
account co count


admin admin 发表于2023-12-19 08:22:06 浏览46 评论0





accountn.账,账目; 存款; 记述,报告; 理由; vi.解释; 导致; 报账; vt.认为; 把…视作; 第三人称单数:accounts过去分词:accounted复数:accounts现在进行时:accounting过去式:accounted例句:1.Could you tell me my account balance? 你能告诉我账户余额吗?祝你英语学习成功!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~如有疑问请继续追问,望采纳,谢谢,您的采纳是我的力量!



过去式:accounted,过去分词:accounted, 现在分词:accounting,  复数形式:accounts。

account 相关词组

1、on ones own account : 为自身利益, 靠自己。

2、of no account : 不重要的。

3、 not on any account : 决不。

4、on this account : 由于这个原因, 因此。

5、on account of : 由于, 因为。


Can I put it on my account.


Your account is long overdue.


The last remaining administration account cannot be disabled or deleted.





Can I draw $80 out of my account?


I paid the cheque into my savings account.


$50 000 has been credited to your account.



account美 英 n.账户;说明;账号;叙述v.认为是;视为网络帐户;帐号;帐目复数:accounts 过去分词:accounted 现在分词:accounting 搭配同义词v.+n.open account,give account,close account,settle account,keep accountadj.+n.current account,brief account,full account,accurate account,general account权威英汉双解网络释义account显示所有例句n.银行at bank1. 账户an arrangement that sb has with a bank, etc. to keep money there, take some out, etc.商业记录business records2.账目a written record of money that is owed to a business and of money that has been paid by it商店with shop/store3.赊销账;赊欠账;赊购an arrangement with a shop/store or business to pay bills for goods or services at a later time, for example in regular amounts every month老主顾regular customer4.老主顾a regular customer计算机技术computing5.(互联网、电子邮件等的)账户,账号an arrangement that sb has with a company that allows them to use the Internet, send and receive messages by email, etc.描述description6.描述;叙述;报告a written or spoken description of sth that has happened7.(对思想、理论、过程的)解释,说明,叙述an explanation or a description of an idea, a theory or a processIDMby/from all accounts据说;根据报道according to what other people sayby your own account根据某人自己所说according to what you say yourselfgive a good/poor account of yourself(尤指比赛中)表现好╱不好,干得出色╱差劲to do sth or perform well or badly, especially in a contestof no/little account不重要;无足轻重not importanton account挂账;(先付小部分款额的)赊账if you buy sth or payon account , you pay nothing or only a small amount immediately and the rest lateron sbs account为了某人的缘故because of what you think sb wantson account of sb/sth由于;因为because of sb/sthon no account|not on any account决不;绝对不not for any reasonon your own account为自己for yourself自愿地because you want to and you have decided, not sb elseon this/that account由于这个╱那个缘故because of the particular thing that has been mentionedput/turn sth to good account善用;利用to use sth in a good or helpful waytake account of sth|take sth into account考虑到;顾及to consider particular facts, circumstances, etc. when making a decision about sthv.例句释义:全部,账户,说明,账号,叙述,认为是,视为,帐户,帐号,帐目更多例句筛选1.They dare not break the sad news to her on account of her illness.他们不敢向她透露恶耗,因为她在生病。2.He asked me for a full account of myself and family.他详尽地问起我自己和我家里情况。3.He had never looked down on Mr. Harding on account of his recent poverty.他从来没有因为哈定先生新近的贫困而看不起他。4.The children gave a confused account of what had happened.孩子们把发生的事叙述得颠三倒四。5.On this account he might, in certain lights, have been regarded as one of themost fortunate of his order.由于这个原因,从某些方面来看,他也许会被认为是他的同类中最幸运的人。6.I shall give you a true account of what I have received in all, and how I havedisposed of it.我一定要把我一共收了多少,以及我怎么处理它,开一份可靠的帐目给你。7.We have no contemporary account of the battle.我们没有当时人们对这一战役的记载。8.I tell you, I regret it on account of others, but I am satisfied on my ownaccount.我告诉你吧,我只是为别人可惜,而为我自己打算却是满足的。9.Her mind is totally alienated, which, according to her mother’s account, issometimes the consequence of an confinement.她神志恍惚,据她母亲说,这是一次坐月子以后得的病。10.I believe that our contemporary pragmatists, especially Messrs. Schiller andDewey, have given the only tenable account of this subject.我相信当代的实用主义者,特别是席勒和杜威两位先生,对于这个问题已经给了我们唯一有条理的解释。


account n. 帐目,报告,估计v. 叙述,解释n. 利益,好处 . 展开《21世纪大英汉词典》. 折叠《21世纪大英汉词典》account vt.1. 以为,认为,把…看做,把…视作:例句: He was accounted a merciful man.他被人看做是一位仁者。I account myself well paid.我认为自己得到优厚报酬。(或:我认为给我的报酬相当好。)2. 钻研;分析;探究;考虑:例句: This report will be accounted by the committee.委员会将研究这份报告。3. 把…归因于,把…归咎于(to);把…转嫁于(to):例句: She has many virtues accounted to her.许多美德集于她一身。vi.1. (向某人)说明钱的用途,(向某人)提供(钱的)开支情况,报账(for):例句: He could not account for the missing funds.他无法说清那些钱怎么不见了。2. 说明原因(或理由),提出理由;是…的原因;做出说明(或解释),解释(for):例句: How do you account for the accident?你怎么解释那场事故?3. 为…负责;导致,引起(与for连用):例句: His reckless driving accounted for the accident.他开车鲁莽,引起了这场事故。4. 报偿;赎罪;受罚(for):例句: He will account for his crime.他会赎罪的。5. (在数量、比例方面)占;共计达:例句: It accounts for 25 per cent of all traffic accidents.它占所有交通事故的25%。6. 捕获;杀死,打死,射死,干掉,消灭;击落;俘获(与for连用):例句: Our battery accounted for three enemy planes.我们炮兵连击落了三架敌机。7. 【体育】(在比赛中)击败;击出场(for)n.1. (关于特定事务或事件的口头或笔头的)描述,描写;叙述,记述;报道;记事;故事2. 报告;(尤指对上级的关于自己行为的)陈述,交代3. (对某一事件的起因、理由等所作的)解释,说明;考虑,深思熟虑计算;运算短语1. according to all accounts=by all accounts2. account of=on account of3. at all accounts=on all accounts4. balance accounts with someone与某人结清账目,算账5. bring to accounta. 要求…就自己的行为作出解释(或说明、澄清)b. 质问,责问,责骂,斥责,谴责(= call to account)6. by (或from)all accounts根据各种流传的说法,据各方面所说,据大家所说,人人都这样说;根据报界的报道;一致看法,一致认为7. by one’s own account据某人自己说8. call to accounta. 要求…就自己的行为作出解释(或说明、澄清),让作解释(为什么做错事)b. 质问,责问;斥责,谴责;要求…承担责任;惩罚9. cast accountsa. 算账b. 计算,运算10. cast up one’s accountsa. b. 呕吐c. 提供证词告发同犯11. charge(或put down)something to somebody’s account把…记入某人账内12. close an account(或one’s accounts)与…结清账目,与…结束账户13. cook(或doctor) the accounts21. give a bad account of oneselfa. 干得很糟糕,显得差劲b. (在体育比赛中)表现拙劣(或不佳)22. give a good account of oneselfa. 充分证明自己有理b. 表现良好;给人好印象(或好感);干得出色c. (在体育比赛中)表现出色,大显身手23. give (或render) an account of报告;叙述;说明,解释(理由)24. give an account of oneselfa. 使(自己)做出某种表现b. 充分证明自己有理25. give a poor account of oneselfa. 干得差劲,表现不好b. (在体育比赛中)表现拙劣(或不佳)26. go(或gone,be called,sent) to one’s (或last或long) account要跟…算账;与…有不愉快的事要解决,与…有争执要解决29. hold to account使承担责任30. in account with与…有账务来往31. keep account of计较32. keep accounts记账33. keep an account of记载,记录,把…记下来34. lay one’s account with(或on, for)把…计算在内;指望,期望,期待;考虑到35. leave out of account对…不予考虑,没考虑到,置之度外,不要计较36. make account of重视37. make much(或little, no) account of对…十分(或不大,完全不)重视38. no accounta. b. 无关紧要的;没有价值的;不可取的,不可靠的c. 没有社会地位的人,普通人39. not hold of much account认为没多少价值,不甚重视40. not on any account决不可以,切莫,绝不要,无论如何不要(=on no account)41. of … account有…重要性42. of little account不大重要43. of much(或 great) account很重要的;很有价值的;很有意义的;很有威望的44. of no account没有价值的;无意义的;无足轻重的,不重要的45. of small account不大重要的;没有多大价值的46. on accounta. 作为部分账款;预付b. 以分期付款方式,以赊账方式,赊账c. 无论如何,不管怎样,不管怎么说50. on every account=on all accounts51. on my (或 your, etc.) account为了我(或你等)的缘故52. on no account绝对不,决不可以,绝不要,无论如何不要,切莫53. on one’s own accounta. 为自身利益b. 独立地;靠自己的力量c. 在自己承担风险的情况下,自担风险地54. on(或for)somebody’s account为了某人的利益;为某人的缘故55. on this (或that) account由于这个(或那个)缘故56. open an account with在…开一个账户57. put something down(或add)to one’s account让记在自己的账上(暂欠不付)58. put to(good) account=turn to (good) account59. render(或send in) an account开送账单;报账60. run up an accounta. 赊欠,挂账b. 负债c. 登账61. settle(或balance, square) accounts with somebodya. 与某人结清账目b. 勤结账,交情长。63. square accounts with somebody=settle accounts with somebody64. take account ofa. 注意到,留心b. 考虑到;体谅;估及,顾及;重视;为…留有余地65. take an account of把…列表;把…登账66. take into account把…考虑进去,考虑到;体谅;估及,顾及;重视67. take no account of对…不予注意(或重视、考虑)68. the great account【宗教】最后审判日69. to account作为部分账款;预付70. turn(或put)to (good) account加以利用;从中获利,从中得益



n. 账户;解释;账目,账单;理由;描述

vi. 解释;导致;报账

vt. 认为;把…视为





account for 说明 ; 解释 ; 占 ; 报账

account sales 销货账 ;  售货清单

current account经常项目 ; 现金账户 ; 经常收支 ; 经常账






vt. 想;认为;想起;想像;打算

vi. 想;认为

n. 想;想法

adj. 思想的


think tank 智库 ; 智囊团 ; 思想库

think of 认为 ; 想到

think about 考虑 ; 思考 ; 思索 ; 看法


accountant 英  



He began his professional life as an accountant, the very model of respectability and conservatism. 


She has an appointment with her accountant.


At this point, the accountant did a runner — with all my bank statements, expenses and receipts. 


Winemaking and accountants don’t usually go together, but Thierry Hasard is an exception that proves the rule. 


Accountants Touche Ross say that there were 45 receiverships among hotels and caterers.


accountant 英 n.会计人员,会计师 名词复数:accountants Do you want me to invite your accountant to this meeting? 你想让我把你的会计师也邀请到会议里么?


accountant 英 n. 会计人员,会计师; 会计人员; 会计员,会计师; 会计员; The traditional further education of accounting has many problems, and it can not meet the need of accountant training.传统会计继续教育存在诸多问题,已不能满足会计人员的培训需求。 复数:accountants 形近词: accounting


accountant 英 n. 会计人员,会计师 名词复数:accountants 1.Do you want me to invite your accountant to this meeting? 你想让我把你的会计师也邀请到会议里么?2.Most important, a good accountant will help with tax planning. 更重要的是,一个好的会计师将帮助你规划纳税计划。3.Your accountant should help you set up these systems. 你的会计应该帮你制定这些制度。4.I was their part-time accountant. 我是他们的兼职会计。5.You probably have a lawyer and an accountant. 你还多半雇了一个律师和一个会计。

