


admin admin 发表于2023-12-17 20:19:50 浏览53 评论0






n. 呼叫转移;已转运

adj. 转移的(transfer过去式);转让的;调动的



I suspect that she is going to be transferred 



transferred epithet移就 ; 转类形容词 ; 移位修饰 ; 转喻

transferred meaning转义 ; 本义转化引申的含义

transferred to转院到 ; 转移到 ; 转到



n. 呼叫转移

v. 转移(divert的第三人称单数)



He diverts himself with chess and billiards. 


英语transferred out怎么翻译

  • 英语 transferred out 翻译为中文意思是转出。例如,Players transferred out of your club this season.球员转出本赛季的俱乐部。

  • transferred out转出

  • 翻译成:调出


CET4 IELTS GRE 考 研 TOEFL CET6transfer音节划分:transfer英 美 vt. 使转移; 使调动; 转让(权利等); 让与vi. 转让; 转学; 转乘; 转会(尤指职业足球队)n. 转移; 调动; 换乘; (运动员)转会过去式: transferred过去分词: transferred现在分词: transferring第三人称单数: transfers派生词:transferee transferor transferrer双语例句1. Anton was able to transfer from Lavine’s to an American company.安东成功地从拉文调到了一家美国公司.来自柯林斯例句2. Encouraging teacher transfer would not, by itself, integrate the teaching corps.鼓励教师调动本身不会消弭教学队伍中的种族隔离。来自柯林斯例句3. He wants to transfer some money to the account of his daughter.他想把一些钱转到女儿的账户上。来自柯林斯例句4. Football clubs have been busy in the close season transfer market.足球俱乐部在休赛季节的转会市场上一直忙个不停。来自柯林斯例句5. He expected the transfer to go through by today’s noon deadline.他希望转账在今天中午的最后期限之前完成。来自柯林斯例句查看更多例句》》词根:fer=bring/carry,表示"带来,拿来"同根词adj.indifferent冷漠的 (in不+different不同的→同与不同的"事不关已" →冷漠的)referable可归+able能……的→能提到的,能找到原因的→可归于……)inferable能推理的, 能推论的 (infer+able能……的→adj.能推理的, 能推论的)n.offer出价,提议,意图 (of一再+fer带来,拿来→一再带来→提供)proffer提议,建议 (pro向前+ffer=fer带来,拿来→带到前面去→贡献出来)preference偏爱,喜爱;优惠;优先选择)n.&v.transfer转移;转换;转让;过户;迁移;改乘 (trans变换,交换+fer带→转移过去→转学,转移)v.confer商讨;授予,颁给 (con共同+fer带来,拿来→共同带来观点)prefer更喜欢,宁愿 (pre先+fer带来→预先就带来→更喜欢)offer提供,提议,出现 (of一再+fer带来,拿来→一再带来→提供)前缀:trans-1. 表示"变换,改变,转移"; 2. 表示"横过,越过"同缀词adj.translucent半透明的 (trans横过,越过+luc光+ent……的→穿过去看到光)transparent透明的 (trans横过,越过+par看见+ent……的→横穿过去看得一样清楚→透明的)transverse横向的, 横断的 (trans横过,越过+vers转+e→adj.横向的, 横断的)n.transaction交易;办理 (trans变换,改变,转移+action行动→交换行动→交易)transport运输;运输系统,运载工具 (trans变换,改变,转移+port运→搬运转移→运输)n.&v.transplant移植 (trans变换,改变,转移+plant种→转移过去→移植)transfer转移;转换;转让;过户;迁移;改乘 (trans变换,改变,转移+fer带→转移过去→转学,转移)v.transgress冒犯;违背 (trans横过,越过+gress走→横着走→冒犯)transform改变,变换;变压;转化;改造,改造 (trans变换,改变,转移+form形状→改变形状)transcend超越,胜过 (trans横过,越过+scend爬→爬过→超越)同义词deliver over hand pass change handsmove, shift, transfer, remove这些动词均可表示“从一处移往另一处”之意。move: 普通用词,指从一处到另一外的任何距离的转移。shift: 侧重位置与方向的改变。transfer: 一般表示转送或移交迁移,尤指交通运输中的换乘或职务的调动等。remove: 作"移动"解时,与move可换用,还可指撤职或开除学藉等。查看更多内容》》语源late Middle English (as a verb): from French transférer or Latin transferre, from trans- ’across’ + ferre ’to bear’. The earliest use of the noun (late 17th cent.) was as a legal term in the sense ’conveyance of property’柯林斯高阶英汉双解学习词典英汉双向大词典The verb is pronounced /træns’fɜː/. The noun is pronounced /’trænsfɜː/. 动词读作 /træns’fɜː/。名词读作 /’trænsfɜː/。1. V-ERG及物/不及物动词(使)转移;(使)迁移 If you transfer something or someone from one place to another, or they transfer from one place to another, they go from the first place to the second. 【语法信息】:V n from/to n【语法信息】:V from/to n【搭配模式】:oft N of nRemove the wafers with a spoon and transfer them to a plate...用勺子抄起薄饼,把它们转盛到盘子里。He was transferred from Weston Hospital to Frenchay…他从韦斯顿医院转院到了法兰查。He wants to transfer some money to the account of his daughter…他想把一些钱转到女儿的账户上。The person can transfer from wheelchair to seat with relative ease.那个人可以比较轻松地从轮椅上移到座位上。Transfer is also a noun.Arrange for the transfer of medical records to your new doctor...安排一下把病历转给你的新医生的事宜。The bank reserves the right to reverse any transfers or payments.银行保留撤销任何转账或支付操作的权利。2. V-ERG及物/不及物动词(使)转移,传播,移交 If something is transferred, or transfers ,from one person or group of people to another, the second person or group gets it instead of the first. 【语法信息】:V n from/to n【语法信息】:V from/to nI realized she’d transferred all her love from me to you...我意识到她已把所有的爱从我身上转移到了你身上。The chances of the disease being transferred to humans is extremely remote…该疾病传播到人类身上的几率微乎其微。On 1 December the presidency of the Security Council automatically transfers from the US to Yemen.12 月 1 日,联合国安全理事会的轮值主席国职位自动地由美国移交给也门。Transfer is also a noun....the transfer of power from the old to the new regimes.新旧政权的权力移交3. N-VAR可变名词(技术)转让 Technology transfer is the process or act by which a country or organization which has developed new technology enables another country or organization to use the technology. 【搭配模式】:supp NThe Philippines needs capital and technology transfer...菲律宾需要资本与技术转让。There will be a transfer of technology from this country to Mongolia.这个国家将会向蒙古国进行技术转让。4. V-ERG及物/不及物动词(使)(运动员)转会 In professional sports, if a player transfers or is transferred from one club to another, they leave one club and begin playing for another. 【语法信息】:V from/to n【语法信息】:be V-ed from/to n【语法信息】:Also V n from/to n【语域标签】:BRIT 英...Nick Barmby who transferred from Spurs to Middlesbrough...从热刺队转会到米德尔斯伯勒队的尼克·巴尔姆比He was transferred from Crystal Palace to Arsenal for £2.5 million.他以 250 万英镑的身价从水晶宫队转入阿森纳队。Transfer is also a noun....Gascoigne’s transfer to the Italian club, Lazio.加斯科因转会到意大利俱乐部拉齐奥in AM, use 美国英语用 trade5. V-ERG及物/不及物动词(使)调动;(使)换岗 If you are transferred, or if you transfer ,to a different job or place, you move to a different job or start working in a different place. 【语法信息】:be V-ed from/to n【语法信息】:be V-ed【语法信息】:V from/to n【语法信息】:Also V nI was transferred to the book department...我被调到图书部。I suspect that she is going to be transferred...我猜想她要被调走了。Anton was able to transfer from Lavine’s to an American company.安东成功地从拉文调到了一家美国公司。Transfer is also a noun.They will be offered transfers to other locations.他们将会被安排调任到其他地方。6. VERB动词转存;转录 When information is transferred onto a different medium, it is copied from one medium to another. 【语法信息】:be V-ed onto/to n【语法信息】:V n onto/to nSuch information is easily transferred onto microfilm.这种信息很容易转存到缩微胶卷上。...systems to create film-quality computer effects and then transfer them to film.创造胶片级电脑画质并将之转录到胶片的系统Transfer is also a noun.It can be connected to a PC for the transfer of information.它可以与个人电脑连接进行信息转存。...data transfer.数据转存7. VERB动词转让,让与(财产、土地) When property or land is transferred, it stops being owned by one person or institution and becomes owned by another. 【语法信息】:V n from/to n【语法信息】:be V-ed【语法信息】:Also V n【FIELD标签】:LEGAL 法律He has already transferred ownership of most of the works to a British foundation...他已把大部分作品的所有权转让给一家英国基金会。Certain kinds of property are transferred automatically at death.死亡时某些财产会自动转让。Transfer is also a noun....an outright transfer of property.财产的全部让与8. V-ERG及物/不及物动词(使)转乘;(使)换乘 If you transfer or are transferred when you are on a journey, you change from one vehicle to another. 【语法信息】:V from/to n【语法信息】:be V-ed from/to nHe likes to transfer from the bus to the Blue Line at 103rd Street in Watts...他喜欢在华兹区第 103 大街下公交车转乘地铁蓝线。1,654 passengers were transferred at sea to a Norwegian cruise ship.1,654 名乘客在海上转搭了一艘挪威游轮。9. N-COUNT可数名词转印纸(纸上面印有图案,可通过加热或压力转印至其他材料上) Transfers are pieces of paper with a design on one side. The design can be transferred by heat or pressure onto material, paper, or china for decoration. ...gold letter transfers.金字转印纸10. N-COUNT可数名词换乘票;转车票;通票 A transfer is a ticket that you get when you leave a bus or train that allows you to go on a different bus or train without paying again. vt. & vi.1. 转移; 迁移I intend to transfer the property to my son.我想把这笔财产转给我儿子。The company has transferred to an eastern location.这家公司已搬到东部某地。vt.1. 转让; 让渡To preserve the farm intact, he transferred it to one heir.为了保持这个农场的完整,他将它移交给一个继承人。2. (使)调动;转职;转学;改变(环境)3. 转移(感情);传染(疾病);让与,转让(权力等)4. 转会(尤指职业足球队)That footballer has been transferred to AC Milan.那个足球运动员已经转会到AC米兰队。5. 转存,转录(资料、音乐等);改编6. 改变;转变;变换to transfer wasteland into fertile fields把荒地变成良田n.1. 转移; 转让; 转录The manager arranged for his transfer to another football club.经理安排他转会到另一个足球俱乐部。2. 中转, 换乘, 改变路线You can take the subway and then transfer to a bus.你可先乘地铁然后换乘公共汽车。3. (运动员)转会4. 转车票;换乘票5. 转印图画,转印图案(利用挤压或加热,可从纸上转印到物体的表面上)vi.1. 换车(或船);(使在旅途中)转乘,换乘,倒车At Birmingham I transferred to another coach.我在伯明翰换乘另一辆大客车。2. 转学;转校;转系;转会;调动She has transferred from the Department of History to the Department of English.她已经由历史系转到英语系了。adj.1. 转移支付的;转付款项的


transferred 英 v. 转让; ( transfer的过去式和过去分词 ) 转移,迁移; (感情) 转移; 改变; 全部释义》》He has already transferred ownership of most of the works to a British foundation.他已把大部分作品的所有权转让给一家英国基金会。
