
applications ca ap


admin admin 发表于2023-12-13 20:56:00 浏览52 评论0





是应用程序资料、应用程序数据的意思,这个文件夹存储的是某些软件的MSI安装文件,一般不需要删除它们,因为有些软件运行时会对此有需要。如果你确实需要删除也可以,因为这里面的数据一般来说是用不到的,只是一个自动备份,但是如果软件出问题你要修复的话就不可能了。而且删除之前建议做个备份,万一有问题可以随时恢复 XXX\local setting\application data是访问网络时产生的一些数据.包括上网的一些个人习惯和一些客户端的个人设定等.


Modern technology has,in recent years,enabled these methods to be applied to a wide range of ground conditions from waterlogged sands and gravels,through soft or stiff,dry or waterlogged clays and mudstones,to solid rock.

Pipe jacking,microtunnelling and pilot auger systems are well suited to situations where a pipeline has to conform to rigid line and level criteria,since the guidance and control systems allowaccurate installation within close limits of the target. One of the most common applications is for gravity sewers,where not only is the line and level critical but the depth is such that the techniques tend to become more cost-effective when compared with open-cut installation.

Most microtunnelling drives are straight between shafts,although increasingly in recent years various companies have developed guidance systems that enable curved drives to be completed,particularly on longer length, larger diameter bores. Where, because of the curvature of the tunnel, line-of-sight is not possible between the drive shaft and the microtunnelling machine,alignment systems based on,for example,gyroscopic devices or moving laser systems may be used as an alternative to the more usual laser equipment.


applicationsn.申请; 申请书; 申请( application的名词复数 ); 应用; 施用; 动用; 例句:1.Applications and services feel bloated and uninspiring. 其次,许多应用和服务给人的感觉有些虚张声势,令人意兴阑珊。 2.Healthcare, hospital, and medical applications 医疗、医院及医学应用


你好!applications 英 n. 申请; 申请书; 申请( application的名词复数 ); 应用; 施用; 动用; I can open other applications without having to exit WordPerfect.我不必退出WordPerfect程序就可以打开其他应用程序。
