,或者信息源的重要部分,那么您只需输入作者和日期,例如:(Smith 2017)或Smith(2017)。

2)与直接引号一起使用或引用来源的特定部分的引用应在您的引用中包括页码,例如:(Smith 2017,p.42)或Smith(2017,p.42)。

3)如果作者姓名作为essay正文的一部分出现在文本中,则年份将用圆括号括起来,例如:According to Smith(2017)。

4)如果作者姓名未出现在正文中,则姓名和日期应放在方括号中,例如:The terminology has been called into question when it was discovered...(Smith 2017).




Harvard APA style一般是社科论文用 Boughton, J.M., 2002. The Bretton Woods proposal: an indepth look. Political Science Quarterly, 42(6), pp.564-78. 建议用firefox 里面有个插件 是可以自动根据网页的信息生成reference format也有人用软件如果是modeling 或者 quantitative 建议不要有APA style 而是MLA Style

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