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  • cathedral 英n. 总教堂,大教

  • big foot sweet

  • The cathedral

  • Cathedral金山词霸翻译成“大教堂”,的确但凡叫cathedral的教堂都规模宏大,但是cathedral一词是由拉丁词语cathedra衍生而来,意思是座位,cathedral特指设有主教座位的教堂,也是教区(基督教中划分的行政区域)的中心,所以这些教堂多为宏伟的大型建筑。著名的巴黎圣母院、科隆大教堂、米兰大教堂、伦敦圣保罗教堂都是cathedral。Duomo则是意大利语,Dom德语,都表示这个教堂是cathedral级别的。



圣伯多禄大教堂(St. Peter’s Basilica Church)又称圣彼得大教堂、梵蒂冈大殿。由米开朗基罗设计,是位于梵蒂冈的一座天主教宗座圣殿,建于1506年至1626年,为天主教会重要的象征之一。











由Bernini设计的这座桥可说是巴洛克式装饰艺术杰作,不过桥上诸天使像中唯二两座由Bernini亲手雕成的雕像,已被移至Santa Adrea delle Fratte教堂内妥为保存,改置两座复制品于桥上。





米兰大教堂(Duomo di Milano),意大利著名的天主教堂,又称“杜莫主教堂”、多魔大教堂,位于意大利米兰市,是米兰的主座教堂,也是世界五大教堂之一,规模居世界第二。于公元1386年开工建造,1500年完成拱顶,1774年中央塔上的镀金圣母玛丽亚雕像就位。1965年完工,历时五个世纪。不仅是米兰的象征,也是米兰市的中心。拿破仑曾于1805年在米兰大教堂举行加冕仪式。


Milan Cathedral In Milan, Italy, which has ranked as the center of Milan’s Cathedral, also known as Our Lady of the Nativity Church, in the year 1386 started the construction, completion of the vault in 1500, 1774, the central tower of the gilded statue of the Virgin Mary in place. Finally completed in 1897, lasted five centuries. Is not only a symbol of Milan is the centre of Milan. Napoleon in Milan in the 1805 coronation ceremony at the cathedral. Milan Cathedral is the world’s largest Gothic cathedral, is second only to the scale of St Peter’s Basilica, the world’s second cathedral. Church 158 meters long, 93 meters broad at its widest point. Tip top of 108.5 meters. Total area of 11,700 square meters, can accommodate 35,000 people. Internal very broad, to the body in the dark and solemn space is totally forgot they were in a large commercial city centre. People inside and outside the church a total of 3,159 statues, of which 2,245 are outside sculpture; 96 great demons and monsters shape outfall; for the tourists, most of the places not to be missed is the top floor of the church, after 919 ladder a foot summit, but also can choose to use elevators; top of a 135 marble精雕细刻from minarets, the British novelist Lawrence said the cathedral "活像a hedgehog", the central tower gilded statue of the Virgin Mary, high 4.2 tall and weighs over 700 kilograms, from more than 3,900 tablets into packets of gold. A total of five churches copper door, a copper door left to be completed in 1948, is the performance of the emperor Constantine the Act is the second copper door by 1950, is on the life of St. AL Luojiao , the third largest copper door is completed in 1906, and 37 tons of weight, depicts the Virgin Mary’s life; fourth copper door is completed in 1950, about the emperor from Germany to the demise Feidelie II Lainienuo campaign during the history of Milan; fifth copper door completed in 1965, from the performance of the St. Kaluobeiluomeiao times since the cathedral’s history. Milan church into ancient Greece, Rome and the various national architectural style. Hall, which houses the 15th century when the remains of the Archbishop of Milan, silver is built on the head, the body is really who bishops. A church roof holes, at noon, the sun is in the floor-to the north and south of the metal, this time the ancients called the "Solar bell." The square in front of the church was built in 1862. Central Italy is the Kingdom of the first King Victoria Aoaima Nuer II on horseback statue, the square yellow building is the right neo-classical architectural style of the royal palace, built in 1778, has now turned into contemporary art museum. Cathedral Square in Milan have left Victoria Aoaima Nuer II promenade, built in 1865 -1877, was shaped promenade, 196 meters long, 47 meters wide, 47 meters high arch with a round top Gallery shape, with stained glass on top shelf. The ground is paved with marble mosaic pattern. Huge arch magnificent building, decorating elegant promenade with the gold and silver jewelry, fashion, gift shops, restaurants, cafes and bookstores. Milan here is the public’s leisure centre, is the rest of the public everywhere and tourists, perennial very popular place. Through Victoria Aoaima Nuer II promenade to the Scalabrian Square (Piazza della Scala) Oelde out on the statue of Leonardo da Vinci.


Milan CathedralFrom WikipediaBasic information Location Milan, Italy Geographic coordinates 45°27′51〃N 9°11′29〃E / 45.46417, 9.19139Coordinates: 45°27′51〃N 9°11′29〃E / 45.46417, 9.19139 Religious affiliation Roman Catholic Architectural description Groundbreaking 1386 Year completed 1965 Specifications Capacity 40,000 Length 157 metres (515 ft) Width 92 metres (302 ft) Width (nave) 16.75 metres (55 ft) Height (max) 45 metres (148 ft) Dome height (outer) 65.5 metres (215 ft) Spire height 106.5 metres (349 ft) Materials Brick with Candoglia marble HistoryMilan’s layout, with streets either radiating from the Duomo or circling it, reveals that the Duomo occupies the most central site in Roman Mediolanum, that of the public basilica facing the forum. Saint Ambrose’s ’New Basilica’ was built on this site at the beginning of the 5th century, with an adjoining basilica added in 836. When a fire damaged both buildings in 1075, they were rebuilt as the Duomo. The beginningIn 1386 archbishop Antonio da Saluzzo began construction in a rayonnant Late Gothic style more typically French than Italian. Construction coincided with the accession to power in Milan of the archbishop’s cousin Gian Galeazzo Visconti, and was meant as a reward to the noble and working classes which had been suppressed by his tyrannical Visconti predecessor Barnabò. Before actual work began, three main buildings were demolished: the palace of the Archbishop, the Ordinari Palace and the Baptistry of ’St. Stephen at the Spring’, while the old church of Sta. Maria Maggiore was exploited as a stone quarry. Enthusiasm for the immense new building soon spread among the population, and the shrewd Gian Galeazzo, together with his cousin the archbishop, collected large donations for the work-in-progress. The construction program was strictly regulated under the "Fabbrica del Duomo", which had 300 employees led by first chief engineer Simone da Orsenigo. Galeazzo gave the Fabbrica exclusive use of the marble from the Candoglia quarry and exempted it from taxes.In 1389 a French chief engineer, Nicolas de Bonaventure, was appointed, adding to the church its strong Gothic imprint. Ten years later another French architect, Jean Mignot, was called from Paris to judge and improve upon the work done, as the masons needed new technical aid to lift stones to an unprecedented height. Mignot declared all the work done up till then as in pericolo di ruina ("peril of ruin"), as it had been done sine scienzia ("without science"). In the following years Mignot’s forecasts proved untrue, but anyway they spurred Galeazzo’s engineers to improve their instruments and techniques. Work proceeded quickly, and at the death of Gian Galeazzo in 1402, almost half the cathedral was complete. Construction, however, stalled almost totally until 1480, due to lack of money and ideas: the most notable works of this period were the tombs of Marco Carelli and Pope Martin V (1424) and the windows of the apse (1470s), of which those extant portray St. John the Evangelist, by Cristoforo de’ Mottis, and Saint Eligius and San John of Damascus, both by Niccolò da Varallo. In 1452, under Francesco Sforza, the nave and the aisles were completed up to the sixth bay.In 1500-1510, under Ludovico Sforza, the octagonal cupola was completed, and decorated in the interior with four series of fifteen statues each, portraying saints, prophets, sibyls and other characters of the Bible. The exterior long remained without any decoration, except for the Guglietto dell’Amadeo ("Amadeo’s Little Spire"), constructed 1507-1510. This is a Renaissance masterwork which nevertheless harmonized well with the general Gothic appearance of the church.The famous "Madunina" atop the main spire of the cathedral, a baroque gilded bronze artwork.During the subsequent Spanish domination, the new church proved usable, even though the interior remained largely unfinished, and some bays of the nave and the transepts were still missing. In 1552 Giacomo Antegnati was commissioned to build a large organ for the north side of the choir, and Giuseppe Meda provided four of the sixteen pales which were to decorate the altar area (the program was completed by Federico Borromeo). In 1562 Marco d’ Lopez’s St. Bartholomew and the famous Trivulzio candelabrum (12th century) were added.
