
communication造句 co

communication造句(有have a communication with吗)

admin admin 发表于2023-11-29 09:51:58 浏览51 评论0


大家好,今天小编来为大家解答以下的问题,关于communication造句,有have a communication with吗这个很多人还不知道,现在让我们一起来看看吧!


有have a communication with吗

有的。have communication with sb是与某人沟通,与某人交流的意思。

例如:I hardly ever have communication with many students or teachers.








你好,很高兴在这里回答你的问题: . You can have a good comunication with him if you have and different opinion. 跟读哪天你我熟了之后,说不定你可以给个很好的概括。danci.911cha.com2.In comparison with the Americans, the humble comunication style is favorable for the Chinese. 跟读和美国人相比,中国人更喜欢谦逊的交流风格。edu.sina.com.cn

造句:communication,signal,movement,peg,commander,stand,stay up,independent,fall,bowl

This communication is confidentialHe signaled a message to his brotherThis is beautiful movementHe has not a peg to hang onAll the commanders gathered at the headquartersThe house stands on a hillI want to stay up tonight and watch the late showHe is economically independentThe leaves begin to fall when autumn comesThe bowl was broken


The tourism here developed very fast.How did the accident come about?She sat there without movement.The scientist was worried about global warming very well.We do a lot of trade with that company.The computer has become a important tool of communication.He can’t stand that task.


  • There are two words on the book,one is argue,and another one is communication希望帮到你

  • I am arguing for that sign language is a special type of communication.


1. You had better develop your communication skills and improve your interpersonal relationship in the forthcoming year.在接下来的一年里,你最好能提升你的沟通技能以及改善你的人际关系。2. All of us have received moral education of loving our nation in high school. 我们所有人都在中学里就接受过爱国教育。3.She isn’t particularly clever,however she has made such great achievements, which especially excited their inquisitiveness. Several students, specifically Tom, Mike, Sue and Sherry rasied a lot of questions when she was invited to the opening ceremony.她并非特别聪明,但却取得了如此大的成就,这尤其引起了他们的好奇心。一部分学生,诸如Tom/Mike/Sue和Sherry在她被请到参加开幕仪式时向她提了好多问题。4. Shanghai government once tried to keep environment less polluted by limiting use of cars with certain license plate number.上海市政府一度试着车辆限号来减少环境污染。5. It’s just a routine medical examination, nothing to get worried about. 这只是例行的体格检查, 没有什么可担心的。

have a communication with somebody怎么造句

  • 造句:I have a communication with my friends.意思是:我和朋友们有交流。friends,名词,朋友。friend的复数。

  • I always have a communication with my father in that I want to keep in touch with my father.(望采纳)

