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lse申请文书(lse JD申请要求)

admin admin 发表于2023-12-23 15:07:15 浏览52 评论0


其实lse申请文书的问题并不复杂,但是又很多的朋友都不太了解lse JD申请要求,因此呢,今天小编就来为大家分享lse申请文书的一些知识,希望可以帮助到大家,下面我们一起来看看这个问题的分析吧!


lse JD申请要求


申请LSE研究生,account and finance有希望吗

  • 学校背景不足,其他都达到要求了,毕竟LSE的F类能去的都是大牛,希望肯定有,但是肯定还得申几所保底。申吧,拼RP!

  • 希望还挺大的,好好准备研究经历,实习经历,申请文书和推荐信吧!

  • 虽然你的院校不是211,但是平均分还是很不错的,你可以多申几所英国前十的院校,申请好的学校建议你提前一年申请,毕竟很多人都把目标锁定在这几所院校。

申请LSE 地方经济发展硕士的文书

申请专业: LSE-MSc Local Economic Development ( 伦敦政治经济学院地方经济发展硕士) Personal Statement 个人陈述 Some policies are simply imitating other local governments, but do not know the purpose behind the policies; and the actual situation of farmers is not taken into account in policy formulation. There are still many problems in the development plan and policy making of local government. Therefore, I am determined to become a member of a local economic development institution, to formulate local economic development plans and policies according to local conditions, so as to contribute to the economic development of rural areas in China. 有些政策只是简单的模仿其他地方政府,却不知道政策背后的目的;在制定政策时没有考虑到农民的实际情况。地方政府的发展规划和政策制定还存在很多问题。因此,我决心成为一个地方经济发展机构的成员,因地制宜地制定地方经济发展计划和政策,为中国农村的经济发展做出贡献。 (本段提出了自己的发展及职业目标) In order to put forward reasonable development plans and policies, it is necessary to have a full understanding of the conditions and current policies in rural areas. During my undergraduate study, I have studied many courses on China’s agricultural economy and agricultural policy, such as agricultural economics and agricultural policy. This has made me deeply understand the characteristics of China’s agriculture and rural areas, as well as the development process and trend of China’s agricultural policy, which has laid the foundation for my future work in the local economic development department. (different from western agriculture, China’s agriculture is a kind of small-scale peasant economy. Farmers take their families as the unit and make decentralized management decisions. However, China’s policy is to achieve the goal of "integration and separation, double-layer management", and organize small-scale farmers without harming their interests, so as to promote the scale effect and make agriculture develop towards modernization.) I also went to Sichuan Province, Beijing and other areas of rural areas for research and found specific problems in rural development from the practical level, which pointed out the direction for my future work. 为了提出合理的发展规划和政策,必须充分了解农村的条件和现行政策。本科期间,我学习了很多关于中国农业经济和农业政策的课程,比如农业经济学和农业政策。这使我深刻了解了中国农业和农村的特点,以及中国农业政策的发展过程和趋势,为我今后在地方经济发展部门的工作奠定了基础。(与西方农业不同,中国农业是一种小农经济。中国农户以家庭为单位,分散经营决策。 中 国的政策是实现“统分结合、双层经营”的目标,在不损害小规模农户利益的前提下,将他们组织起来,从而促进规模效应,使农业向现代化发展。)我还到四川省、北京市等地区的农村进行调研,从实践层面发现农村发展中的具体问题,为我今后的工作指明了方向。 (本段叙述了自己的本科经历,以及对中国农业和农村的理解,非常有个人特色) Making a proper economic development plan requires a solid knowledge of economics. I have taken economics principles, intermediate microeconomics, intermediate macroeconomics and other courses, many of which have obtained good grades of more than 90 points. I have also studied econometrics, statistical software application and other courses, mastered Stata, R, SPSS, Eviews and other data analysis software, self-taught structural equation model, hyperbolic rate discount model and other econometric models, which are very important in the process of studying economic development. 制定适当的经济发展计划需要扎实的经济学知识。我学过经济学原理,中级微观经济学,中级宏观经济学等课程,很多都取得了90多分的好成绩。还学习了计量经济学、统计软件应用等课程,掌握了Stata、R、SPSS、Eviews等数据分析软件,自学了结构方程模型、双曲率贴现模型等计量经济模型,这些模型在学习经济发展的过程中非常重要。 (本段强调了自己的经济学知识,软件技能,建模技能等等) After mastering the basic knowledge, I have tried to use the economic knowledge I have learned to formulate a specific regional economic development strategy. Here, using the example of Xinjiang Karez, I highlight the combination of the more popular rural tourism and the sixth industry, and propose to create Karez tourism. 在掌握了基础知识之后,我已经尝试运用所学的经济学知识来制定具体的区域经济发展战略。这里,我以新疆坎儿井为例,突出了比较流行的乡村旅游与第六产业的结合,提出打造坎儿井旅游。 (本段讲了自己利用知识做了什么) I also use my knowledge to analyze the mortgage loan policy of land management right in Keshan County of Heilongjiang Province to promote rural finance, and put forward some policy suggestions. After reading a large number of research reports, I found that the farmers in Keshan County not only mortgaged the land management rights, but also mortgaged the farmers’ property rights and other rights, which not only damaged the interests of farmers, but also did not conform to the original intention of policy-making. After professional analysis, I think this may be caused by two reasons. First, it is difficult for financial institutions to deal with the mortgage of land management right, that is, it is difficult for financial institutions to make up for their losses through this management right after farmers are unable to repay. Therefore, financial institutions need to increase collateral to reduce their own risks. Second, at present, the credit information of farmers is still incomplete, leading to the low degree of trust of financial institutions. Based on the above analysis, I put forward two policy suggestions: first, speed up the construction of rural land management rights circulation market and professional collection and storage platform, so that farmers’ mortgage land management rights can be realized. Secondly, we should strengthen the training of farmers’ awareness of performance and accelerate the construction of rural financial credit reporting system. The policy analysis report finally got a good score of 90. 我还运用我的知识分析了黑龙江省克山县促进农村金融的土地经营权抵押贷款政策,并提出了一些政策建议。我看了大量的调研报告,发现克山县农民不仅抵押了土地经营权,还抵押了农民的财产权利和其他权利,既损害了农民的利益,也不符合政策制定的初衷。经过专业分析,我认为这可能是两个原因造成的。一是金融机构难以处理土地经营权抵押,即农民无力偿还后,金融机构难以通过这种经营权弥补损失。因此,金融机构需要增加抵押品来降低自身风险。第二,目前农户的信用信息还不完整,导致对金融机构的信任度低。基于以上分析,我提出两点政策建议:一是加快农村土地经营权流转市场和专业收储平台建设,让农民抵押土地经营权得以实现。其次,要加强农民履约意识的培养,加快农村金融征信体系建设。政策分析报告最后得了90分的好成绩。 (本段提了自己如何运用知识分析了黑龙江省克山县促进农村金融的土地经营权抵押贷款政策,并提出了一些政策建议。) The development of regional economy is a very interesting subject, and I would like to make a further research on this aspect. As a strong subject of LSE, it is very attractive to me. I think this project of LSE is a good platform. From this project, I can communicate with people from other parts of the world and learn from each other’s development experience. I also believe that my knowledge of China’s agricultural and rural development process can help many other countries. In addition, I am also interested in the project courses. I especially like the course of local capacity and economic development policy. As mentioned above, I am very interested in how to promote the cooperation between financial institutions and farmers in rural areas. I hope to further promote the development of rural finance through this course. I sincerely hope to have the opportunity to join LSE to explore the knowledge of regional economic development. 区域经济的发展是一个非常有趣的课题,我想在这方面做进一步的研究。作为LSE的强势学科,很吸引我。我觉得LSE的这个项目是一个很好的平台。从这个项目中,我可以与世界其他地方的人交流,学习彼此的发展经验。我也相信,我对中国农业和农村发展进程的了解可以帮助许多其他国家。此外,我还对项目课程感兴趣。特别喜欢《地方能力与经济发展政策》这门课。如上所述,我对如何促进金融机构和农民在农村的合作非常感兴趣。希望通过这门课程进一步推动农村金融的发展。我真诚地希望有机会加入LSE,探索区域经济发展的知识。 (本段描述了LSE课程的优势以及如何能帮助自己)笔者点评: 本篇PS并未按照常规的PS架构去写作,而是另辟蹊径,重点讲述了自己对中国经济,特别是农业和农村经济的理解。另外,作者分析了黑龙江省克山县促进农村金融的土地经营权抵押贷款政策,并提出了一些政策建议。其中,作者做了大量的调研报告,说明其是一个有钻研精神和研究能力的人。总的来说,这篇PS突出了自己对农业经济的深刻理解,而不是简单地罗列自己的教育背景、科研、实习等等,令人耳目一新和印象深刻。其写作手法非常值得我们借鉴和效仿。


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伦敦政经学院不认可中国的高中毕业证书,因此预申请本科课程的学生可以先:在国内读完大一课程,成绩达到B+学习国际文凭大学预科课程(IB),并顺利毕业,成绩达到B+一年预科课程,并顺利毕业,成绩达到B+学习至少4门 A-levels注:对于在国内读完大一及学习预科的学生,需要参加LSE的入学考试。语言要求雅思(IELTS)成绩不低于7分,单科也不低于7分;托福(TOEFL iBT)不低于107,单科成绩不低于25分;留学以自己的水平能申请到什么层次的大学,可以使用留学志愿参考系统

