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波士顿(BOSTON),位于美国东北部,濒临大西洋马萨诸塞湾,是美国新英格兰最大的港口城市和马萨诸塞州的首府。波士顿下辖77个城镇,城市面积为124平方公里,市区人口约64万。 boston.located at southeast of us.close to masail gulf in atlantic.is the biggest seaport and the capital of masail in new england,usa.boston dominates 77 towns.expand the acreage of 124sq.km.holds urbun population about 640000. 气候 波士顿气候冬天寒冷,夏温和舒适。一月份平均温度为-1.6℃,7月份平均温度23.3℃。年平均降雨量1092毫米。 climateclimate in boston is cool in winter warm in summer and confortable.the average temperature in january is mius 1.6 centigrade.23.3centigrade in july.annual average rainfall is 1092millimeter.历史 波士顿始建于1630年,以英国林肯郡的波士顿命名。至18世纪中叶,波士顿一直为英属北美最大城市。历史上,波士顿曾是美国早期开展抗英独立运动的中心,美国独立战争的第一枪就是在波士顿打响的,今天的美利坚合众国就诞生在这里。 historyboston was founded in 1630.named as lincon town in england.till the middle period in 18 century.boston was always the biggest city occupied by england in amercian,in history.boston was ever the center of defending england for indepence against england.america depend war was started in boston.the modern time usa was nataled here经济 波士顿经济发达,以金融、银行、保险、商业和投资管理为主。波士顿的主要工业有食品、服装、印刷出版、金属加工和电子电脑等。 economic in boston is upgrowth.mainly by the management of finace bank insurance bussiness investment.the mainly inductry includes food costume print-press metal-processing and electric computers.交通 波士顿交通发达,有一个世界著名的天然良港,年吞吐量达1200万至2000万吨。还有罗根国际机场,与国内外230个城市通航,每年可流量达3000多万人。 traffic in boston is processing.appropriate a world famous nature harbor.has a great 12000000 to 20000000 tons of shipment.and the luogen international airport was open to navigation with 230 cities inland.the number of annual traveller increase to 30000000.教育 波士顿是美国最重要的文化城市之一,有著名的哈佛大学、诸塞理工学院等(麻省理工学院)、波士顿大学等等。波士顿人民有较高的文化素质和修养,大学生占人口的三分之一。波士顿享有美国的雅典之称。 educationas the most significate culture city in usa. there stands the famous harvard univercity, mit,boston college and so on.the citizen in boston is well educated.there are acadernician one out of three.boston was famous as the athen in america体育 拥有NBA著名球队“波士顿凯尔特人”。 sportspossess a famed basketball team in nba,boston celetics医疗 波士顿也是美国医疗事业中心之一。 medicalboston is also the center of medical career in america旅游 波士顿是美国少有的几个历史悠久到可以与欧洲相提并论的地区之一,拥有很多历史名胜。tourboston is the rare historical city which can be comparable with europe.possess lots of historic showplace.


Boston, located in the northeastern United States, established in 1630, is one of the nation’s oldest and most cultural heritages of cities. The city, covering 48 square miles, had an estimated population of 626,000 in 2011, making it the 21st largest city in the United States. In the history it was the scene of several key events of the American Revolution, such as the Boston Massacre, the Boston Tea Party, the Battle of Bunker Hill and the Siege of Boston. After the coming of American independence the city became an important port and manufacturing center, and a center of education and culture as well. Its rich history helps attract many tourists and it is considered to be a global city or a cosmopolitan city.Boston has a continental climate with some maritime influence and it lies within the transition from a humid subtropical climate to a humid continental climate. Summers are typically warm, rainy, and humid, while winter oscillate between periods of cold rain and snow. Spring and fall are usually mild, with varying conditions dependent on wind direction and jet stream positioning. Prevailing wind patterns that blow offshore minimize the influence of the Atlantic Ocean. The hottest month is July, with a mean temperature of 23.0 °C. The coldest month is January, with a mean of −1.7 °C. Boston’s coastal location on the North Atlantic moderates its temperature, but makes the city very prone to Nor’easter weather systems that can produce much snow and rain. Besides, fog is fairly common, particularly in spring and early summer, and the occasional tropical storm or hurricane can threaten the region, especially in early autumn. Due to its situation along the North Atlantic, the city is often subjected to sea breezes, especially in the late spring.
