
university of delaware 特拉华州

university of delaware(University of Delaware大学好嘛是位于特拉华州纽华克市嘛生活怎么样我打算去读他的MBA研究生)

admin admin 发表于2024-05-04 20:26:01 浏览62 评论0


大家好,university of delaware相信很多的网友都不是很明白,包括University of Delaware大学好嘛是位于特拉华州纽华克市嘛生活怎么样我打算去读他的MBA研究生也是一样,不过没有关系,接下来就来为大家分享关于university of delaware和University of Delaware大学好嘛是位于特拉华州纽华克市嘛生活怎么样我打算去读他的MBA研究生的一些知识点,大家可以关注收藏,免得下次来找不到哦,下面我们开始吧!


University of Delaware大学好嘛是位于特拉华州纽华克市嘛生活怎么样我打算去读他的MBA研究生

可以加入这个学校《UD》的QQ群501811学校比较贵。附近有Willmington Unversity, Goldey Become College, Delaware Technical Community College这些都是国家认证的,当然UD也是被认证的。关键把,UD比较贵,还要读语言,语言中心中国人比较多。而且如果一个级别连续不过3次,就被赶走了。如果有托福成绩最好。不用经过语言就还不错。学费现在基本上在1万四,不包含食宿

University of Delaware在哪 有知道的么

The University of Delaware (UD) is the largest university in the U.S. state of Delaware. The main campus is located in Newark, with satellite campuses in Dover, Wilmington, Lewes and Georgetown. Although UD receives public funding for being a land-grant, sea-grant, space-grant and urban-grant state-supported research institution, it is also privately chartered. At present, the school’s endowment is valued at about $1.3975 billion US. The University of Delaware is ranked 71st by US News in the category of nationwide "Top Schools." In 2008, UD was ranked No. 20 in the in-state category of Kiplinger’s Personal Finance magazine’s list of the 100 Best Values in Public Colleges.The school from which the university grew was founded in 1743, making it one of the oldest in the nation. However, the University of Delaware was not chartered as an institution of higher learning until 1833. Its original class of 10 students included George Read, Thomas McKean, and James Smith, all three of whom would go on to sign the Declaration of Independence.The school has, among others, engineering, science, business, education, urban affairs and public policy, public administration and agriculture programs, as well as programs in history, chemical engineering, chemistry and biochemistry, drawing as it does from the historically strong presence of the nation’s chemical and pharmaceutical industries in the state of Delaware. In 2006, UD’s engineering program was ranked number 10 in the nation by The Princeton Review. It is one of only four schools in North America with a major in art conservation.

99分的托福,可以申请university of delaware 么想申PHD,工科的,谢谢!

  • 成绩没什么问题,可以申请,但最好过百吧,成功率高些,在学校的网站上会有明确的要求。口语的成绩跟你想象的差距很大吗?复议这个说不好,口语的主观性又很强。有可能给高点,有可能更低,谨慎为好。

  • 工科相对英语的要求较低一些。不过还是要看你是工科哪科。100以上会稳当些,这些年英语高分多。 当然我想你申PHD,英语一定不是最主要的因素。还是要能拿出吸引人的research proposal!建议你多加强这方面,美国的学校,尤其是好学校,一定要出成绩的。如果你只是为读而读,那教授不一定会收你。尤其是要给钱的PHD

University of Delaware大学好嘛是位于特拉华州纽华克市嘛生活怎么样我打算去读他的MBA研究生的介绍就聊到这里吧,感谢你花时间阅读本站内容,更多关于University of Delaware大学好嘛是位于特拉华州纽华克市嘛生活怎么样我打算去读他的MBA研究生、University of Delaware大学好嘛是位于特拉华州纽华克市嘛生活怎么样我打算去读他的MBA研究生的信息别忘了在本站进行查找哦。