
nottingham forest

nottingham forest(侠盗罗宾汉的简介)

admin admin 发表于2023-12-17 01:04:51 浏览40 评论0


各位老铁们好,相信很多人对nottingham forest都不是特别的了解,因此呢,今天就来为大家分享下关于nottingham forest以及侠盗罗宾汉的简介的问题知识,还望可以帮助大家,解决大家的一些困惑,下面一起来看看吧!



罗宾汉(Robin Hood)是英国民间传说中的侠盗式的英雄人物,相传他活跃在1160年至1247年间的英国,人称汉丁顿伯爵。从12世纪中叶起,关于罗宾汉的民谣和传说就开始在民间流传。14世纪,有关罗宾汉的故事首次作为文学作品问世。此后,不断有作家以此为素材,写出了许多脍炙人口的作品。罗宾汉以夏伍德为大本营,联合小约翰、温里奥等人,劫富济贫,整治暴戾的路德曼贵族、官吏,并把得来的钱财用于救助贫苦百姓,体现了中世纪英国人民反抗封建压迫的精神。 在英国的传说中,罗宾汉的名字是极为响亮的。关于他的故事并非史实,不过英雄通常都是夸张或者虚构出来的。他的传奇有很多种说法,大致是说在12~13世纪著名的十字军东征的时候,英格兰的理查王被俘,留在国内的约翰王子趁机篡权,拒绝赎回理查王。而与他狼狈为奸的诺丁汉郡长也趁机强占了忠心于理查王的罗宾汉家的领地,更试图染指他的心上人玛丽安。罗宾汉被迫躲进舍伍德森林,以此为基地,领导一支农民起义军到处劫富济贫,最终成功赎回理查王,粉碎了约翰王子等人的阴谋。罗宾汉最突出的就是射箭术高超。直到现在,射箭比赛中仍有一个术语叫做“RobinHood”,意为“射中另一支已射中靶心的箭,并且将箭身一分为二”,这正是对罗宾汉精湛箭术的写照。 也有说是大约公元1190年,英国狮心王理查率领英国军队参加十字军东征,罗宾汉也随军前行。可是当战争结束,罗宾汉从战场返回家乡的时候,发现自己的庄园和财产已经被诺丁汉郡治安官以莫须有的罪名没收。此时,英国正在被借着狮心王东征而趁机弄权的约翰王子所统治,他的横征暴敛让人民苦不堪言。为此,罗宾汉聚集了一帮绿林好汉,凭借着自己的机智和勇敢,带领大家劫富济贫,对抗昏君的暴政。

求阿森纳球迷在比赛时常唱的歌曲,还有海布里闭幕时的那首 I’ve seen children grow

Good old Arsenal Good old Arsenal, we’re proud to say that name. And while we sing this song, we’ll win the game. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hello, hello, we are the Arsenal boys! Hello, hello, we are the Arsenal boys! Hello, hello, we are the Arsenal boys! And if you are a Tottenham Fan, surrender or you die, cause we all follow the Arsenal. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- One-nil to the Arsenal One-nil to the Arsenal, One-nil to the Arsenal, One-nil to the Arsenal, One-nil to the Arsenal! (repeat) We`ll win coz we`re Arsenal, We`ll win coz we`re Arsenal, We`ll win coz we`re Arsenal, We`ll win coz we`re Arsenal! (repeat) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Que sera sera Que sera sera what ever will be will be we`re going to Wemberly que sera sera. 1993-version: Tell me ma me ma to put the champagne on ice. We`re going to Wembley twice tell me ma me ma -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Anchor away" Go down the field again Just one more goal No other team can fight like the boys in Red and White Never let their Glory fade Long may they reign So let us all give out with Up the Gunners, Up the Gunners Goal! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Drink, Drink.... Drink, drink, wherever you may be, We are the drunk and disorderly, but we don’t give a s**t, and we don’t give a f**k, Coz we came home with the Cup Winners’ Cup!" -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Roll out the Arsenal Roll out the Arsenal Lets have a barrel of fun Roll out the Arsenal We’ve got them all on the run Just one more goal now Then how we all will cheer 1,2,3,4,5,6,7, The Gang’s all here (Roll out the barrel) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- You are my Arsenal You are my Arsenal, My only Arsenal, You make me happy, When skies are grey, You’ll never know just, How much I love you, So please don’t take, My Arsenal...Away Na na na na na (ooh) Na na na na na (ooh ooh) na na na na na.......... (You are my sunshine) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Gooner Chrimbo song Jingle bells, jingle bells, Jingle all the way; Santa is an Arsenal fan And at Highbury today - oh! Jingle bells, jingle bells, Jingle all the way; Oh what fun it is to see the Arsenal win away -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tiptoe through the NorthBank Tiptoe through the NorthBank with your razor and your shawed-off shotgun. Tiptoe through the NorthBank with MEEEEEE! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- What we`re gonna do... -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Drink together in praise of the AFC Fulham can stay at the Cottage Southampton can stay at the Dell And as for Tottenham hotspur They can go to hell, to hell So we’ll drink, drink together In praise of the AFC Drink, drink together In praise of the AFC (Eton Boating Song) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- We won the league on Merseyside (1989) We won the league! We won the league! We won the league on Merseyside! We won the league on the Mersey! We won the league on Merseyside! 1991 version We won the league! We won the league! We won the league on Monday Night! We won the league on the Monday! We won the league on Monday Night! (When the saints....) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- We hate Nottingham Forest We hate Liverpool too We hate West Ham United But Arsenal we love you (Land of Hope and Glory) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I go to football on a Saturday Bow Street on Monday - alright We’re going to Chelsea on Boxing Day Liverpool have been here - had a fight (Kinks - "Autumn Almanac" circa 1967-69 - now very dated) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- She wore a yellow ribbon... She wore, She wore, She wore a yellow ribbon, She wore a yellow ribbon in the merry month of May, And when, I asked, Oh why she wore that ribbon, She said its for the Arsenal and we’re going to Wembley, Wembley, Wembley, We’re the famous Arsenal and we’re going Wembley. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- By Jesus Said Paddy By Jesus Said Paddy I sing it so well I think I’ll get up and I’ll sing it again So Paddy got up and he sang it again Over and Over and over again -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Who’s that team they call the Arsenal? Who’s that team we all adore? They’re the boys in red and white, and they fight with all their might, and they’re out to show the world just how to score!"

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