
华盛顿大学西雅图分校本科国际生学术卓越奖学金 知乎 华盛顿大学 华盛顿大学研究生

华盛顿大学西雅图分校本科国际生学术卓越奖学金 知乎(华盛顿大学研究生奖学金情况)

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各位老铁们,大家好,今天由我来为大家分享华盛顿大学西雅图分校本科国际生学术卓越奖学金 知乎,以及华盛顿大学研究生奖学金情况的相关问题知识,希望对大家有所帮助。如果可以帮助到大家,还望关注收藏下本站,您的支持是我们最大的动力,谢谢大家了哈,下面我们开始吧!



一、奖学金  华盛顿大学的奖学金有两种:荣誉成就奖学金、国际学生奖学金资助。  荣誉成就奖学金(HonorsAchievementAward)  荣誉成就奖学金颁发的对象是大一新生,主要依据学生的学术成就,领导力等等。  奖学金数额:10000-20000美元。  国际学生奖学金资助  申请的国际学生GPA对应的奖学金数额为3.50-3.79(2100美元)、3.80-3.89(2700美元)、3.90-4.00(3800美元);对于转学分国际学生GPA3.5分以上有2400美元的奖学金


圣路易斯华盛顿大学本科奖学金设置创业学者奖励计划约翰·B·欧文学者奖励计划安妮卡·罗德里格斯学者奖励计划艺术与科学学院奖学金康普顿奖学金计划Mylonas奖学金计划佛罗伦萨穆格奖学金计划阿诺德·连战奖学金计划李斯特 - 迪克曼奖学金计划斯蒂芬福塞特奖学金计划霍华德写作奖学金建筑学院奖学金詹姆斯·菲茨吉本奖学金艺术学院奖学金康威奖学金奥林商学院奖学金商业院长奖学金工程与应用科学学院奖学金亚历山大奖学金麦凯尔维本科生研究奖艺术、科学、工程奖学金暑期学者研究计划其他奖学金丹福思学者奖励计划企业学者计划华盛顿大学波音第一奖学金Stamps Leadership奖学金陆军和空军奖学金


FundingAdequate funding can be an important determinant of a student’s success in graduate school, therefore SAFS requires funding packages for all incoming graduate students. These can include fellowships, research or teaching assistantships, employer support, or other forms of aid (e.g., governmental sponsorship). You do not need to have a funding package secured before submitting your application for admission. Funding is determined prior to an admission offer being made, depending upon faculty grants, external fellowship awards, or other factors. Please note that the faculty member who sponsors admission will assemble a funding package that includes any research and teaching assistantships, if you have no eligible external funding (e.g., fellowships, employer support, etc.). Applicants to SAFS cannot apply to research or teaching assistantships prior to admission, but they can apply directly for external fellowships (e.g., NSF). Funding packages typically provide a monthly stipend for living expenses, health insurance, and payment for most tuition costs. Student loans, personal funds/savings, or other forms of “self-funding” are not factored into funding considerations for admissions purposes in the SAFS graduate program. Students can use personal funds and student loans after being admitted. However, primary funding for admissions purposes must come from eligible sources (e.g., research or teaching assistantships, fellowships, employer support, etc.) for at least six to eight quarters of guaranteed support.The majority of SAFS graduate students are funded by half-time (50%) research assistantships (RA-ships) paid from faculty research grants. An advisor can also fund students using half-time (50%) teaching assistantships (TA-ships) for courses they teach, but this is usually in conjunction with RA-ships for quarters in which TA-ships are not available. For example, a graduate student might TA for 2 quarters and then be funded as an RA for 6 quarters.A limited number of SAFS fellowships for outstanding entering students are available and normally are awarded in the form of up to eight quarters of fellowship support equivalent to a 50% research assistantship. All applicants are automatically evaluated for SAFS fellowships by the Recruitment, Admissions, and Scholarship Committee (RASC), but only top applicants in the overall pool are eligible (usually around the 90th percentile).No additional application materials are needed to be considered for fellowship or assistantship funding within SAFS. RASC reviews all regular application materials for fellowship eligibility, and faculty advisors automatically consider applicants for any available teaching assistantships and grant-funded research assistantships, before sponsoring an applicant’s admission.The salary and benefits for research and teaching assistantships are outlined below for the 2008–09 academic year. Depending upon various factors, salaries may increase on an annual basis (normally 3–5%).Monthly salary/stipend for incoming master’s students: $1,664/mo. Monthly salary/stipend for incoming doctoral students: $1,781/mo. Graduate Appointee Insurance Program (GAIP) (i.e., health insurance) premiums are paid by the UW in full for students who hold an eligible research or teaching assistantship or fellowship, as detailed on the GAIP website. The University also pays a portion of insurance premiums for the student’s eligible spouse or same sex domestic partner and dependent children. A tuition waiver pays for the Operating Fee, Technology Fee, and Non-resident portions of tuition, which constitute most of the overall tuition cost. The out-of-pocket tuition costs for all SAFS students (resident, non-resident, and international) who hold research and teaching assistantships in 2009–10 is $250 per quarter. This amount increases each year in conjunction with tuition related fees; the current tuition rates are posted online and are usually updated each August. SAFS falls into the Graduate Tuition Tier I category. The UW Financial Aid Office publishes a cost of attendance estimate for the nine-month academic year. Please keep in mind that out-of-state (i.e., non-resident) tuition is waived each quarter a student holds an eligible research, teaching assistantship, or fellowship.Also, some students may receive financial support from their agency (i.e., employer) or they may be international students with scholarships from their home countries. In these cases, applicable external funding is normally used before any internal SAFS funding.The UW Graduate School provides additional information about fellowships and assistantships and other funding opportunities, including external awards. Grants.gov is a resource for Federal funding opportunities. Students are strongly encouraged to apply for non-SAFS grants, fellowships, and scholarships before and during their time at SAFS because external funding may increase their chance of securing a faculty sponsor for admission to SAFS by satisfying our funding requirement, and it often creates some flexibility in their research when funding is not tied to their advisor’s research grant(s).

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