
mechanical animals

mechanical animals(manson Mechanical Animals正版专辑哪里有卖)

admin admin 发表于2024-05-04 15:59:40 浏览60 评论0


大家好,关于mechanical animals很多朋友都还不太明白,不过没关系,因为今天小编就来为大家分享关于manson Mechanical Animals正版专辑哪里有卖的知识点,相信应该可以解决大家的一些困惑和问题,如果碰巧可以解决您的问题,还望关注下本站哦,希望对各位有所帮助!


manson Mechanical Animals正版专辑哪里有卖

  • 淘宝,国内一般很少能找到实体店卖这种正版

  • 我9月份也从淘宝定了一张Antichrist superstar,是学友碟吧,信誉挺高,说20天到货,但今天还没到,我正焦急呢。可以确定的是,必须上淘宝买,但要让店主保证到货时间,还要让他包装结实点。

Marilyn Manson曼森哪几张专辑最最经典

《The Black Album》这是一个新的起点,容易接受且令人兴奋。半数曲子是些闹剧般割裂的华丽片段;而另一半,却是些更黑暗、更怪异、更美丽的精心之作。其中第五首歌Suicide Id Painless 听起来很悲伤、很惨烈,以最佳状态行进。专辑中表现出的自我膨胀、冷酷和麻木也许是一种成名的哗众取宠的策略。但他并没有固步自封,正是这种原因他自己都有可能并没有意识到的强大力量改变了他,也许是他天性使然,Marilyn Manson也已经意识到了,而我狂顶他。 《Antichrist Superstar》无处不舞动着冷漠、不详和嘲弄 ,怪诞的口哨和合成器,失真电声反馈,浓重的鼻息,野兽般的呻吟───乐器似乎也在没命般的暴击中爆裂,这无疑是一场强力的核爆炸。 MARILYN MANSON既是一支来自佛罗里达的乐队的名称,又是该乐队主音歌手的名字。 这个来自美国中西部的歌手原名BRIAN WARNER,在俄亥俄州的CANTON度过孩提时代。他从小不和父母同住,向往着有朝一日成为象OZZY OSBOURNE一个的个性英雄。18岁时,移居佛罗里达,在当地的TAMPA湾地区从事音乐评论工作。1989年他化名MANSON,遇到了吉他手SCOTT MITCHELL(真名为SCOTT PUTESKY)这两人一拍即合,彼此发瑞其对南佛里达音乐景象的看法极其相似。根据MANSON在小型谈话节目中得到的经验和由60年代两个著名名词组合而来的名字的启发,他给SCOTT起名DAISY BERKOWITZ,分别来源于公爵DAISY的爵士乐组合和杀手DAVID BERKOWITZ。在贝司手GIDGET GEIN和键盘手MADONNA WAYNE-GRACY加入之后,名为MARILYN MANSON和THE SPOOKY KIDS的乐队正式成立。 《Portrait Of An American Family 》 在这张94年的专辑中,地狱的狂欢景象始终压迫着听者的神经。后hardcore式机械单调的鼓击,死亡金属阴暗凝重的和弦段落,将死亡的氛围渲染得淋漓尽致。marilyn manson用地狱恶魔般的嗓音歌颂着撒旦的复活。dope hat中犹如群魔狂舞般诡异的节奏,加上manson嗜血一样的咆哮,描绘了一幅世纪末的恶魔盛宴图。

Mechanical Animals 歌词

歌曲名:Mechanical Animals歌手:Marilyn Manson专辑:Mechanical Animals (Ecopac Explicit)Marilyn Manson - Mechanical AnimalsWe were neurophobic and perfectthe day that we lost our soulsmachines that wished they were humanIf they cry they will rustAnd I was a hand grenadeThat never stopped explodingYou were automatic and as hollow as the "o" in godI am never gonna be the one for youI am never gonna save the world from youBut they’ll never be good for youOr bad to youThey’ll never be anythingAnything at allYou were my mechanical brideYou were phenobarbidollA manniqueen of depressionWith the face of a dead starAnd I was a hand grenadeThat never stopped explodingYou were automatic and as hollow as the "o" in godI am never gonna be the one for youThis isn’t me I’m not mechanicalI’m just a boy playing the suicide kinghttp://music.baidu.com/song/7570196

玛丽莲.曼森 有一首歌中文叫通往地狱的大门,这首歌的中文叫什么他的歌最激情的是那些

lamb of god——上帝的羔羊 there was christ in the metal shell. 救世主冠冕堂皇, there was blood on the pavement! 人行道上却布满献血! the camera will make you god! 媒体可以把凡人吹捧成上帝, that’s how jack became sainted! jack就是这样变成了圣人! if you die when there’s no one watching! 如果你默默地死去, and your ratings drop and you’re forgotten! 你的愤怒也会停止,没有人会记得你! if they kill you on their tv! 但如果你的死亡上了电视, you’re a martyr and a lamb of god! 你就成了殉教者,成了上帝的宠儿! nothing’s going to change! 什么都不会改变! nothing’s going to change the world! 没什么可以改变这样的世界! there was lennon in the happy gun! 列农被枪杀,那何尝不是凶手的幸福, there were words on the pavement! 人们在街头议论纷纷, we were looking for the lamb of god! 我们是在寻找上帝的宠儿! we were looking for our david! 他就是杀人凶手,戴维! if you die when there’s no one watching! 如果你默默地死去, and your ratings drop and you’re forgotten! 你的愤怒也会停止,将没有人记得你! if they kill you on their tv! 但如果你的死亡上了电视, you’re a martyr and a lamb of god! 你就成了殉教者,成了上帝的宠儿! nothing’s going to change the world! 没有什么可以改变世界! nothing’s going to change! 什么都没有改变! nothing’s going to change the world! 没有什么可以改变这世界! nothing’s going to change the world! 什么都没有改变,这样的世界! it took three days for him to die! 基督耶稣用了三天死亡,重生, the born again to buy the serial rights! 来得到他的各种权利。 lamb of god have mercy on us. 可基督耶稣只是怜悯我们, lamb of god won’t you grant us? 却从来不施任何恩惠! nothing’s going to change the world! (略) nothing’s going to change! (略) nothing’s going to change the world! (略) nothing’s going to change! (略) nothing’s going to change the world! (略) nothing’s going to change! (略) nothing’s going to change the world! (略) nothing’s going to change the world (略) if you die when there’s no one watching! 如果你默默地死去, and your ratings drop and you’re forgotten! 你的愤怒也会停止,没有人会记得你! if they kill you on their tv! 但如果你的死亡上了电视, you’re a martyr and a lamb of god! 你就是个殉教者,成了上帝的宠儿! nothing’s going to change the world!没有什么可以改变这个世界!

关于mechanical animals,manson Mechanical Animals正版专辑哪里有卖的介绍到此结束,希望对大家有所帮助。