
加拿大签证体检 加拿大


admin admin 发表于2023-11-20 04:13:43 浏览45 评论0









  • 所有人都需要进行全身体格检查;

    2. 5岁以上要做尿液化验;3. 11岁以上要做胸部X光片检查;4. 15岁以上要做抽血化验;

  • 另外加拿大移民体检是以家庭为单位进行的。主申请人及其被抚养人(配偶和子女)都必须参加体检。即使某些家属成员目前并不申请去加拿大也要参加体检。在一定的期限内,有时一家人也可以在不同时间、不同地点单独进行。通常,一个家庭中如果有任何一个人不能通过体检,全家人的申请将被拒绝。在一些非常特殊的情况下,体检未完全达到标准,也可能获得签证,但这不可类推。加拿大移民专家表示,加拿大移民体检非常重要,有很多人就是因为体检不过关而被拒之门外,所以申请者必须要加以重视。





  1. 所有人都需要进行全身体格检查;

    2. 5岁以上要做尿液化验;3. 11岁以上要做胸部X光片检查;4. 15岁以上要做抽血化验;



现在每年去加拿大旅游、留学和移民都比较多,无论女子方式都离不开签证,那么办加拿大探亲签证需要体检吗?下面和聚培训网一起来看看办加拿大签证体检哪些疾病会被拒签。欢迎阅读。申请加拿大探亲签证需要体检吗?一般情况下加拿大探亲签证不需要体检,只有部分退休老人才需要体检。退休老人体检情况:65岁以下抽检,65岁以上都要提供体检报告。有这些疾病可能会被拒签:- 对公共卫生或安全造成威胁; 或会过度加大加拿大政府在健康或福利事业上的投入。- 这些疾病包括(但不局限于)艾滋病,严重的肾病,严重的心脏病,高危的传染病等。加拿大政府没有明确的列举这些疾病,裁决权在移民官。乙肝携带不影响申请。体检时的注意事项:A、在去体检前,要先打电话预约,体检中心的工作人员会告诉你具体时间,要求。B、多喝水,这样对尿检,和血检都有好处。有些好一些的体检中心,如果发现指标偏高,会让当时再喝些水,过几个小时重检一次。C、体检前几天的饮食要尽量清淡和少盐少糖,禁酒。尽力降低一些可能造成体检指标异常的危险因素。D、保证睡眠,避免父母因为紧张睡不好觉,而导致的血压升高等临时性的症状。E、如果父母平时就有高血压,可以适当的用一些降压药,保持血压的平稳。 (建议父母体检时带上平时吃的药)。F、如果有既往病史,最好把近几年的体检报告一起带上,这样便于医生对比,尤其是一些老病灶,如果以前的片子和现在没有差别,会对医生的判断有所帮助。G、父母最好熟悉去体检中心的路线,以免交通拥挤,时间拖延而导致父母精神紧张。


您好,我刚预约好预体检。1, 体检一年有效。2,带护照原件,身份证,护照复印件,护照标准的照片5张,体检费14503,预体检出来会给你一份副本,你可以马上拿着副本去办理递签,不用等。体检原件会由体检中心直接给使馆。我就是准备体检,递签一天完成。希望能帮到你,祝你1000成功~!


准确的说、权威的说、官方的说!~主要是针对旅游、学生及其工作签证适用。@对于不超过六个月的旅游和学生签证,不需要体检;@ 对于不超过六个月的工作签证,看工作类型: ×工作需要跟人群密切接触的,象是健康领域,中小学教师,幼师,家政,护理等行业需要体检 × 其他的则不需要@对于超过六个月的各类签证,如果申请人在某些特定国家和地区居住超过六个月则需要体检; 中国位居其中,因此需要。详见附表:Designated Country/Territory List@体检需要到指定医师处执行--------------------------------------------------------------------Medical examination requirements for visitors (tourists, students and temporary foreign workers)TOURISTSDuration of Visit to CanadaLess than six months:Generally, no medical examination is required.Greater than six months:A medical examination is required if an applicant has resided or sojourned for six or more consecutive months in a designated country/territory in the one year immediately preceding the date of seeking entry to Canada. Please see the Designated Country/Territory List to determine if a country/territory is designated. A country/territory is designated if there is a “YES” in the column entitled “Designated” in the Designated Country/Territory List.Authorized DoctorsYour own doctor cannot do the medical examination. You must see a physician on Canada’s list of Designated Medical Practitioners.-----------------------------------------------------------------------STUDENTSDuration of Visit to CanadaLess than six months:Generally, no medical examination is required.Greater than six months:A medical examination is required if an applicant has resided or sojourned for six or more consecutive months in a designated country/territory in the one year immediately preceding the date of seeking entry to Canada. Please see the Designated Country/Territory List to determine if a country/territory is designated. A country/territory is designated if there is a “YES” in the column entitled “Designated” in the Designated Country/Territory List.Authorized DoctorsYour own doctor cannot do the medical examination. You must see a physician on Canada’s list of Designated Medical Practitioners.----------------------------------------------------------------------TEMPORARY FOREIGN WORKERSDuration of Visit to CanadaLess than six months:Generally, no medical examination is required. However, a medical examination is required if an applicant is to work in an occupation in which protection of public health is essential. Please see Occupational Basis for Medical Examination of Temporary Foreign Workers for more information.Greater than six months:A medical examination is required if an applicant has resided or sojourned for six or more consecutive months in a designated country/territory in the one year immediately preceding the date of seeking entry to Canada or an applicant is to work in an occupation in which protection of public health is essential (see point below). Please see the Designated Country/Territory List to determine if a country/territory is designated. A country/territory is designated if there is a “YES” in the column entitled “Designated” in the Designated Country/Territory List.A medical examination is required if an applicant is to work in an occupation in which protection of public health is essential. Please see Occupational Basis for Medical Examination of Temporary Foreign Workers for more information.Authorized DoctorsYour own doctor cannot do the medical examination. You must see a physician on Canada’s list of Designated Medical Practitioners.NOTE:If you are uncertain about whether you require an immigration medical examination, you can contact the Canadian visa office where you are making an application, for clarification.If you do require a medical examination, the visa office will provide you with instructions and a form with your assigned file number before you see a designated medical practitioner.----------------------------------------------------------------------OCCUPATIONAL BASIS FOR MEDICAL EXAMINATION OF TEMPORARYFOREIGN WORKERSDepending on their intended occupation while in Canada, certain temporary foreign workers are required to undergo medical examination regardless of their intended duration of stay. The following list provides examples of such occupations. This list is not all-inclusive. Should you have any questions about whether a medical examination is required, please contact the visa/immigration office where you are making, or have made, your application.Occupations which bring the incumbent into close contact (more than three hours per day and/or risk of exchange of body fluids) with people, namely:workers in the health sciences field, including staff and employees, clinical laboratory workers, patient attendants in nursing and geriatric homes, medical students admitted to Canada to attend university, medical electives and physicians on short-term locums;teachers of primary or secondary schools or other teachers of small children;domestics;workers who give in home care to children, the elderly and the disabled; andday nursery employees.Agricultural workers from designated countries/territories. A country/territory is designated if there is a “YES” in the column entitled “Designated” in the Designated Country/Territory List.Authorized DoctorsYour own doctor cannot do the medical examination. You must see a physician on Canada’s list of Designated Medical Practitioners.MORE INFORMATION FYI:(一)体检内容及注意事项 1、体检项目:1)验血(主要查艾滋病和梅毒,不查乙肝) 2)验尿 (常规) 3)胸部及内科检查 4)体格检查(身高、体重、视力、听力、血压、膝跳反射等) 2、注意事项: 1)太傻建议体检安排在上午。 2)体检前不能吃早饭。 3)体检前喝1000ML的水,因为需要取尿样。 4)女生经期不能体检。 3、体检时需要携带的资料 1)使馆邮寄给你的体检表; 2)身份证; 3)三张2寸照片,建议为白色背景; 4、体检费用:1450人民币 加拿大移民局制定的中国大陆的42体检地点名单。通常情况下你需要去体检表上制定的医院去体检。 (二)加拿大制定体检地点名单 Mun.Cities



法律依据:《中华人民共和国护照法》 第八条 外交官员、领事官员及其随行配偶、未成年子女和外交信使持用外交护照。在中华人民共和国驻外使馆、领馆或者联合国、联合国专门机构以及其他政府间国际组织中工作的中国政府派出的职员及其随行配偶、未成年子女持用公务护照。前两款规定之外的公民出国执行公务的,由其工作单位依照本法第四条第二款、第三款的规定向外交部门提出申请,由外交部门根据需要签发外交护照或者公务护照。

