
美国大学申请书范文 申请


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一、有逻辑+言简意赅  在叙述自己的时候,要有逻辑,用简练的语言把事情叙述清楚。比如写有爱心,美国大学很喜欢有爱心的学生。如果你只说自己很有爱心,而没有说一些具体做法就很没有说服力。你需要将爱心活动的时间、地点、你在这次活动中所发挥的作用、你的感受等都叙述出来,这样美国大学才会觉得你真的是一个参与者,而不是一个旁观者。  提醒大家在叙述时最好要用第一人称,叙述要有逻辑,而且要言简意赅。比如在说自己很有组织能力的时候,担任学校文艺社社长,根据每个人的情况,让性格外向、善于交际的人做协调沟通的工作;让善于思考、思维活跃、勇于创新的人做筹备及策划的工作;让有远见、有凝聚力的人做整个工作的进度安排。这样安排的结果是所有社员发挥了最佳效率。  二、有个性+闪光点  美国大学招生官在看学生的文书时,就像阅卷老师看高考试卷,两三分钟就要看一份,因此学生平时一定要多记录一些鲜活的事件,在文书中用自己的经历去感动招生官,也就是要找出自己身上的亮点,以便招生官在看到你的文书时能够留学一些印象。每个学生身上都有很多闪光点,比如学习优秀,组织能力强,有爱心,参加过很多社会实践等。  要注意“知己知彼”。学生在写申请时,要多方打听、了解学校注重的是什么,是注重学生的领导力还是学生的创造力。  在介绍自己的闪光点时,可以结合意向学校的特点和专业来说,显示出这个专业是你的兴趣所在,也可以借此来说你的职业规划,让招生官认为你不仅学习优秀,还是个目标明确的、用心去了解这一学校的学生。  三、要真实+以情感人  由于英语水平达不到,很多学生写文书时会先写出中文再逐字翻译成英文。但是,由于中英文本身存在差异,学生最好以英文的方式思考写作。


美国留学申请文书:个人陈述个人陈述从英文单词上来看,“personal”即突出自己的独特性。学校招生委员每天需要阅读上百份申请材料,只有充分强调自己的个性,抓住招生官的眼球,才有机会脱颖而出。不要一直觉得自己有多么平庸,一千个人眼中有一千个哈姆雷特,同样,每个人都有自己异于他人的亮点。多想想自己参与的活动,平时的经历,曾经的成就,一定能发掘到自己的优势,并努力向招生官进行证明你就是the right one.美国留学申请文书:推荐信推荐信就是从推荐人的角度(如专业课老师,班主任、单位领导等)来评价申请人,同时给申请人个人提供关于个人学习、经历、素质及能力等提供佐证。如何找推荐人:这是相当重要的一环。不要过分追求推荐人的职位、声望有多高,而更应该寻找最了解自己的人。比如相处几年的班主任老师,对你有高度评价的某专业课老师,或者实习单位的部门负责人等。推荐信写什么:推荐人与申请者的关系,申请者学习能力,申请者的学习潜力,申请者在学业上的表现,申请者在科研工作上的能力,申请者的沟通能力、其他品行等。推荐信注意什么:不宜写得太全,给人弄虚作假的感觉。应该根据实际情况,有重点地来突出申请者的能力。更不宜堆砌辞藻,过分夸大。http://www.liuxue315.edu.cn/HomePage/country/2015-07/9376.shtml#T2

高分求申请美国大学diversity statement范文

威斯康辛麦迪逊分校申请Essay范文7:Value of DiversityA range of academic interests, personal perspectives, and life experiences adds much to the educational mix. Given your personal background, describe an experience that illustrates what you would bring to the diversity in a college community, or an encounter that demonstrated the importance of diversity to you. There simply was no solution. With tears of frustration in my eyes I went through the options for the hundredth time. I had come face to face with one of life’s many brutal truths: no one can build a sand-castle by herself. About to give up in despair, I spied something that made my heart leap. There, between the little red slide and the big-kid swings, sat another five-year old girl. It did not matter that as a native of the country I was visiting, she only spoke German. All too soon we were casting long shadows in the fading sunlight, and I had to say goodbye to my architectural partner. I knew nothing but her name, which I have long since forgotten. After all, this was simply one of many such encounters. By the time I realized how lucky I was to do so, I had traveled to most of Europe and some of Asia. My father’s job dragged our family from country to country. We lived for a few months in Israel one year, a few months in Switzerland the next. If I were to go back to any one of the many countries to which I have traveled, I would naturally be drawn to the famous monuments, historic landmarks, and local museums. But the memories of my international playmates are some of the most valuable souvenirs I could bring home from my travels. With their help, I learned to both respect and appreciate others’ differences. At times this respect came with difficulty, particularly when the culture in question clashed with my own. When I was twelve my father was invited to teach a class in South Korea, and so off we went. One day we visited a small art museum, where we met the only curator, a small, hospitable woman who spoke no English. I responded politely when she welcomed us to the museum, and then not quite so politely when she started running her hands through my long, curly hair. I stood rooted to the spot by shock and horror as she neatly braided my hair. After a few minutes I was released, and with a great sigh of relief I set off to explore. I had hardly reached the door when, to my dismay, the hair-braider returned – brandishing a comb. Gathering my dignity, I suffered her ministrations. The result was a breathtaking French braid, shaming me for resenting the curator’s lack of respect for my personal space. Never again did I hold other cultures to my own standards. In Belize, I saw that other cultures have different economic as well as personal standards. My family and I stayed in the small village of Armenia, a town built for refugees from the surrounding countries of Guatemala, Honduras, and El Salvador. Most residents made their living as hired hands at the local grapefruit orchards or selling handmade souvenirs to the tourists. The wealthier townspeople owned horses for transportation or pack animals, but most simply walked. At first I pitied the locals for their poverty. As I spent more time with them, I began to see that they did not consider themselves poor, nor lament their lack of luxury. The concept of wealth meant something completely different in Armenia, something that had less to do with possessions and more to do with family. While I appreciate the comfort in which I live, the Armenians make me thankful for the little things in life, the beautiful days and loyal friends that no amount of money could replace. To this day I value diversity. Many of my friends speak imperfect English; for most it is their second language. Few are citizens of the United States. As I make the transition from high school to college, I hope to meet students from a variety of different cultures and backgrounds with whom I can share my unique experiences. Though I have traveled in four continents and met people of numerous cultures, I have not yet been to college, and sometimes the thought makes me apprehensive. That said, I know that if I approach my college years with the same open-minded curiosity I learned from my family’s wanderings, I will be amazed.成功申请耶鲁大学的Essay范文8:The Power of DiversityA range of academic interests, personal perspectives, and life experiences adds much to the educational mix. Given your personal background, describe an experience that illustrates what you would bring to the diversity in a college community, or an encounter that demonstrated the importance of diversity to you. The doorbell rang incessantly. The rest of the NASA Sharpies (as we like to call ourselves) and I in the room looked at each other in confusion - the door was already wide open. Glancing over, we saw Kennedy walk in with a curious look on his face. "Why does it make that sound when I press that?" he asked us. We all responded by letting out a heartfelt chuckle. I explained to him that pressing that little button is usually used to signal to the residents living inside that there is a visitor waiting to be greeted. "Ah, that’s tight!" he replied while smiling. He had never seen such a device in his hometown of Tafuna, American Samoa. Although it may have seemed to be just a trivial difference in the two cultures, it was one of many moments at NASA SHARP that allowed me to experience firsthand the richness of diversity. Twenty of us flew into LAX, everyone from a different part of the United States or one of its outlying territories. The first night, we played a game where each of us was asked questions ranging from favorite sports teams to professional goals. I participated intently in the game, asking as many questions as I could to learn more about everyone. It became quite clear that although there were differences in our backgrounds and ethnicities, we had many interests in common. I began to realize that the disparities between us were not barriers but catalysts for meaningful interaction. I learned something different from each sharpie. Fozoh taught me how to solve a Rubik’s cube. Tiffany lent me some CDs that they listened to down in Mobile (properly pronounced "Mobeeeele"), Alabama. Andrea described life on a Navajo reservation and debunked many myths that I had. Kennedy told stories of how he could string thirty coconuts together back in Samoa. Jasmine even allowed me to try one of her special Puerto Rican fruits. I, personally, cooked authentic Chinese fried rice for the others and explained many times that we say "pop" instead of "soda" in the Midwest. Together, we would often stay up at late at night. Over chips and salsa, we discussed issues that we felt were pertinent. My views often clashed with others’ as we debated topics ranging from politics to movies. It was lighthearted and fun at the time, but now I look back with a sense of nostalgia. The environment that existed at NASA SHARP broadened my point of view and made me reevaluate my stance on certain issues. The beauty of our differences is that it allows us to have such different perspectives and intellectually stimulate others. Over the eight weeks, I developed a deep respect for the eclectic community that surrounded me. Coming from a homogenous suburb in the Midwest, I was in awe as we bonded. It is this desire to connect that I hope to bring to Yale - perhaps not by cooking fried rice for everyone, but by having an open mind and an avid determination to embrace the power of diversity.


    美国大学申请Essay短文怎么写:  (一)陈述个人成长经历;家庭、社会、学校环境对学生的影响  这个题目同学们已经非常熟悉了,因为学校可以通过学生的陈述来了解学生个人,这也是一份申请材料的本质--帮助学校了解申请者的个性和特质。偶尔也会有这样的情况,学校会出一些具有较强命题性的文章,类似于记叙文,例如"你遇到过最大的挑战是什么?你是怎样克服的?"或者"讲述一件对你影响深刻的事情,并阐述它为什么对你有影响,你是怎样克服的?"。  这样一个题材,实际是学校向通过学生对过去的陈述来了解他是怎样一个人。通过一件事,学生又变成了一个什么样的人,学校要的实际是一个蜕变的过程。比较成功的文章,阐述的事情真实性很强,人物生动,形象丰满。我们的目的只有一个:通过这个阐述,向录取官说明,申请者会有很多东西可以提供给这个学校。要带着目的性去写作,而不能只按题目死搬硬套。  (二)描述一个对你有深刻影响的人,从他身上你学到了什么  通过这样的题材,我们需要表现出,申请者并不是一个由高分与优异成绩简单包装出来的学生,而是在人格方面也是非常的健全与完整。而学生的今天与一切成就可能与另一个人的影响密切相关。是他人的行为、爱护、关怀激励学生或是启发了学生,才会有今天这个全新的申请者。在写作中,最容易出现的错误是:偏离主题,将两人之间的往来描述过细,而忽略了他对学生的影响以及为什么对学生成长变化的意义,以及他的影响带给学生怎样的思考。  可以选择某位名人,也可以选择家庭成员,生活中的小片段,以及新颖的创作角度,也会给人生活化的真实感。可以写对父母的感恩,也可以写一位老师带你参观博物馆,让你对自然生物及考古历史产生浓厚的兴趣。只有选对描写的人,以及准备描写的事情,才能将文章最后的结尾升华,意义与影响才真正的体现出来。  (三)叙述你曾经获得过的优秀成绩  学校要求学生写出个人曾经获得过的成绩或者奖项,通过这个途径来了解学生的个性。这个题目的回答在于通过几个活动来描绘出一个有个性的学生;不能同样分量地叙述所有参加过的活动,像是记账一样的全盘托出是不行的。而是要抓出对学生的学习、人品、价值观影响最大的项目进行重点描写。美国大学希望看到学生的兴趣爱好的同时,也希望看到学生是如何成长。  如果学生在高中时期没有什么广泛的兴趣与活动,往往就不知道如何下笔了。其实好的兴趣与活动并不一定是弹钢琴、跳舞、学生会主席、模拟联合国;也可以是:学烤蛋糕、第一次开车、帮助一位长期卧床在家的邻居等都会是很感人的题材。只要记住把写作重点放在事情的重要性、为什么对学生来说会有如此重要,以及它对学生的影响。  (四)选择申请这所学校的原因  这是常见的题目。如果选择学校的原因只是因为父母的意愿,那么在写作的时候就找不出选校的理由,会感到十分难下笔。这时候就需要更深入的了解这所学校,真正的总结出选校原因进行阐述,越是详细的了解与阐述,越可以更好地回答这个问题。可以写这所学校相对来说,具有怎样的优势。另外,从自己的角度,陈列学生的特点与学校的一致性:学生的爱好、活动、背景、才能,如何可以与学校的优势相匹配。在文章中需要强调的是学校的优势是个性的、唯一的。  (五)国际交流的经历  中国许多学校有交换生的活动,可以描写一下通过这次活动学生领略到了什么异域文化;学生从中学到了什么?例如:通过这次国际交流活动,学生有了怎样的感触,树立了什么样的人生观。在具体描写方面记住要尽量把个人体会和感受写出来,并且力争使阅读者能够感同身受。  (六)个人的兴趣与爱好  这类题材往往是要求用一两句来回答。重点应该放在这个兴趣爱好对学生的特征描述上。通过这个描述来表现出学生是兴趣广泛、好奇心强、执着追求等精神,当然可以适当表露出个人的观察能力、领导才能,但是文章切忌不要浮夸,一切建立在真诚与真实的基础之上来创作。  (七)最喜爱的一个人或某件物品  这类题目通常是一篇要求简短回答的,只要简单阐述就可以。一般会要求在300左右的字符。多数会涉及书籍、美术作品、一个人或是任何在你生命留下烙印的事物。就像之前提到过的,冠冕堂皇的话不要摆出来,选择一些真正对你有特殊意义的人或事,或是可以借以折射出你独特的人格魅力的东西。  如果自己发觉选择的题材并不吸引眼球,那么在文笔方面就要下功夫了,因为自己能想到的题材,大多数的人都能想到。如果选择的题目很普通,那么就要在写作手法及文字叙述上尽量体现文章的个性化与细节化,因为绝大多数的申请者都有可能使用这个题目,要使人眼前一亮,就要有所不同。  (八)社会事件  这类题目不经常出现,但是写作难度相对增大。提出这个问题的学校,是希望了解学生在个人的生活之外,对这个世界抱有怎样的态度及人生观与价值观。比如:种族歧视、贫困问题、世界性的饥荒、以及一些当前的时事热点,虽然在阐述个人观点时,难免带有主观色彩。但是,请控制自己的情绪,保持评论事情的客观性。试着从多个角度和方面去分析这件事情,也要适当加入个人细节的观察,这可以体现出个人的成熟魅力,但不要随波逐流。这就需要在平时的生活中注意积累。  (九) 家庭  家庭题目是十分容易的,可以写父母、姐妹、亲友。通过一些相互的交流、交往、共同的经历,折射出家庭对学生人品、个性、价值观的影响。  美国大学可以通过这类文章了解学生的思想和性格,甚至将来的潜力。学校方面希望看见一个热爱生活、与家庭成员和睦相处、具有高尚人品的学生。当然,一定要从一些家庭琐碎的小事中,来塑造一个真实的年轻人。  (十)自己的不足之处  这类题目很少遇见,但是也会有校方提出,让学生回答。在这时,不足之处可以写成参加某种活动时,因为缺乏经验而失败,尽量写得别人认为逻辑合理,能够接受。在描写自己缺点的同时,反映出自己积极的一面。这样可以把自己的弱势与缺点,在改变了写法之后,变成对申请有利的文章。  在写作的时候,态度一定要端正。态度虔诚,观点正确,真正认识到自己的缺点,这样展现在学校面前的是一个完整的学生,一个诚实能够面对真实自己的学生。  除了选择题材之外,对于中国学生最为艰难是英文写作技术:选择词汇结构、句子结构、修辞方法、段落结构、文章结构、及逻辑结构。英语的写作技术与中文写作相比侧重有所不同。所以,在写作中要尽量照顾英文的习惯。  很多学校要求本科申请者写的个人陈述都是具有命题性的文章,且有字数限制。这就要在写作的时候把握好文章的结构与重点,尽量从多个角度反映一个全面的自己。  完成创作后,要自己先审读一遍,试想自己就是录取官,读完这篇文章后会有怎样的感触。在陈述一些与学习有关的题目时,也要保持浓厚的兴趣,否则,写课外活动津津乐道,而学术性文章苍白无力,学校会认为学生是一个并不热爱学习的孩子。  下面是一篇申请essay的文章,给各位同学参考。  My interest in mathematics stems from the first time my teacher taught me calculus in tenth grade. I was so intrigued to discover the area under the curve can be calculated so easily and even completed the problems not assigned by the teacher that night. From that day on, boring math homework for others started to be my first homework to complete even to this day. Today, I sit in the classroom of the most difficult mathematics course the school offers – multivariable calculus – solving interesting ellipsoid problems.  After finishing my tenth grade in China, I went back to America, the country I was born in and raised for seven years. The change was enormous, both culturally and academically. For the first month, I had a hard time adjusting to the different situation. Fortunately, I survived after two months; and within several months later, I found myself excelling once again academically. I even had more class participation in Shakespeare Literature classes! Nonetheless, my passion for math remained consistent across the continental shift. When it was homework time, my math notebook was always on the top of the pile.  In high school, I benefited from the great opportunities my school offered and had much free time to pursue my math interests. Every week in school, there are preparation sessions for the math competition “Great New Haven Math League,” which is a regional math competition held every two weeks throughout the entire school year. In February, I have the chance to represent my school, along with my math team members, to attend the Harvard-MIT Mathematics Tournament. As one of the key members on the math team, I established practice groups during free time so that team members can solve practice problems together and help each other. In June, I represented my school in attending the American Regions Math League, which is a competition held annually joined by high schools across America.  At Mellon College of Science, I would elect to study both the Mathematical Science degree and the Computational Finance Minor, as I desire to enter the financial world after college. Doing so would equip me with the advanced mathematical modeling aptitude to succeed in numerous roles on Wall Street, such as currency trading. I look forward to solving interesting problems with my classmates and enjoying the enthusiasm mathematics brings to us. Moreover, I look forward to partaking in various math contests including the Putnam Competition.  In closing, math is going to be one of my enduring friends and accompany me throughout my entire life. Future studies in my life will determine my ultimate vocation, but math will be an essential factor despite the field in which I work. Mastering advanced mathematics concepts during college will ensure me the fulfillment of my passion and broaden my perspectives in the ocean of knowledge that is mathematics.


申请书Part 1 I am intending to major in economics. Economics is the social science which analyzes the production, distribution, and consumption of goods and services. Through the study of it I can learn and know how more about social and economic development and how governments measure the monetary and fiscal policy. When I study in Chinese universities, I have read a lot of books on economy such as Principles of Economics by Mankiw, Price Theory by Friedman etc. And in my undergraduate course, I also majored in economics. In the period of learning economics, I feel that it is a magical thing. Because you learn a lot of skills and knowledge that you can apply to other jobs or to your personal life. Learning about interest rates, exchange rates, economic indicators and equity markets can help you make better decisions about investing and obtaining mortgages. The statistical skills I gained I’ve used again and again, mostly in the daily life. Economics teaches me how to understand and spot secondary effects and possible unintended consequences. This can help you make better decisions about your personal life and make you more valuable to business; "what are the possible secondary effects from the proposed marketing campaign?" It likely won’t help you get a job, but being able to spot and understand the importance of secondary effects, it may help you keep a job or earn a promotion that much faster. So in order to apply the theory to practice, I choose to be a volunteer work to sell secondhand goods and use the money to help the poor students, in the daily study life, I also participate in student union where we talk about the effect of economy policy which taken by the government and we try to organize some debates to put everyone’s opinion. In the summer and winter holiday I go to the shanghai stock exchange for internship where I have learned a lot about how the capital market operates. And how capital markets influence the economy and the decisions of the government. In addition to this above, I have uses pocket money and lucky money to invest in stocks and have obtained 300 yuan on my investments.Part 2 I have been very sensitive to numbers since I was a child, I usually went to buy food with my mother and I always could calculate the price in a few seconds. So my mother often praised me because of my cleverness. But I thought that a person in the society rely on not only cleverness but also cooperation and confidence.The thing that I thought could show my cooperation and confidence was during my high school, I and my friends sold flowers before thee New Year’s festival. First, we investigated the market demand, to analyze where was the best place to sell flowers and attract customers. Then, we chose a corner of the flower market and according to the investigation we bought 300 roses. Second, we began to distribute tasks, one was in charge of the product out-going inspection and do the related records and reporting. Two were responsible for selling and marketing products, one was to take the money. After the preparing, we began to sell. In the process, we found that there was something wrong with our selling strategy, because we were focus on all people who passed by our shop and it usually spent a lot of time and energy and could not get good effect. So that we thought we should change and we started to choose the young people as the potential customers especially the young couples. Because they had huge purchasing power and they were eager to decorate the room with the flower. After that we found that we had a good marketing strategy. But choosing the correct customer is only the first step, and in order to sell all the roses we should take some preferential measures. And so as to improve the competition of our shops, we made the slogan to buy four and get one free. Or buy ten and get three free. Then we will get less money but because the storage of roses is short and after the day there will not be so many people here to buy flowers. So that it is wise to make small profits but quick turnover. In the end, we sold all the flowers and we got profit about one hundred yuan. In this case, through cooperation, we changed our marketing strategy and got a good result. In this case, everyone had their own job and we do not just focus on the profit, also think about the speciality of the goods, we thought we chose the right way to sell. From the case, I begin to feel that it is important to learn economics and it has a great influence in my learning career in university. And under the influence of my parents and the case, I have developed a tough character and a keen interest in economics. I hope I can get into a good university and find a reasonable job in the future as a reward to support my future family and help individuals in real need. Also, I want to be a patient, considerate and useful person, and like my parents, I will be willing to commit to my study and my future career and sacrifice anything for those I care about.

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