
西安大略大学回国起薪 大学

西安大略大学回国起薪(帮忙介绍几个加拿大比较好的大学 要商学院 )

admin admin 发表于2024-04-06 10:15:29 浏览49 评论0


今天给各位分享帮忙介绍几个加拿大比较好的大学 要商学院 的知识,其中也会对帮忙介绍几个加拿大比较好的大学 要商学院 进行解释,如果能碰巧解决你现在面临的问题,别忘了关注本站,现在开始吧!


帮忙介绍几个加拿大比较好的大学 要商学院



如果你有意申请多伦多当地的公立院校,如centennial college或seneca college,我可以为你获得录取通知书




如果数学不好,不要去学Double Degree。其他的学校都很好。但是UWO是出了名的Party School,如果没有一点自制能力的话,还是别去了。多伦多也一样,周围玩的太多。如果你已经在多伦多的话,还是离开家比较好。而且我很惊讶你没有报York的Schulich。你学商到底是想学什么呢? Marketing? Accounting/Finance? Management? 你想学Accounting 可是你没有报滑铁卢的Math/CA或者AFM?如果你报了那个我肯定会推荐你去上AFM,因为那个一毕业就有两年经验,如果在读一年的研究生就可以马上考UFE。To be honest, if you’re going into accounting/finance, it doesn’t really matter which school you go to as long as you can get the certification. Your employers won’t care which university you graduated from as long as you get your CA/CGA/whatever designation (Which is why I actually recommend Waterloo’s AFM program over everything you applied to because it gets you the certification the fastest) -- so with this, if you applied for Double Degree through UW, you might want to go there and then transfer to AFM-PA (I don’t know how hard this is though, so you might want to call the school first before you actually do it)There’s a lot of math involved in finance, so you may want to consider Waterloo & Laurier for that reason -- Waterloo has a very good/challenging Mathematical Finance program in the Math faculty. Also, I heard UT’s accounting is really tough, if you fail even one course, you have to wait until the next year and redo everything -- even the courses you passed. Check out ICAO’s website if you’re going for a CA designation -- at UT you need graduate degree for 42 out of 51 credits, same with Queen’s. For Laurier and UWO you only need Bachelor’s degree for the same amount of credits.

加拿大伦敦市的西安大略大学 University of Western Ontario的机械工程硕士怎么样

  • 一般吧。。。UWO business好。。工程一般。。。非常一般。认可度不高但是好毕业。就业率还好。只要通过engineer资格考试工作就应该还行。当地就业就完蛋了。london是个大农村

  • western是以商科著称的,所以这个学校的工程类课程相对比较容易毕业。

关于西安大略大学回国起薪,帮忙介绍几个加拿大比较好的大学 要商学院 的介绍到此结束,希望对大家有所帮助。
