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London Bridge is in Lake Havasu City, Arizona.In 1962, London Bridge was falling down. Built in 1831, the bridge couldn’t handle the ever-increasing flow of traffic across the Thames River. The British government decided to put the bridge up for sale, and Robert McCulloch, Founder of Lake Havasu City, Arizona, and Chairman of McCulloch Oil Corporation, submitted the winning bid of $2,460,000. The bridge was dismantled, and each stone was numbered. Everything was shipped 10,000 miles to Long Beach, California, and then trucked to Lake Havasu City. Reconstruction began on September 23, 1968, with a ceremony including the Lord Mayor of London, who laid the cornerstone. On October 10, 1971, the bridge was dedicated.London Bridge crosses a narrow boating channel that connects with Thompson Bay on the Arizona side of Lake Havasu. Prior to the arrival of London Bridge, the land upon which the bridge was placed was a peninsula. A large dredge was used to carve a one-mile channel, removing over two million cubic yards of rock and earth in the construction phase. Water was then diverted from the lake, under the bridge and then back into the lake through Thompson Bay. On the Google Map aerial view, the pushpin marked "A" is the London Bridge Resort, and just to the left is McCulloch Boulevard and the location of London Bridge.To reach the bridge from I-40 we recommend going south on Arizona Highway 95, then turn left (east) on Mesquite Avenue. Turn right (south) on Lake Havasu Avenue N. and then right again on McCulloch Boulevard N. to drive over the bridge. Best place to park to take photos: Just after turning onto McCulloch Boulevard N., you’ll cross over Arizona Highway 95. Before you reach the actual London Bridge, turn left into the small parking lot near the London Bridge Resort. It’s an easy walk along the lower edge of the bridge to the promenade for photos. Once you walk west under the bridge, you’ll see a concrete walkway ramp which leads up to the London Bridge visitors’ center where there are some historical photos and other information about the bridge and other attractions and points of interest within about a 100-mile radius of Lake Havasu City.Lake Havasu City, which got its start as an Army Air Corps rest camp during World War II, now has over 1,000 businesses, two newspapers and a college. Remember that the next time a man comes up to you and offers to sell you a used bridge!


伦敦塔桥(Tower Bridge),是一座上开悬索桥,位于英国伦敦,横跨泰晤士河,因在伦敦塔(Tower of London)附近而得名,是从泰晤士河口算起的第一座桥(泰晤士河上共建桥15座),也是伦敦的象征。该桥始建于1886年,1894年6月30日对公众开放,将伦敦南北区连接成整体。在19世纪下半叶,随着伦敦东区商业的上升发展,带动了对伦敦桥下游一座穿过泰晤士河的新桥梁的需求。但这座桥不能建成是传统的固定桥,因为将会切断当时位于伦敦桥和伦敦塔之间的港口设施, 假如新桥太低的话船就无法开到码头了。1870年泰晤士河下的一条人行地道开通了,但它依然无法取代一座新的桥梁的需要。塔桥的建造是因为跨泰晤士河交通的发展已远远超过现有桥梁的能力。到了1870年情况变得相当严重,在1874年至1885年间,民众通过各公共机构请愿约三十次督促当局要么扩宽伦敦桥或建一座新的。1882年8月期间采取的一个耗时两日的全民普查表明,伦敦桥24小时内平均通过的流量(在当时这只有54英尺宽)为22242部车辆和110525名行人。1885年,议会法案授权通过伦敦金融城公司建这座桥。工作在1886年四月开始,1889年这座桥已经完成了,但出现了困难且议会两次要求延长完成工作的时间。该桥最终于1894年6月30日开通。1876年,一个特别委员会成立来讨论这个过河问题的解决方案。它开始了一个方案设计竞赛,一共收到了超过50个被提交的不同的设计方案。但此后围绕设计的评估争议不断。直到1884年,由城市建筑师Horace Jones爵士(也是评委之一)提交的一个设计方案获委员会最后批准决定采用。1886年伦敦塔桥开建,一共建造了八年,五个主要建筑公司和共432建筑工人参加。两座坚固的桥墩共使用了七万吨水泥,桥塔和桥身用了1.1万吨钢铁。桥塔和桥身的钢铁骨架外铺设花岗岩和波特兰石来保护骨架和增加美观。琼斯于1887年逝世,他的总工程师约翰·沃尔夫-巴瑞爵士成为工程领导人。沃尔夫-巴瑞改变了琼斯一开始的中世纪式的表面装潢,而使用了更有修饰性的维多利亚时代的新哥特式的装饰。1894年,伦敦塔桥完成通车,当时的英国王储,后来的爱德华七世与他的王妃参加通车典礼。它建成时原本是蓝绿色漆,后来(截至2010年)被漆过14次。伦敦的双臂(此处可能指对塔桥的一种美誉)是当时唯一一个镀金色的事物。现行方案是基于1976年女王登基二十五周年纪念庆典所申请的。

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