
proposal范文 怎么 留学生

proposal范文(留学生写作Research proposal是什么怎么写)

admin admin 发表于2024-04-15 06:59:31 浏览40 评论0


各位老铁们好,相信很多人对proposal范文都不是特别的了解,因此呢,今天就来为大家分享下关于proposal范文以及留学生写作Research proposal是什么怎么写的问题知识,还望可以帮助大家,解决大家的一些困惑,下面一起来看看吧!


留学生写作Research proposal是什么怎么写

  对于dissertation写作来说,research proposal是至关重要的,所以今天小编要讲解的就是如何写好research proposal。

  首先我们来了解一下什么是research proposal?

  Research Proposal就是研究计划,同学们在开始dissertation时,会需要先完成一篇research proposal,其写作目的在于告诉你的读者,在本文中你将会完成怎么样的研究?你的研究动机是什么?课题价值体现在哪?该研究会取得怎样的成果?所以,同学们即可以把research proposal当做是对读者的一种陈述,也可以当做是对自己dissertation写作的一种规划。那么要如何写好research proposal呢?

  俗话说得好,磨刀不误砍柴工。在开始写作之前,同学们应该花费一定的时间去对你将要完成的research proposal进行相关资料的研读,其中相关资料应该包含有研究背景、计划以及研究的领域等相关内容。虽说这都是一些基础的东西,但是却对大家的RP写作很有帮助。


  Research Proposal写作注意事项:

  无论是dissertation还是proposal,清晰易懂的逻辑结构才是最重要的。关于Research Proposal写作结构小编之前也有介绍过,所以在此就不再多说了,不清楚的同学们可以参考阅读:Research Proposal写作方法(附Proposal代写范文)

  其中值得注意的是,部分同学可能对于Methodology的写作不是很清楚,因此就采用了refer to existing literature的方式来进行分析,虽然说refer to existing literature也的确算是一种研究方法,但是它极其容易被同学们错用称references来进行归纳总结,所以这种方法是不可取的。

  除此之外,Research Proposal(研究计划)在写作时会需要同学们利用现有资源对你将要进行的研究进行一个计划和设计,该研究方案会涉及到很多细节性的东西,具体到每一步该怎么做,每一个难题该怎样去解决。回答来源于meeloun:原文链接


会议纪要就是会议记录,那儿你知道怎样用英文进行会议纪要吗?下面我给大家介绍关于会议纪要英文 范文 篇的相关资料,希望对您有所帮助。


Minutes of meeting




South sumatera,indonesia

Attendance:Refer to Attached List(see Attachment 1)

Date : October 19, 2021

Place :Hangzhou

1. The agreed agenda are as follows:

A. Coal supply issue

B. POA for signing MOU regarding the HVDC Sumatera-Java transmission Project

C. Financial Advisor Mandate letter

D. How to push forward the power plant,coal mine and transmission projects.

2. General overview: All the shareholders have the same understanding that even if the project didn’t make expected progress in the past several months due to the HVDC T/L issues and the influence of the new Minning Law to coal supply scheme, all the attendees still have confidence that all these issues will be solved with the best efforts of all parties. Coal Supply issue

PTBA made a comprehensive meaningful presentation regarding the new mining law, its impact to signed JVC Coal Mine and PTBA opinion for new coalsupply scheme as well as response to CDB letter of 11 August 2009.

The summary of PTBA’s proposal scheme in its presentation is as follows:

1 PTBA cannot assign its right and obligation as mining permits holder to other party pursuant to the new mining law.

2 it is PTBA as mining permit holder who shall decide the coal price, hence, the revenues account shall be reckoned in PTBA’s book.(which may affect to royalty,tax,etc)

3 coal supply agreement shall be established between JVC power and PTBA.

4 PTBA cannot fulfill the requirement of CDB that the KP is held by PTBA’s subsidiary due to an uncertainty of getting KP by PTBA or its subsidiary.

5 as long as PTBA holds the mining permit and hold a full authority of the mine then PTBA can give a guaranty of coal supply to JVC Power.

The attendees discussed the proposed scheme made by PTBA as follows:

PTBA concludes, base on all input from received information, the followings 4 possible coal supply schemes that comply with the new mining law:

1 Pass-through scheme(scheme 1)

2 PTBA as the coal supplier(scheme 2)

3 JVC Coal Mine will be coal mining service company or other position(scheme 3)


Minutes of the Preparation Meeting for the Coming Exhibition

Time: March 9,2009, 10:00 a. m. —12:10 a.m.

Place: No.3 Meeting Hall

Present: Mr. David Door 一 President

Mrs. Lucy Portman — Vice president

Mr. Richard Carpenter — Team member Miss Jenny Black — Team member

Mr. Bill Holder — Team member

Mr. Mike Bush — Team member

Mr. John Smith — Manager of logistics

Mrs. Christina Brown — Minutes secretary

Absent: Miss Lily Black

Presided by:Mrs. Lucy Portman

Taken by: Christina Brown

Summary of the meeting

The vice president opens the meeting at 10:00 a.m. and she announces that there are some changes in the original agenda for the exhibition and all the people present discuss the details to make preparations for the exhibition.

?They think it’s better to arrive half an hour earlier, because they need to register first before getting the Exhibition Badge.

?As the Blue Restaurant is fully reserved, they decide to change to the Westlake Hotel, for a self-service lunch.

?In the Exhibition Summary at 16:00 as scheduled, all the participants are required to give a presentation on the exhibition results and comments on the future trend in this field.

Any other business

Mrs. Jenny Black asks whether Lily Black could make it to come to the exhibition with the team, as she has been ill for nearly a month now. The vice president answers that she phoned her last week, and that she indicated that she would try her best to attend the exhibition as scheduled with others.


The vice president thanks all participants for their presence and demands that everybody in the team should make themselves fully prepared for the coming exhibition and concludes the meeting at 12:10 a.m.

Signature: Christina Brown

Date: March 9, 2009



Meeting of the Board of Directors to be held on Wednesday, April 3, 2009 at 10:15 A.M. in the The Company



1. Apologies for absence

2. Minutes of the meetings held on March 2, 2009 3. Points arising from minutes as read

4. Report by the Chairman( a copy of the report is attached to this agenda) 5. Resolution or Motion

6. Date of next meeting

7. To transact any other business that may come before the meeting ? Minutes of the monthly meeting of a board of directors

Minutes of the Board of Directors of the XYZ Company held on Wednesday, april3, 2009, at 10:15 A.M. in the company boardroom. Chairman John Brown presided.

PRESENT: Brad Schaffner (Harvard), Cathy Zeljak (George Washington), Brian Baird (H. F. Group), Diana Brooking (Washington), Adam Burling (ACRL), Jackie Byrd (Indiana), Jared Ingersoll (Columbia), Sandra Levy (Chicago), Dan Pennell (Pittsburgh), Janice Pilch (Illinois), Emily Ray (Yale), Kay Sinnema (Library of Congress), Andy Spencer (Wisconsin), David Woodruff (Getty Research Institute).

APOLOGIES: Apologies for absence were received from Rina Dollinger and Alfred Kessel.

MINUTES: The minutes of the March 2, 2009, meeting were read by the secretary and approved.

REPORT BY CHAIRMAN: The Chairman reported that he had met Mr. Nathan Rosenberg concerning XYZ’s interests in computer software development and the services Mr. Rosenberg is prepared to extend to aid XYZ in developing these interests. For the information of the Chairman, Mr. Rosenberg outlined the growth of the software industry from the time he launched ABC Software Company in 1987 until today.


Thomas Kilroy summarized his detailed discussions with Jay Jefferson, Chief Executive Officer of Hudson Audiovisual Productions ( “Hudson”) and BZN’s interests in audiovisual instructional materials. The classroom use of audiovisual instructional materials in the United States, Canada, the United Kingdom, and other countries of the European Union has been a major educational trend and has had phenomenal growth. A trend that educators in North America and Western Europe predicting is likely to continue.

Since there are many ways that Hudson can help BZN develop an international audiovisual program for use in English-speaking countries and with translation for other parts of the world, Mr. Kilroy made the following proposal, seconded by Nichols Raines, to authorize a feasibility study to cover the following:

a) The present educational audiovisual marketplace in the United States, Canada, and the United Kingdom, and

its potential for expansion. b) Present companies operating in this marketplace and their share.

c) Growth patterns of different types of audiovisual materials and their potential for continued growth and



Thomas Kilroy gave a summary of a study on the feasibility of acquiring an audiovisual instructional materials company in North America and the United Kingdom. Results indicate more investigation is needed. - To select the companies that seem to offer the best opportunities to BZN and to investigate the possibility of acquiring them.

- To inquire about the terms of sales from the owners of the companies selected by BZN and report these terms to BZN.

MOTION: Chairman Brown proposed a motion, seconded by Sharon Moretti, that an ad hoc committee of directors should be instituted to study Mr. Rosenberg’s involvement in greater detail. The board agreed to vote on this motion at the next meeting.

RESOLUTION: A resolution authorizing the company’s transfer agent to issue new shares was unanimously adopted by all members.

NEXT MEETING: It was agreed that the next meeting will be held on May 2, 2009, at 10:30 A.M., in the company boardroom.

There being no further business, the meeting closed at 11:45 A.M.

英文会议纪要范文相关 文章 :

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★ 会议纪要格式和范文

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Abstract: Death and eternity are the major themes in most of Emily Dickinson’s poems.“ Because I could not stop for death ”is one of her classic poems. Through the analysis, this essay clarifies infinite conceptions by the dialectical relationship between reality and imagination, the known and the unknown. And it tells what’s eternity in Dickson’s eyes. Keywords: death, eternity, finite, infinite Introduction Emily Dickinson(1830-1886), the American best-known female poet ,was one of the foremost authors in American literature. Emily Dickinson ’s poems, as well as Walt Whitman’s, were considered as a part of "American renaissance"; they were regarded as pioneers of imagism. Both of them rejected custom and received wisdom and experimented with poetic style. She however differs from Whitman in a variety of ways. For one thing, Whitman seems to keep his eye on society at large; Dickinson explores the inner life of the individual. Whereas Whitman is "national" in his outlook, Dickinson is "regional" Emily Dickinson was born in Amherst, Massachusetts, on December 10,1830. She lived almost her entire life in the same town (much of it in the same house), traveled infrequently, never married, and in her last years never left the grounds of her family. So she was called "vestal of Amherst". And yet despite this narrow -- some might say -- pathologically constricted-outward experience, she was an extremely intelligent, highly sensitive, and deeply passionate person who throughout her adult life wrote poems (add up to around 2000 ) that were startlingly original in both content and technique, poems that would profoundly influence several generations of American poets and that would win her a secure position as one of the greatest poets that America has ever produced. Dickinson’s simply constructed yet intensely felt, acutely intellectual writings take as their subject issues vital to humanity: the agonies and ecstasies of love, sexuality, the unfathomable nature of death, the horrors of war, God and religious belief, the importance of humor, and musings on the significance of literature, music, and art. Emily Dickinson enjoys the King James Version of the Bible, as well as authors such as English WRTERS William Shakespeare, John Milton, Charles Dickens, Elizabeth Barrett Browning, George Eliot, and Thomas Carlyle. Dickinson’s early style shows the strong influence of William Shakespeare, Barrett Browning, Scottish poet Robert Browning, and English poets John Keats and George Herbert. And Dickinson read Emerson appreciatively, who became a pervasive and, in a sense, formative influence over her. As George F. Whicher notes, "Her sole function was to test the Transcendentalist ethic in its application to the inner life". 1“death” in Emily Dickinson’s poets For as long as history has been recorded and probably for much longer, man has always been different idea of his own death. Even those of us who have accepted death graciously, have at least in some way, --- feared, dreaded, or attempted to delay its arrival. We have personified death-- as an evildoer dressed in all black, its presence swoops down upon us and chokes the life from us as though it were some street murder with malicious intent. But in reality, we know that death is not the chaotic grim reaper of fairy tales and mythology. Rather than being a cruel and unfair prankster of evil, death is an unavoidable and natural part of life itself. Death and immorality is the major theme in the largest portion of Emily Dickinson’s poetry. Her preoccupation with these subjects amounted to an obsession so that about one third of her poems dwell on them. Dickinson’s many friends died before her, and the fact that death seemed to occur often in the Amherst of the time added to her gloomy meditation. Dickinson’s is not sheer depiction of death, but an emphatic one of relations between life and death, death and love, death and eternity. Death is a must-be-crossed bridge. She did not fear it, because the arrival in another world is only through the grave and the forgiveness from God is the only way to eternity.


建议书 建议书是个人、单位和有关方面,为了开展某项工作,完成某项任务或进行某种活动而倡议大家一起做什么事情,或提出合理化的意见、建议时使用的一种文体,也叫倡议书、意见书。 建议书是应用文的一种类型。其内容很广泛,像弘扬雷锋精神,开展精神文明活动,援助贫困山区孩子读书,开展工作拥军优属活动家等,都可以写建议书。 建议书是面对群体时,虽然也带有建议,但主要是宣传、鼓动对方去做,具有一定的号召性。建议书是面对领导和有关部门时,一般是中肯地提出自己对对方工作的意见和自己的建议,没有要求对方去做的意思。不具有号召性。建议书的格式和一般书信大体相同: 1、标题 一般只写“建议书”三个字,有时为了突出建议的具体内容,可以写《关于×××的建议书》。题目要写在第一行的中间,字体要大些。 2、称呼 提出的建议希望得到哪些人的响应,称呼就写那些人。要写在第二行顶格,后面加冒号。 3、正文 就是建议的内容,从第三行空两格开始写。先写提出建议的理由,再写建议的具体内容。如果内容较多,可以分条写。 4、 署名 在右下角写出建议人的姓名,即提出建议的团体的名称或个人的名字。 5、日期 写在建议人姓名的下方。 写建议书具体应该注意以下几点: 从实际出发,实事求是 提意见、写建议要根据具体问题、实际需要和可能的条件,而不能凭空想像,不着边际地提,这样才有助于改进工作方法,开展有益活动。 说话得体,有分寸 首先,所提意见和建议应当比较准确、比较合理,并且要掌握一定的分寸。意欲晓之以理,首先动之以情,这样写,意见容易被接受,从而到达目的。其次,要使意见和建议在现实条件下行得通,不应该说过头话,也不应该提过高的要求,否则就无济于事了。 内容具体、清楚、实在 建议书的核心部分是所提建议的内容。因此,写建议书不管是分条开列,还是不列条款,都应当把建议的内容写具体、写清楚,使人一目了然。这样领导、机关、单位和个人在考虑和采纳的时候才容易落到实处。切记不要说空话、套话,不要抽象、笼统。 语言准确、精练 建议书是人们发表意见、提出建议的一种工具,因此,语言一定要准确精练,要言简义明地把具体的办法、具体的措施准确地、一目了然地写出来,而不是过多的分析和去论证。 小试锋芒 阅读下面的例文,结合建议书的格式及要求写出批注。 建议书 学校领导: 每周星期一上午8:00,全校师生都集中到学校大操场举行升旗仪式。随着那雄壮的国歌声,鲜艳的五星红旗冉冉升起,我们每位少先队员为能生活在这样的国度感到无比骄傲和自豪,这是我们接受爱国主义教育的最好时机。然而,少先队大队部选派的升、护旗手在升旗过程中动作不规范,步伐散乱的状况与整个庄严肃穆的氛围很不协调。我们认为造成这种现象的原因是被选派的升、护旗手缺乏必要的责任心和严格的训练,因而,我们向学校领导提如下建议: 一、学校政教处配合少先队大队部对升、护旗手加强纪律教育和革命传统教育; 二、聘请驻滁官兵来校,严格训练升、护旗手,从而规范他们的步伐和动作。 三、对全体少先队员进行礼仪教育和爱国主义教育,让全校少先队员懂得国旗法。 尊敬的学校领导,为了使我校的升旗仪式更加庄重、严肃,为了使所有升、护旗手的动作更加规范,请考虑一下我们的建议和请求吧! 六(4)中队全体队员 2006年4月10日 你来试试看 在生活中,你是否遇到过这些情况:周围的环境被污染,社区购物不方便,供少年儿童活动的场所太少……我们小学生,是社会的小主人,针对存在的问题,我们有责任、有义务向有关部门反映情况,提出自己的建议。 请你写一份建议书。要写清楚提的是什么建议,还要注意建议书的格式。 阅读理解 本次作文是写一份建议书。在内容上没有限制,只要是你觉得不满意地方都可以写。建议书的格式、要求对大家来说并不难,难的是到底写什么内容好呢?请你先读读下面这篇文章并完成练习。 卫生纸纸芯应当省去 我们平时使用的筒装卫生纸,里面都衬有一个硬纸板芯,用完外面的卫生纸,纸内的那个纸芯子也就变成了垃圾。 去掉那个纸芯,一点也不影响卫生纸的质量,也不影响使用。别小看了这小小的一个圆纸芯,它可是拿木材等资源换来的!以城市每户家庭月消耗15筒算,那么,全国1亿户家庭月消耗卫生纸就达15亿筒之巨,而一年的数量更是达到了180亿筒这一天文数字。再加上宾馆、单位所用,这卫生纸的消耗量是多么是多么惊人。那么,用于这二三百亿筒卫生纸的硬纸板芯又需多少木材?真是不算不知道,一算吓一跳!可遗憾的是,为此而倒下的几百万、上千万立方米的树木,仅仅只是做一点“内衬”而已,根本起不到丝毫的作用。这岂只是可惜,而是对有限的森林资源的糟蹋! 今天,环境恶化已到了威胁人类生存发展的危险关头,环境保护已是刻不容缓的头等大事。因此,我们有必要千方百计,想尽一切办法,包括从大处着眼和从小处入手来节约资源,来维护生态平衡,坚决杜绝各方面的浪费。联想到卫生纸,自然应该省去这个纸芯。当然,在生产、消费领域,由于过度包装,由于画蛇添足,可以省去的地方还有许多。我想,节省资源,简洁包装,减少浪费,应该成为新世纪的主旋律。对此,除了企业增强环保意识,自觉把自己的生产(包括包装)纳入环保的轨道之外,还期待政策法规的完善,从法律上来遏制过度的包装和浪费。 1、 本文是由生活中的什么现象引起的呢? 2、 作者用了什么方法来说明这是一种严重的浪费现象的呢? 3、 作者借此表明了自己的什么观点呢?提出了哪些意见或建议呢? 口语交际 1、看了《卫生纸芯应当省去》一文后,你一定深受启发。想一想,我们学习、生活中还存在着哪些浪费资源的现象?说说你所了解的情况(可用数字法、举例说明等方法)。 2、想一想有没有解决的办法?针对具体问题你有哪些好的意见或建议? 3、如果让你写建议书,你会写给谁或哪个相关的部门? 作前练笔 1.我准备对 提建议,我想提的建议或意见是 。 2.我提这些意见或建议的原因是 。 创作园地 把要写的内容从头到尾想一遍,看是否做到了叙述有序,理由充分,语气恰当,然后写下来。

哪有research proposal范文research proposal怎么写

Research Proposal中文可以翻译成“研究计划”或者“研究提案”,顾名思义,就是要告诉老师你的写作计划。Research Proposal是写Research Paper过程中重要的一步,是铺垫也是基础。研究计划应该表明你完全理解了topic,对于研究你有清晰合理的思路,并且你有能力完成这个研究项目。研究计划是正式研究过程的一部分,所以需要你认真对待。写作风格应该清晰,简明扼要,使用正式的学术语调去写。下文Top论文小编为大家带来Research Proposal写作6个重要步骤。

  Research Proposal写作步骤一:Title(标题)



Helicopter Parents:Are They Helping or Harming Children?


  Research Proposal写作步骤二:Abstract(摘要)


  1. 你在写关于什么的

  2. 你为什么要研究这个话题

  3. 你希望通过完成研究得出什么结论


This research project will focus on helicopter parenting.Helicopter parents are often defined as well-intentioned mothers and fathers who are overly involved in their children’s(and often their adult children’s)lives.While helicopter parents usually feel that their actions are helping their children,many researchers now question whether parents are becoming too involved.This relatively new form of parenting has come under scrutiny in recent years as society questions its effectiveness.The question this research project examines is whether such over-involvement is ultimately helpful or harmful to children.The project will include a brief overview of several common parenting styles,including permissive and authoritative parenting,and compare these parenting styles to helicopter parenting to examine both positive and negative outcomes of each parenting style.A literature review will be the primary method behind the research;however,this research project will also incorporate an original survey of approximately 20 high school and college students.The survey will include short-answer and multiple-choice questions and will provide evidence of whether teens with helicopter parents struggle in academics and whether these same individuals can make decisions on their own.

Whew!That was a lot of writing!Hang in there.We’re not done with the research proposal,yet.Keep working and writing…that piece of cake is within reach!

  Research Proposal写作步骤三:Introduction(简介)



  • 你在研究论文中遇到的问题

  • 你的研究背后的原因以及为什么你完成这项研究是很重要的

  • 你希望通过完成研究找到什么

  • 你对研究的任何预测


  Research Proposal写作步骤四:Literature Review(文献调查)

(文献调查)Literature Review正如字面意思:你需要去调查文献。

在文献调查时,你需要找到主题相关的可靠信息来源并为你research paper的主要观点找到可靠的专家依据。


  Research Proposal写作步骤五:Methods and Results(方法和结果)






  Research Proposal写作步骤六:Discussion(讨论)



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两篇英文proposal。网址http://www.writing.eng.vt.edu/workbooks/proposal.samples.htmlA Proposal to Research the Storage Facilityfor Spent Nuclear Fuel at Yucca MountainRoger BloomOctober 1997Introduction Nuclear power plants produce more than 20 percent of the electricity used in the United States . Because of the build-up of this waste, some power plants will be forced to shut down. To avoid losing an important source of energy, a safe and economical place to keep this waste is necessary. This document proposes a literature review of whether Yucca Mountain is a suitable site for a nuclear waste repository. The proposed review will discuss the economical and environmental aspects of a national storage facility. This proposal includes my methods for gathering information, a schedule for completing the review, and my qualifications.Statement of Problem On January 1, 1998, the Department of Energy (DOE) must accept spent nuclear fuel from commercial plants for permanent storage . However, the DOE is undecided on where to put this high level radioactive waste. Yucca Mountain, located in Nevada, is a proposed site. There are many questions regarding the safety of the Yucca Mountain waste repository. Researchers at Los Alamos National Laboratory disagree over the long-term safety of the proposed high level nuclear waste site located in Nevada. In 1994, Charles Bowman, a researcher at Los Alamos, developed a theory claiming that years of storing waste in the mountain may actually start a nuclear chain reaction and explode, similar to an atomic bomb . The stir caused by theory suggests that researchers have not explored all sides of the safety issue concerning potentially hazardous situations at Yucca Mountain. Bowman’s theory that Yucca Mountain could explode is based upon the idea that enough waste will eventually disperse through the rock to create a critical mass. A critical mass is an amount of fissile material, such as plutonium, containing enough mass to start a neutron chain reaction . A chain reaction formed underground could then generate huge amounts of energy in a fraction of a second, resulting in a nuclear blast. A nuclear explosion of this magnitude would emit large amounts of radioactivity into the air and ground water. Another safety concern is the possibility of a volcanic eruption in Yucca Mountain. The long-term nuclear waste storage facility needs to remain stable for at least 10,000 years to allow the radioactive isotopes to decay to natural levels . The proximity of Yucca Mountain to these volcanoes makes it possible to have a volcanic eruption pass through the spent fuel waste repository. Such a volcanic eruption could release damaging amounts of radioactivity to the environment.Objectives I propose to review the available literature about using Yucca Mountain as a possible repository for spent nuclear fuel. In this review I will achieve the following two goals: (1) explain the criteria for a suitable repository of high-level radioactive waste; and (2) determine whether Yucca Mountain meets these criteria. According to the Department of Energy (DOE), a repository for high-level radioactive waste must meet several criteria including safety, location, and economics . For that reason, much pressure exists to select Yucca Mountain as a repository site; otherwise, this money would have been wasted. Other costs, though, have to be considered. For instance, how economical is it to transport radioactive waste across several states to a single national site? I will try to account for as many of these other costs as possible. After explaining the criteria, I will assess how well Yucca Mountain meets those criteria. In this assessment, I will not assign a numerical score for each criterion. Rather, I will discuss qualitatively how well Yucca Mountain meets each criterion. In some situations, disagreement exists among experts as to how well Yucca Mountain meets a criterion. In such cases, I will present both sides. In this assessment, only Yucca Mountain will be considered as a possible site. Although many sites in the United States could meet the DOE’s established criteria, I will consider only Yucca Mountain because the DOE is considering only Yucca Mountain .Plan of Action This section presents my plan for obtaining the objectives discussed in the previous section. There has been an increase of interest in the nuclear industry concerning the Yucca Mountain site because of the January 1,1998, deadline for the DOE. Several journal articles and papers discussing the possibility of Yucca Mountain as a spent fuel repository in our near future have surfaced as a consequence of that interest. These articles and books about the dangers of nuclear waste should provide sufficient information for me to complete my review. The following two paragraphs will discuss how I will use these sources in my research. The first goal of my research is to explain the criteria for determining whether a nuclear waste repository is suitable. For example, will the rock structure be able to withstand human invasion in the future . A second goal of my literature review is to evaluate Yucca Mountain meets those criteria. I will base my evaluation on the sources mentioned above as well as specific Environmental Protection Agency standards. I also intend to research the validity of possible environmental disasters, such as the explosion theory. To accomplish this goal, I will rely on the paper presented by Clark . Because engineering students are the primary audience for my proposed research topic and may not be familiar with the history of nuclear waste, I will provide a background on past methods used for waste storage. People in the nuclear field with some knowledge of the waste problem facing the industry may be a secondary audience.Management Plan This section presents my schedule, costs, and qualifications for completing the proposed research. This research culminates in a formal report, which will be completed by December 5, 1997. To reach this goal, I will follow the schedule presented in Figure 1. Since I already possess literature on the subject of Yucca Mountain as a nuclear waste site, most of my time will be spent sorting through the literature to find key results, and presenting those results to the audience. Figure 1. Schedule for completion of the literature review. The formal presentation will be on October 27, and the formal report will be completed by December 5. Given that all my sources are available through the University of Wisconsin library system, there is no appreciable cost associated with performing this review, unless one takes into consideration the amount of tuition spent on maintaining the university libraries. The only other minor costs are photocopying articles, creating transparencies for my presentation, printing my report, and binding my report. I estimate these expenses will not exceed $20. I am a senior in the Engineering Physics Department at the University of Wisconsin at Madison, majoring in nuclear engineering and physics. I have taken several classes related to nuclear waste, economics, and environmental studies. I believe that these courses will aid me in preparing the proposed review. For further information about my qualifications, see the attached resume.Conclusion More than 30,000 metric tons of nuclear waste have arisen from U.S. commercial reactors as well as high level nuclear weapons waste, such as uranium and plutonium . This document has proposed research to evaluate the possibility of using Yucca Mountain as a possible repository for this spent nuclear fuel. The proposed research will achieve the following goals: (1) explain the criteria necessary to make a suitable high level radioactive waste repository, and (2) determine if Yucca Mountain meets these criteria. The research will include a formal presentation on November 11 and a formal report on December 5.References Clark, Raymond L., "Background on 40 CFR Part 197 Environmental Radiation Protection Standards for Yucca Mountain," Proceedings of the 1997 Waste Management Conference (Washington, D.C.: U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, 1997). Kerr, R., "New Way to Ask the Experts: Rating Radioactive Waste Risks," Science, vol.274, (November1996), pp. 913-914. Murray, Raymond L., Understanding Nuclear Waste (Battelle Press, 1989). Roush, W., "Can Nuclear Waste Keep Yucca Mountain Dry-and Safe?" Science, vol. 270, (December 1995), pp. 1761-1762. Taubes, G., "Blowup at Yucca Mountain," Science, vol.268, (June 1995), pp. 1836-1839.

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