
澳大利亚国旗英文 国旗 国旗的含义


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Australia’s flag is a horizontal rectangle with a ratio of length to width of 2: 1. The flag is dark blue, with red and white "meters" on the top left and a large white heptagon under the word "meters". Five white stars are on the right side of the flag, with one small star at five and the rest at seven. Australia is a member of the Commonwealth.


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  • Australia’s national flag

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Following Federation as a new nation (the Commonwealth of Australia) on 1st January, 1901 the Commonwealth Government announced a Federal Flag design competition on 29th April, 1901. The review of Review for Australiasia, a Melbourne journal, had initiated an Australian flag competition in 1900, a unique event at the time. It was agreed that the entries received by this journal would be accepted in the Government’s competition. The contest attracted 32,823 entries from men, women and children. An expert panel of judges assessed the entries using guidelines which included history, heraldry, distinctiveness, utility and cost of manufacture, On 3rd September, 1901, a public ceremony was held at the Royal Exhibition Building, Melbourne, where Lady Hopetoun, wife of the Governor-General, opened a display of the entries in the competition. The Prime Minister of Australia, Sir Edmund Barton, announced that five entrants, who had submitted similar designs, were to share the honour of being declared the designers of Australia’s own flag. They were: Ivor Evans, a fourteen-year-old schoolboy from Melbourne; Leslie John Hawkins, a teenager apprenticed to a Sydney optician; Egbert John Nuttall, a Melbourne architect; Annie Dorrington, an artist from Perth; and William Stevens, a ship’s officer from Auckland, New Zealand. The Commonwealth Government and the Review of Reviews for Australasia provided ₤75 each and the Havelock Tobacco Company added ₤50 to this making a total of ₤200 prize money, a considerable amount at the time. The five winners received ₤40 each. The Australian National Flag features the five stars of the constellation of the Southern Cross and the Commonwealth Star, and the combined crosses of St George, St Andrew and St Patrick. The union of crosses represents Australia’s early settlers. The Commonwealth Star with its seven points represents the unity of the six Australian states and the seventh point stands for all Australian Territories. Under the Flags Act of 1953, passed unanimously by parliament, it was confirmed that our "Stars and Crosses" design be the chief national symbol by law, custom and tradition and that it be honoured with the title "Australian National Flag". The new status of the national flag was emphasized when the act of parliament received royal assent from Queen Elizabeth II, on Her Majesty’s visit to Australia in 1954. The Australian rules of flag etiquette are designed to ensure that the national flag is displayed with the dignity befitting its status. The Australian National Flag identifies a free and democratic people in a nation united in purpose. Our national flag belongs equally to all Australians whatever their origins. Each of the symbols on the flag has a special meaning for Australians. The stars of the Southern Cross represent our geographic position in the Southern Hemisphere; the Commonwealth star stands for our federation of States and Territories; the Crosses represent the principles on which our nation is based, namely, parliamentary democracy, rule of law and freedom of speech. In 1996 the Governor-General, Sir William Deane, proclaimed 3rd September as Australian National Flag Day, to commemorate the day in 1901 on which our national flag of "Stars and Crosses" was first flown. It is the right and privilege of every Australian to fly the Australian National Flag.


日本Japan国旗 太阳旗首都 东京樱花是日本的国花,无疑也被日本人视为精神的象征。日本人常以此为喻,认为人生便需如樱花一般,只求最华美灿烂的一瞬,短暂亦无妨。这种信念通常会体现在他们生活、处事之道中,自古如此,久而久之便培养出了日本人特有的不惜一切力求向上、坚忍不拔的民族精神。澳大利亚 Australia国旗:旗地为深蓝色,国旗的左上角为英国国旗图案,表明澳大利亚与英国的传统关系。下面为一颗较大的白色七角星,象征组成澳大利亚联邦的六个州和联邦政府。旗地右边为五颗白色的星,其中一颗小星为五角,其余均为七角。五颗小星代表南十字星座(澳大利亚能看得最清楚的星座)。 首都: 堪培拉 澳大利亚人既有西方人的爽朗,又有东方人的矜持。 澳大利亚有特别浓厚的自由和无拘无束的气氛 澳大利亚人文明有礼,乐于助人。在人流稀少的街上行走的话,人们即使互不相识也会打招呼和问候。美国America美国国旗为星条旗首都 纽约世界第一强国,经济军事教育水平均处世界前列德国 Germany 首都: 柏林 (Berlin)国旗 三色旗德国是世界第四大经济体,德国人非常注重规则和纪律,干什么都十分认真。和西方许多国家相似,德国人比较注意礼仪。法国France法国国旗呈长方形,长与宽之比为3∶2。旗面由三个平行且相等的竖长方形构成,从左至右分别为蓝、白、红三色。首都:巴黎如果让人们用一个形容词来形容法国,最常见的就是“浪漫”(或曰法国人“散漫”)了。英国England国旗 米字旗首都 伦敦英国作为老牌工业国家,本质上有作为贵族的优越感,所以用来形容他们的词就是绅士,但有人看来就是挑剔俄罗斯Russian 俄罗斯国旗呈横长方形,长与宽之比约为3:2。旗面由三个平行且相等的横长方形相连而成,自上而下分别为白、蓝、红三 色首都 莫斯科世界上面积最大的国家,资源丰富,但轻工业极度不发达南朝Korea国旗 太极旗首都 首尔资源教贫乏,电子工业相对发达,民众的民族自尊心很强加拿大Canada首都 堪培拉埃及,巴西。

