
article processing charge

article processing charge(请教信用证附加条款中的“No. 37C“问题,谢谢!)

admin admin 发表于2023-12-16 17:49:02 浏览50 评论0


各位老铁们好,相信很多人对article processing charge都不是特别的了解,因此呢,今天就来为大家分享下关于article processing charge以及请教信用证附加条款中的“No. 37C“问题,谢谢!的问题知识,还望可以帮助大家,解决大家的一些困惑,下面一起来看看吧!


请教信用证附加条款中的“No. 37C“问题,谢谢!

这恐怕大都是由于其下的条款:If a credit states that charges are for the account of the beneficiary and charges cannot be collected or deducted from proceeds, the issuing bank remains liable for payment of charges. 如果信用证规定费用由受益人负担,而该费用未能收取或从信用证款项中扣除,开证行依然承担支付此费用的责任。开证行不愿承担这个责任,故此信用证中会有此条款“Article No. 37C of UCP 600 is not applicable"

apc estimate to view and agree to the article processing charge,为什么操作不

apc estimate to view and agree to the article processing charge意思是APC估计查看并同意文章处理费 。 例句 1 In addition to the initial starting and annual fee for the cards, both charge one percent processing charge for bills converted back into sterling. 此外,除了起始费和年费外,上述两种记账卡对所有兑换回英镑的账单都收取1%的手续费。 2 The Durbin amendment tucked into the Dodd-Frank act specifically excluded prepaid cards from its limits on how much banks can charge for processing debit card transactions, because they serve the low-income market. 在关于银行对借记卡交易的收费限制方面,多德?弗兰克法案》(Dodd-Frank Act)之《德斌修正案》(The Durbin Amendment)特别将预付费公司排除在外,因为它们面对的是低收入市场。 3 The vacuum refining thick metal, has the flow short, consumes, the metal returns-ratio few is high, basically does not have the three wastes ( waste residue, waste water, waste gas) does not have the pollution, the initial cost province, the processing charge low status characteristic to the environment, enables it to have the very good prospects for development. 真空精炼粗金属,具有流程短、消耗少、金属回收率较高、基本无三废(废渣、废水、废气)对环境无污染、基建投资省、加工费用较低等特点,使得它有很好的发展前景。 4 Data processing of space charge waveform recovery in pea method 脉冲电声法空间电荷测量波形恢复的数据处理 5 Computer processing on shaped charge collapsing image 聚能罩压垮图象的计算机处理

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