

essay范文网(sat essay怎么写 知乎)

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这篇文章给大家聊聊关于essay范文网,以及sat essay怎么写 知乎对应的知识点,希望对各位有所帮助,不要忘了收藏本站哦。


sat essay怎么写 知乎

一、Essay与Assignment的行文格式要求Essay、Assignment或Report、Paper、Dissertation、Coursework,以及一些课堂上老师留下的“课后作业”(简单问答题),要求撰写的内容不一样,对应的格式也是不一样的(按照具体要求的格式撰写最为稳妥),部分Top30的院校Presenting会占到你Assignment最终分数呈现的15%,最核心的部分是Reference。在国内学术科研论文撰写上同样如此,你引用的Article内容没有按照符号格式要求呈现,稽查的结果多数会被认为是“原文抄袭”,然后你的Assignment就会直接判定为不及格。二、article参考资料查阅(textbook+Online DataBase模式)你在国内写论文怎么查找文献资料的,互联网+图书馆的模式(Online DataBase)应用最为广泛,类似在图书馆的电子阅览室,如万维网之类,在那里能找到核心期刊的高质量参考文献,还能有相关研究的具体指引,因此,给你介绍两种资料查阅方式,建议交叉运用。方案1:根据你Essay、Assignment或Report的写作要求,然后在你这门课的推荐书里找到相关话题的书/chapter/article。课程相关的textbook,找到具体相关的章节/段落。还有,可以适当利用授课教师的ppt课件和lecture notes,找到和Essay有关的内容。以上这些都需要详细查阅,对于Essay Topic的理解,以及reference都有很大帮助。方案2:用心精读Academic Paper来发展自己的观点与论述,Google能搜索到的内容是有限的,但学校的Online DataBase上的资料却是无限的,要转移有限的精力投入到无限的资料查阅当中。三、快速便捷筛选需求信息的方法(在Online DataBase上查找关键词是基础操作)1.写“关键词”提纲和行文计划:针对自己的Essay和Assignment列个提纲,把你想要表达的argument写出来,然后再但大脑中有一个主要的轮廓,如:我提出的假设是“美国年轻男性比年轻女性的同性恋观念更为开放”,接着你需要查阅的关键词“年轻男女”的年龄界定;“同性恋观念”的评分标准或已经检验可行的问卷等。2.输入关键词,进行introduction和conclusion快速阅读:写一篇优秀的Essay和Assignment可能需要阅读上百篇有效的article,但是你要知道给你写Essay和Assignment的时间一般情况是极其有限的,在有限时间内完整阅读完100篇相关文献是非常不切实际的。所以要学会自我筛选,一般个人体验是进行introduction和conclusion快速阅读,快速分辨出有效信息,从而进行有效信息摘录,自己去判断整合这些参考文献是不是你需要的,是不是能佐证你观点的。3.相关argument的直接筛选和引用:查到了很多参考内容,觉得有用的都下载了全文,但这么多,哪些内容是切实有效的呢。这个就需要和你前期的提纲挂钩了。如:假设是“美国年轻男性比年轻女性的同性恋观念更为开放”,关键词“年轻男女”的年龄界定(分类汇总相关参考内容3篇);“同性恋观念”的评分标准或已经检验可行的问卷(问卷相关参考内容3篇),要详细记录和说明。四、reference的行文应用一般Essay都是,introduction一段,2-3个argument,每个argument一段,或者某个argument内容多则分为两段,conclusion一段。一般introduction和conclusion不需要reference,但如果你老师对这个不太严,也可以适当引用一点(一定不要太多,introduction和conclusion的主要目的是为了简单介绍和归纳你的Essay内容)。在每个argument的第一句一般是点题句,直接简单的点明你这一段的内容。接下来则是详细的论述,论述句中,可以先写reference句然后再用自己的话解释,也可以先写自己的观点,然后用reference来支持。之后还可以再写一些具体example(也可以是reference)来进一步支持你的段落。一般每个argument至少要1-2个reference来支持,reference不是越多越好,而是一定要精准的和你的Essay衔接在一起,既能够支持你的论点,又能向老师表明你做了很多research。一篇2000字的Essay大概是10-15个reference。五、Essay与Assignment具体问题具体解决关于Essay与Assignment的具体写作方法,上面提到的基本模式其实就已经够用了,因为学校、教师要求、专业行文格式很多都不是一样的,所以没办法很统一地告诉你怎么去写。但既然到知乎来寻求帮助了,那就给你一些规律性的参考意见:1.己查阅Online DataBase,自己动手,丰衣足食;2.寻求授课老师、学长前辈、同学们的各方协助,拿到一些优秀的Essay范文,参考性地自己完成。


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求一篇英文business essay关于leadership的范文不用太高分的 只想知道怎么写 万分感谢~~

资料来源http://www.answers.com/topic/leadershipLeadership is the ability of a company’s management to make sound decisions and inspire others to perform well. Effective leaders are able to set and achieve challenging goals, to take swift and decisive action even in difficult situations, to outperform their competition, to take calculated risks and to persevere in the face of failure. Strong communication skills, self-confidence, the ability to manage others and a willingness to embrace change also characterize good leaders.Leadership is the process through which an individual tries to influence another individual or a group of individuals to accomplish a goal. Leadership is valued in our culture, especially when it helps to achieve goals that are beneficial to the population, such as the enactment of effective preventive-health policies. An individual with leadership qualities can also improve an organization and the individuals in it, whether it be a teacher who works to get better teaching materials and after-school programs or an employee who develops new ideas and products and influences others to invest in them.Leadership can be exhibited in a variety of ways and circumstances. Mothers and fathers show leadership in raising their children with good values and encouraging them to develop to their potential. Teachers show it in inspiring students to learn and to develop their intellectual capacity. Health care workers can be leaders and develop services that meet the needs of the communities they serve, or work in collaboration with other organizations to create cost-effective, prevention-oriented programs and services.Many studies have been done and many books and articles have been published on this subject. Through this work a consistent set of leadership attributes has emerged. An effective leader does most, if not all, of the following:•Challenge the Process—search out challenging opportunities, take risks, and learn from mistakes.•Inspire others to come together and agree on a future direction or goal— create a shared vision by thinking about the future, having a strong positive vision, and encouraging others to participate.•Help others to act—help others to work together, to cooperate and collaborate by developing shared goals and building trust, and help to make others stronger by encouraging them to develop their skills and talents.•Set an example—behave in ways that are consistent with professed values and help others to achieve small gains that keep them motivated, especially when a goal will not be achieved quickly.•Encourage others—recognize each individual’s contributions to the success of a project.Another way of defining leadership is to acknowledge what people value in individuals that are recognized as leaders. Most people can think of individuals they consider to be leaders. Research conducted in the 1980s by James Kouzes and Barry Posner found that a majority of people admire, and willingly follow, people who are honest, forward-looking, inspiring, and competentAn individual who would like to develop leadership skills can profit from the knowledge that leadership is not just a set of exceptional skills and attributes possessed by only a few very special people. Rather, leadership is a process and a set of skills that can be learned.Read more: http://www.answers.com/topic/leadership#ixzz1Dr9dtTPL

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