
美国旅游签证面试问题 美国面签


admin admin 发表于2023-12-23 16:38:59 浏览55 评论0





TOP10:为什么去美国?A:这个问题近些年问的少了,从第一名滑落至第十名。回答时候一定要说明必要性对,就是必要性。不是因为美国有什么,而是因为,美国有的这些,对你很重要(必要)。以上每个字都是干货,不再详述。TOP9:你结婚了吗?A:老外一直认为,婚姻是一个人稳定下来的最重要因素。如果没结,想一下:你可以订婚吧?你可以有男(女)朋友吧?不要直接了当回答没有,想办法避开一下。TOP8:你在哪里工作?A:不建议刚刚换了工作单位就去申请,尽量保持工作证明至少在一年以上(说明你有一份稳定的工作和稳定的收入来源)如果是家庭主妇,就提一下丈夫的工作。如果是自由职业,侧重说一下你的职业理想和高峰期的职业收入。TOP7:你的收入是多少?A:注意收入可不仅限于你的死工资哦,可能离开单位,你还是一个滴滴或UBER司机,或者你在其它单位还有一份兼职,或者,你有一套多余的房子出租。你有股票或基金?不一而足,多多益善。TOP6:没有问题。A:是的,你没看错,没有问题。每个申请人在面签时候几乎都经历过这么一段时间真空期,签证官也不抬头问你问题,而是一直在低头不停的敲电脑。敲电脑做什么呢?看你填的DS160表格,如果有拒签的,还会翻看之前上一个签证官备注的原因。没有问题,不代表真的没有问题,他正在做判断的时候,那么就去干扰他的判断,创造对自己有利的因素。先抓紧摆一个看似随意,轻松酷酷的姿势,或者把红彤彤的房产证主动放在窗台上,让签证官不小心瞥见;或者把一沓厚厚的流水也放在窗台上,装作很沉很沉拿不动的样子;要不就是不断的看时间,不经意露出胳膊上花25元购买的新款地摊劳力士;等等,诸如此类。这里最后有人问,这样做,会招人讨厌吗? 一般不会的。我的建议,你能活泼一点,就千万不要腼腆。机会,多半是争取来的。TOP5:你有没有去过别的国家?A:就是传说中的出入境记录,如果有就照实说。如果没有,就说明原因,工作忙没时间什么的。有的人出入境记录在旧护照上面,其实也可以说的。有的人是因公护照,护照过期,护照丢失或其他什么的,提供一下在国外期间和著名景点的合影照片。3张以上。有的客户问去过港澳台算吗?现在基本不管用了,不要提了。以前会要求看你的通行证。TOP4:你在美国有亲戚吗?A:这个问题,相信是大多数人最纠结的。不多说,直接上干货。如果你坚持说真话,那么有就是有,没有就是没有。如果因为一些原因,你不方便讲,那么:如果美国的亲戚是你的旁系亲属,没必要讲,查不到。如果美国的亲人是你的亲生父母/配偶,一定要讲,能查到。如果美国的亲人是你的哥哥姐姐(包括亲,堂,表)之类的,一般也没必要讲,查不到。但是,这里还是推荐大家说真话,会涉及在美国亲人的信誉,或你将来打算申请移民签证的话你的信誉有会问题。TOP3:美国旅游期间费用由谁来承担?A:这里注意:如果是公司承担的话,你的在职证明里面一定要写清楚!!签证官根本没时间跑去给你的公司打电话核实,好多申请人在这里被不明不白的拒签;如果是你的父母或子女承担,你们尽量在一个户口本上;如果是你的姨妈或叔叔之类的远亲承担,尽量提供一下她(他)亲手写的信函。TOP2:是你一个人去吗?A:还是说到上文的家庭因素的问题,如果真的不可以全家一起去,一定要把理由说清楚,因为工作忙不能请假,学业繁重,身体状况不佳等等。TOP1:你去美国做什么?A:这个问题荣列TOP1,是因为几乎所有申请人都会被这么问一遍。一般回答去旅行,去自由行,去看望某个亲戚,某个朋友,去参见一个什么样的活动,把你的真实目地用最简洁的话语表达出来,注意这里的口述一定要和DS160表格填写的目的相匹配,不然很容易会被判定为不真实,虚假的意图(一种很常见的拒签理由)。

美国签证一般会问什么 问题

  使馆面签:  进入美国大使馆会有相关的录入指纹,排队等待面签。  面签时间一般很短暂,问题也就4.5个问题,具体会根据你所填写的表格进行询问。  面签问题一般包括:  1、你去美国干什么?  2、你打算去哪些地方?去多长时间?什么时候归国?  3、你在什么地方工作?职位是什么?工作几年了?月薪多少钱?  4、你结婚了吗?你住在哪里?你父母都是干什么的?还上班吗?  5、你以前出过国吗?去过哪些地方?  6、在美国有熟人吗?有的话会问他是什么时候去的?你们怎么认识的?你有她的签证吗?  面签时签证官主要担心的是:  1)你去美国会回来吗?  2)你是不是有其他的意图?  所以当见了签证官,一定要表现你的自信,说话不要轻声细语,要做出让人感觉你很自信的样子,不能让他感到你的出国会对美国构成安全问题。在签证的时候内心你可以想一下,自己的样子是不是自信。如果你是签证官,你会觉得这个人可靠吗?自信是最最关键的!说中文自信应该不难吧?  如果成功的话,当时会发你白条,让你去办理邮寄手续,收上你的护照。  如果拒签,会发给您拒签信。  除了明确要求的文件之外,最后一类支持性文件是很多申请人比较迷惑的地方。所以经常看到一些申请人带着满满一大叠各种资料前往面签,其实完全没有必要。根据美国法例,所有申请前往美国的外国人都被默认视作拥有移民倾向,而你提供材料的目的是为了推翻这一预设,所以你所有的准备都应该围绕这一目的。  总体而言,出示经济、社会、家庭或其他方面对申请者具有约束力的文件,才能帮助申请者说服签证官,证明其在美国短暂停留后有意返回中国。由于个人情况的不同,申请人应出示的证据也各不相同。下列文件可以帮助签证官评估你是否有意返回中国:户口本、身份证、雇佣证明、能客观反映你每月收入的工资单、上有正常规律的存取记录的存折等。其中后两者还能起到证明你有能力完成赴美旅游的财力。很多人都会选择提供存款证明单,这其实是一个误解,对于签证官来说,存款证明只能证明你的融资能力,而不是消费能力,相比较而言后者才更有说服力。  最后,特别要提醒申请者的是,去美国旅游签证只是一道基本的门槛,最终能否入境还要看你能不能通过美国当局设在美国海关的检查。经常有人会告诉你,签证申请很容易,但是到了美国的机场之后会遭遇细致和长时间的检查。因此,申请签证的材料,建议从中选择一些重要的内容,随身携带,即便遭遇超规格的检查,也能帮助你快速通关。

办理美国个人旅游签证 面签都会问些什么问题



美国面签问题总结 1、 赴美目的?  你这次去美国做什么?What are you going to do in USA? What will you do in USA? What kinds of activities you will take part in during your stay in USA?  你这次去美国有什么目的?What’s your purpose of traveling (visiting or going) to USA?  What’s your purpose of this winter camp?  Why you want to attend this winter camp?  游览美国名胜风景 I would like to enjoy wonderful sightseeing of America.  与美国同龄人交流(文化、音乐、娱乐、生活、学习etc) To communicate with American peers in many aspects such as culture, music, entertainment, life style and studying as well. 2、此次美国旅游的费用是多少,是谁承担这个费用的? Q:How much does this trip cost? And who is paying for you? 3、你之前有过出境纪录吗?(如果参加过请出示照片等) Q:Have you ever been other Countries? 4、此次活动有同行人吗?  Q:Do you have any other peer-people? A:No 5、你在什么公司上班?(请出示在校证明) Q: Which company are you working in? A: I’m working in (公司名称) 6、你喜欢你的公司吗? Q:Do you like your company? A:Yes. 7、你的公司有多少人?你的职位及职责? Q:How many people are there in your company?What’s ur position and ur responsibility for? A: 8、你的业余时间都做什么? Q:What do you do in your leisure-time? 9、你的假期是多长时间? Q:What’s the duration of your holiday? A:根据实际情况回答 10、此次你去美国多少天,都去什么地方你知道吗? Q:How many days are you going stay in US? And do you know what places you are going to visit? A:I am going to stay in US for 14 days, and we are going to visit:罗列几个地名 11、本次活动你的爸爸/妈妈为什么没有和你一起参加?(如果是家庭团的,并且只有一个家长陪同) Q:Why didn’t your father/mother accompany you to join this winter camp? (Why won’t you father join you?) A:They are busy with their works. 12、你有家人在美国么? Q: Do you have any relatives in USA?      A: No, I have no relatives in USA. 13、美国你最想去哪? Q: What’s your favorite city in USA? A: Los Angeles (San Francisco, New York…….) 14、去过别的国家么?(如果去过请出示在境外的照片,最好是有标志性建筑的) Q: Have you ever been abroad?  A1: Yes, I have been to Japan (Singapore, UK, Australia……) A2: No, I have never been abroad. 15、你最喜欢哪个国家? Q:What is your favorite country? A:Britain/其他的国家,但是要说出喜欢的理由 16、 你父母去过美国吗?(如果去过出示他们的护照和在境外的照片) Q:Have your parents ever been to USA? A1: Yes, my father has been there before. A2: No. they haven’t.  在面签的过程中,经常会被问到用英语回答的问题,以下是常见的英语问题,仅供参考 1. What’s you name? 2. What’s your full name? 3. What’s meaning of your name? 4. What’s your surname (family name)?  5. When were you born? 6. What’s your birthday?  7. Where were you born? 8. Where are you from? 9. Where do you live (in China)? 10. Where do you come from? 11. Which road or street are you in?  12. Are you single? / Have you married? 13. Do you have any brother or sister? 14. How many members are there in your family? 15. Can you introduce your family?  16. What do your parents do? 17. What’s your father’s profession? And your mother?  18. What’s your profession / occupation? 19. What are your parent’s salaries (annual incomes)? 20. Can I look at your Bankbook? 21. Who will pay all your fees for your study? 22. Who will support your study in France? 23. Who will pay your courses fees? 24. Who will sponsor you? 25. Who will pay the money? 26. How much does it cost for your study? 27. How much is your tuition fees? 28. Do you think it is expensive? 29. How much is the living expense? 30. Have you paid all the fees for your study? 31. Do you think it expensive? 32. Did your parents agree that you study in France? Why? 33. Did your parents agree that you study in France? Why? 34. What are you doing now? 35. Where are you working now?  36. Can you introduce yourself?37. Do you like sport? 38. What is your hobby? 39. What are your hobbies / interests? 40. What do you like to do in your free time? 41. What do you do at leisure? 42. What are you your leisure antiviral?  43. What do you do for relaxation? 44. Which color do you like?  45. Tell me about your hometown. 46. Can you introduce your hometown? 47. What’s the most special building in your hometown? 48. What are the famous building and sights pots? 49. Do you have any friends or relatives in France?  50. Do you like travel? 51. Where have you been? 52. Which place have you traveled?  53. Can you speak French? 54. French is very difficult, and do you like it? 55. Can you say something about Chinese education system? Or French? 56. What are the differences between them?  57. When did you graduate from high school?  58. When did you graduate from the senior middle school? 59. What is Gaokao? 60. Did you attend Gaokao? When? How much is your score? 61. Where did you graduate from high school? 62. Where / When did you graduate? 63. What did you learn in the university / college? 64. Do you have any diploma? 65. How many years did you study at university in China? 66. What is your specialty (major)? 67. What courses did you study at university? 68. What’s your academic background? 69. Can you look at your transcript?  70. Do you have a job or are you a student? 71. What is your occupation? 72. What is your major responsibility in your office? 73. What is the schedule work of your company? 74. What kind productions does your company sell? 75. Say something about your company. 76. How long have you been working at this company? 77. Why did you make this decision of giving up your job and turn to study abroad? 78. Do you get anything from this company? What is it?  79. How long did you study English? 80. Did you attend any English test such as TOEFL or IELTS? 81. How much is your score?  82. What do you want to study in France? 83. Why do you want to study in France? 84. Why do you want to go to France? 85. Why don’t you continue your study in Chinese university? 86. Why don’t you want to study in USA or UK? 87. Why don’t you choose to study in USA or U.K.? 88. Why do you want to study B.A.? 89. Why do you choose this specialty? 90. Why do you choose this university?  91. Where are you going to study?  92. Where will you live in France? 93. What are you going to do in France? 

美国签证一般会问什么 问题一般面试时间是多长

美国签证面试时大部分提问是围绕两个核心问题:  一,在境外的逗留时间是短期的、申请人无任何移民倾向。申请人在本国有社会、经济、家庭等方面的不可分割、约束性的联系;  二,有真诚的、充分的、可信的出访商务目的。 一般面试时间为5分钟以内,不过排队时间会比较长,1小时左右。 以下是一些主要的面试问题,供你参考:What is your academic background?你的学历背景是什么?Did you get your master degree? When and where did you get your Bachelor and Master degree?你得到你的硕士学位了吗? 你何时以及哪里得到你的学士和硕士的学位?How long have you worked? What are you doing now?你已经工作多久? 你正在现在做什么?What is your current major?你的现在主修专业是什么的?How much is your monthly salary? My total monthly salary is about 3500 RMB ( my part-time job,)你的每月薪水是多少? 我每月的薪水总计是大约 3500人民币 ( 加入我的兼任工作)Why did you choose your job?你为什么选择你的工作?What is job of your parents?你父母的工作是什么?What do your parents do? How much is your parents’ salary?你的父母做什么? 你父母的薪水是多少?Do you have any siblings? Any brother or sister?你有兄弟吗? 任何的兄弟或姊妹?Are you a top student in your school?你在你的学校中是一位好学生吗?So what are you going to do in US?你将要在美国做什么?What is your purpose to go to USA?你去美国的目的是什么?What will you do in USA?你将在美国做什么?What is your purpose for the visa?你签证的目的是什么?When are you going to enter US?你何时去美国?Why will you come back to China?你为什么回到中国?What is your favorite American movie?你喜爱的美国电影是什么?What is your favorite color?你的喜爱颜色是什么?


1、每个人情况不同,签证类型不同。面试时间5分钟左右,不过排队时间,快的40分钟出来 慢的可能1个多小时2、常见签证考官问题大集合及翻译:Personal Information 个人信息What is your academic background?你的学历背景是什么?Did you get your master degree? When and where did you get your Bachelor and Master degree?你得到你的硕士学位了吗? 你何时以及哪里得到你的学士和硕士的学位?How long have you worked? What are you doing now?你已经工作多久? 你正在现在做什么?What is your current major?你的现在主修专业是什么的?In what aspect of your major will you study (related)? What’s the aspect?你将会在专业什么方向学习?(相关的) 方面是什么?Do you have any interested area to study (specialized area)?你学习感兴趣的区域?(具体专业)Bachelor degree at former ~ in 1996 and Master degree at the same school in 1999, major in ~ and ~.学士学位在 XX 大学在 1996 年和硕士的学位在 1999 年在相同的学校, 主修 ~ 和 ~.Do you have a description for your research?你能描述你的研究吗?You are now a researcher in ~? Do you do some experiment or theoretical work?你是现在一个研究员在 XX? 你做一些实验或理论上的工作吗?How much is your monthly salary? My total monthly salary is about 3500 RMB ( my part-time job,)你的每月薪水是多少? 我每月的薪水总计是大约 3500人民币 ( 加入我的兼任工作)Why did you choose your job?你为什么选择你的工作?Why did you choose the university at first?起先你为什么选择大学?Why do you like your major?你为什么喜欢你的主修科目?I attend university at sixteen.我在十六岁进入大学。At that time my father had a big influence on me, he is a engineer in a ~ factory.那时我的父亲对我有很大的影响, 他是工程师在一家工厂。He believed the major will be good in future China so hope me to choose this.他相信这个专业在未来的中国很好,希望我选择这个专业。Besides, I got good research experience in six years in lab in ~.此外,我在实验室的六年中有了好多研究经验在 ~.So, now, I think the major is my best choice.如此,我认为这个专业是我的最好选择。What is job of your parents?你父母的工作是什么?What do your parents do? How much is your parents’ salary?你的父母做什么? 你父母的薪水是多少?Do you have any siblings? Any brother or sister?你有兄弟吗? 任何的兄弟或姊妹?What did you do with your Master work?你的研究生工作做什么?I took fifteen courses, and did some research on ~.我学了十五个课程, 而且做了一些研究在 ~.Can you talk something about the course XX?你能说话关于课程 XX 的事吗?What is the difficult class do you have? And the favorite class?你认为困难的课程是什么? 而且喜爱的课程?The favorite class was XX, it tells us how to ~.喜爱的课程是 "~", 它告诉我们如何~.It is very wide and fast developing; I think xx is difficult because there are many technical terms although the terms are useful.资讯科技非常广泛和快速的发展; 我想 xx 很困难因为有许多技术上的术语,虽然术语是有用的。Are you a top student in your school?你在你的学校中是一位好学生吗?What about your rank in your class?在你的班级中你的排名怎么样?Yes. I ranked top ten percent in my undergraduate study.是的。 我本科排入了前百分之十。In my graduate study and research work, I published ~ academic papers in my area.在我的研究生学习和研究工作中, 我出版了 ~在我的领域中的学术文章。Why you took your GRE test two years ago? Why you took it so early?你为什么在二年以前参加 GRE 考试? 你为什么参加这么早的?When and where did you take the GRE (TOEFL) test? How much is your TOEFL score? (Score sheets) .你何时以及在哪里参加 GRE(托福) 测试? 你的托福是多少分? (成绩单).GRE test on ~ in Shanghai. Score is ~. TOEFL test on ~. And score is ~.GRE 测试 ~在上海。 得分是 ~. 托福测试 ~. 而且得分是 ~.Why TOEFL score low?托福分为什么低?At that time, I was busy in doing research and writing some papers in my area, I haven’t enough time for preparing the test.那时,我忙于做研究而且在我的领域中写一些文章, 我没有充足的准备测试的时间。GRE score high?GRE 分高?Thanks! Everyone believes GRE test very difficult, so I spent half a year preparing for it! No pains, No gains. I think it reasonable that I got a good score in the test. I didn’t cheat.谢谢! 每个人认为 GRE 测试非常困难的,因此我用半年准备它! 没有付出,没有增益。我想我得到了合理的测试得分。 我没有作弊。Do you have a girlfriend? Where is she?你有女朋友吗? 她在哪里?Are you sure your girlfriend will keep relation with you during your graduate study?你确定你的女朋友在你研究生就读期间将会保持与你的关系?Yes, she graduated from ~ in Shanghai and worked in a ~ as an ~.是的,她从 上海XX大学毕业在而且工作在xx任职xxWe love each other, so she will stay in China and I will come back and reunite with her after graduation.我们爱彼此,因此她将会留在中国,而且我在毕业后将会回来和她重聚的。We plan to get married one month later!我们计划一月之后结婚!What is your best/worst quality?你的最好/最坏的品质是什么?Is your wife in the United States?你的妻子在美国吗?What does she do in the United States? And where?她在美国做什么?哪里?Have you worked in institute?你在学校里工作了吗?When will you graduate?你什么时候会得到学位?I want to learn what I need as soon as possible, and SIU suits me best, besides, SIU can offer me ESL program, so this is the quickest way to achieve goal.我想尽快地学习我需要的知识,而且 SIU 最适合我。此外, SIU 能提供我 ESL 课程,因此,这是达成目标的最快方法。Yeah, I’ll quit my current work.是的,我将离开我的现在工作。But it’s just temporary.但是这只是暂时的。When I come back I’ll be well equipped with adequate knowledge ,along with my net work, I’ll restart my career from a high point and achieve my career goal step by step.当我回来得时候已经很好地学到了充分的知识,加上我的关系网,我将一步一步地重新开始从一个更高的起点来达成我的事业目标。I have discussed my plan with my husband, and he fully supports it.我已经与我的丈夫讨论我的计划,而且他完全支援它。His stable income will enable him to live well in China.他的稳定收入将会使他能够很好地住在中国。He strongly supports my decision and agrees with me to maximize the gain of this two-year experience in order to realize my career goals eventually.他强烈地支持我的决定而且同意我为了要最后实现我的事业目标 , 要使这二年经验的增益最大。Study Plan 学习计划How many schools do you apply to?你申请了多少学校?Seven. Four give me admissions and two give me financial aid.七个。四个学校给我录取通知书,两个给我经济资助。Do you have any emails of your future advisor?你有与你将来导师的任何电子邮件吗?I don’t have advisor now. it will be decided in the second year after I join this program我现在没有导师。我决定在我参加完这个课程学习的第二年再找导师。So do you have any interested area to study?你有你感兴趣要学习的领域吗?XXXX. this program has several professors who did good work in this field? I would like to work with themXXXX这个专业有几个在这方面做的很好的教授。我想和他们一起工作。So what are you going to do in US?你将要在美国做什么?I’m going to study my PHD in University of ***我将要在xx大学中进修我的博士学位 .What’s your major?你的专业是什么?They wrote ***** on my form, but actually it’s *****, relating to linguistics and pedagogy.他们在我的表格上写的是…..,但实际上它是……,是和语言学和教育学相关的。The second, I want to learn the most advanced management accounting theory, America is NO.1 in this field.其次,我想学习最先进的管理会计理论,美国在这方面是最好的。In China, the theories of management accounting are all from US. So if I want to learn the most advanced management accounting science, I think I should have a down- to-earth study in US.中国的管理会计理论都是从美国引进的。所以,如果我想要学习最先进的管理会计理论科学,我想我应该在美国有一个深入实际的研究。I’ve worked for three years and I met some problems, so I know what kind of knowledge I need now, so I should learn more knowledge in this field as soon as possible to achieve goal.我已经工作三年之久,在这期间遇到了一些问题,因此,我知道我现在需要什么类型的知识,因此,我应该尽快地在这一个领域中学习较多的知识以达成目标。How do you know this university?你如何知道这一所大学?My research interest concentrates in *****, I think every one in this field knows this university. It’s quite famous我的研究兴趣集中在*****,我想在这个领域的任何人都知道这所大学。它非常有名。My master advisor knows some professors in this university, and I also met the chairman on an international conference last year in Shanghai.我的硕士导师认识这所大学的一些教授,而且在去年的一次上海国际会议上我也见到了这所学校的校长What will you study in the United States?你将会在美国学习什么?What is your purpose to go to USA?你去美国的目的是什么?What will you do in USA?你将在美国做什么?What is your purpose for the visa? I need F-1 visa to study for Ph.D. at XXX你签证的目的是什么?我需要F-1签证在xxx大学学习博士学位。.Why do you go to ~ ? Why do you choose this University?你为什么去 ~? 你为什么选择这一所大学?Its academic focus matches mine perfectly. So if I get my Ph.D. there, I will have great space to develop in China.它的理论核心很适合我。如果我在这得到博士学位,我在中国将有很大的发展空间How do you know this University?你如何知道这一所大学?Why study in US? Why do you want to pursue a doctor’s degree in the USA?为什么在美国学习? 你为什么想要在美国获得一个博士学位?Why not a Ph.D. degree in China? Why not other countries, such as...? I need best engineering university for my Ph.D. My area in China is new and developing. But in the United States, it has been developed.为什么不在中国拿一个博士学位? 为什么不在其他的国家,比如….? 我需要去最好的工程大学修习博士学位.在中国我的这个行业是新兴并在发展之中的。但在美国它已经很发达了。My major in former ~ was ~ and ~ engineering. My major in ~ is ~ science and我的主修科目在先前的 ~ 是 ~ 和 ~工程学。 我的主修科目在 ~ 是 ~ 科学和~.Can you say something about it? What is it for? Do you have materials about it?你能说关于它的一些信息吗?为什么? 你有关于它的材料吗?What’s the difference between your current major and the major in USA?你现在的专业与在美国的专业有什么不同?How long will you study in USA? Why it needs only four years?你在美国将会学习多久?为什么它只需要四年?About four years. I hope I could get PHD in four years. Perhaps because the School is strict with its students.大约四年。 我希望我可以在四年中拿到博士学位。 也许因为学校对它的学生严厉。Have you got any scholarship?你得到任何的奖学金了吗?TA position (18,000 dollars per year). My department told me, it is full financial support (including a tuition waiver).TA岗位。 (每年 18,000美元) 我的系告诉我, 这是全将。 (包括一个学费减免)What’s your duty as a TA/RA? What kind of works will you do for this assistantship?作为一个TA/RA你的责任是什么?对于这个助教奖学金你会作什么工作?I will work a minimum of 15 hours per week on a funded project.我在一个资助项目上至少工作15个小时How much do you expect you will have to spend each year in the United States?在美国你预计每年花多少钱?From I-twenty, my cost for a year in U.S will be ~ dollars.从我的I -20 表上,在美国每年的花费将要~美元。Why do you receive financial aid from this University? Why this university gave you the aid (funding)?你为什么接到这所大学的经济资助?为什么这个大学给你资助?I am a good student and have great potential for doctoral research. And my background matches its academic focus very well.我是个好学生,对博士的研究有很大的潜能。我的背景和它的学术核心很相符。When are you going to enter US?你何时去美国?
