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行为科学学院 (Behavioural Sciences)经营与管理学院 (School of Management and Governance)科学与技术学院 (Science and Technology)电子工程,数学和计算机工程学院 (Electrical Engineering, Mathematics and Computer Science)工程技术技术学院 (Engineering Technology)地理信息科学和地球观测学院 (International Institute for Geo-Information Science and Earth Observation)屯特大学原有10个系(6个工程技术类系和4个社会管理类系 ) ,后参照美式大学结构进行重组整合为5个学院(3个工程技术向学院和2个行为管理向学院) ,以及后并入的第6学院 (ITC),组成当前屯特大学的六大学院 。


University of Twente (Dutch: Universiteit Twente) is a university located in Enschede, Netherlands. It offers research and degree programmes in the social and behavioral sciences and in engineering. In keeping with its entrepreneurial spirit, the University is committed to making economic and social contribution to the region of the Netherlands where it is based. The UT collaborates with Delft University of Technology and Eindhoven University of Technology under the umbrella of the 3TU.Federation, and is also a partner in the European Consortium of Innovative Universities (ECIU).


MESA+ Institute for Nanotechnology (MESA+) 纳米技术和微系统技术,位于(MESA+)研究学院,(世界最大的纳米技术研究中心之一) MIRA Institute for Biomedical Technology and Technical Medicine (MIRA)生物医学技术和医药工程,位于生物医学技术学院Centre for Telematics and Informationtechnology (CTIT)计算机信息通讯学,位于信息远距离传送和信息技术中心Institute for Behavioral Research (IBR)人力资源开发教育培训,位于社会行为学院(欧洲排名第六)Institute for Innovation and Governance Studies (IGS)公共行政学,位于政务研究学院Institute of Mechanics, Processes and Control Twente (IMPACT)机械,处理和控制,位于名为冲击力(IMPACT)的学院 CEPTES - Center for Philosophy of Technology and Engineering Science (CEPTES+)CES - Center for European Studies (CES+)CHEPS - Center for Higher Education Policy Studies (CHEPS+)CHOIR - Center for healthcare operations improvement & research (CHOIR+)CIPV - Centre for integrated manufacturing and development (CIPV+)CSSTS - Center for Studies of Science, Technology and Society (CSSTS+)CSTM - Center for clean technology and environmental policy (CSTM+)Drebbel - Drebbel institute for Mechatronics (Drebbel +)Institute for Sport & Leisure (sport en leisure+)IPIT - Instituut voor maatschappelijke veiligheidsvraagstukken (IPIT+)ITM - Institute of Technical Medicine (ITM+)Nikos - Dutch institute for knowledge intensive entrepreneurship (Nikos+)STeHPS - Science, Technology, Health and Policy Studies (STePHS+)TESI - Twente Embedded Systems Initiative (TESI+)TWC - Twente Water Centre (TWC+)TwiCor - Twente institute for Communication researchVRINT - Virtual Reality Initiative Twente (VRINT+)

