
berklee online 申请美国大学本科 本科

berklee online(关于申请美国大学本科的TOEFL要求~~~)

admin admin 发表于2023-12-19 00:38:29 浏览81 评论0


大家好,如果您还对berklee online不太了解,没有关系,今天就由本站为大家分享berklee online的知识,包括关于申请美国大学本科的TOEFL要求~~~的问题都会给大家分析到,还望可以解决大家的问题,下面我们就开始吧!



我现在已经大二,有没有可能直接申请美国某所大学的大三? 回答: 有可能, 申请TRANSFER转校, 当然牛校对TRANFER的要求特别严, 据说MIT的国外TRANFER一年只招个位数.或者如果我放弃这边的学校,申请从大一开始重新读的话,是否还需要SAT成绩? 回答: 如果你放弃的话, SAT的成绩是一定要要的, 牛校还要SAT2的学科测试成绩.如果你申请转校的话, 可以尝试考GRE,:)不是好主意拉... 而且因为我的专业是与电影有关,是否有什么比较好的学校推荐?如果可以能否告知TOEFL成绩要求?回答: 我刚从自己的油箱里看到一个学校的介绍, 你可以看看, 似乎是电影专业很好的, 可以参考下. 需要TOEFL成绩的要求可以到该官方网站上察察看. 个人认为要求不会太高, 60~80以上吧, 但是显然越高越好:)希望可以帮助你:)Are you interested in music, film, animation, or design? Get started on developing your career by learning from industry professionals on state-of-the-art gear at one of the world’s premier colleges for entertainment media: Full Sail.Request a brochure from Full SailLearn more about Full Sail at PrincetonReview.comFounded in 1979, Full Sail is home to more than 5,000 students from all 50 U.S. states and 37 countries. The school offers seven Bachelor of Science and Associate of Science Degrees that span the field of entertainment media. Accolades received by Full Sail include:The “#3 New Media School in the World” (alongside MIT and NYU)– Shift MagazineOne of the five “Best Music Programs” in the country (alongside Julliard and Berklee)– Rolling Stone MagazineOne of the “Top Five Game-Degree Programs in the World”– Electronic Gaming MonthlyOne of the five “Best Film Schools”– UNleashed MagazineThe “#3 Music Business Department”– Schools that Rock: The Rolling Stone College GuideA Cutting Edge EducationFull Sail offers Bachelor of Science degree programs in:Computer Animation Digital Arts & Design Film Entertainment Business Game Development Associate of Science degree programs are offered in:Recording Arts Show Production & Touring All Full Sail degree programs are accredited by the Accrediting Commission of Career Schools and Colleges of Technology (ACCSCT).Full Sail’s faculty members have earned hundreds of movie, record, game, television show, and web credits including Grammy and Emmy awards. The 91-acre campus consists of 100 studios, production suites, soundstages, computer labs, and live venues, and more than 50 multimedia classrooms.Curriculum with a FocusDegree programs include integrated curriculum that will teach you how to build resumes, write cover letters, perform well in interviews, and more. By the end of your program, you’ll have a plan in place, and the ability to market yourself to potential employers.Learn the Industry WorkflowThrough the curriculum and classroom projects, you’ll learn what’s commonly known as industry workflow. You’ll take projects from a germ of an idea to fully-formed reality, all using the same methods and workflow utilized every day in the creation of films, games, graphic design, and more. When you graduate, you’ll have created a robust portfolio that’s applicable to the industry you’ll be entering.GPS ProgramWhile at Full Sail, you’ll follow a code of professional conduct specifically designed by the industry. It’s called the Global Professionalism Standard (GPS) program, and it provides a well-rounded and thorough outline of your technical and professional skills to be shared with potential employers, while also giving you the professional background to successfully navigate a real world work environment.After you graduate and join Full Sail’s network of over 20,000 alumni, you can brush up your skills by returning to Full Sail at any time and auditing courses from your degree program at no charge.An Exciting Place to LearnFull Sail is located in Orlando, Florida— one of the world’s foremost tourist destinations. In addition to great weather, plentiful beaches, and attractions such as Disney World and Universal Studios, Orlando features a thriving entertainment community.The annual (and world-renowned) Florida Film Festival provides national focus to the area’s filmmaking community, while multiple clubs and live venues support the local music scene—including Hard Rock Live, the TD Waterhouse Arena, House of Blues, Bob Carr, the Social, and more.Request a brochure from Full SailLearn more about Full Sail at PrincetonReview.comYou are receiving this e-mail because you are subscribed to The Princeton Review Recruiter Service. To make sure you receive e-mails from The Princeton Review, add notification@review.com to your address book.To unsubscribe, you can do so online or via e-mail (inserting “Unsubscribe” in the subject line).回答补充: 是的, 和转学是一个概念.


我想大家都已经听说,现在henry正在波士顿的伯克利音乐学院(Berklee College of Music)进行学习。这是一个很著名的音乐学府,阿花的偶像王力宏也是在berklee念过研究生。伯克利音乐学院提供4年制的学士学位课程,学生前两年上基础课:和声、对位、辨音训练和音乐技术,后两年进入各专业课程学习。具体的学院简介在这里就不再赘述。我上了berklee的官网,发现berklee还提供网上学校(online school),以及很多短期的夏季项目(summer programs)。根据yuumei23亲和TiramisuIce亲在英语楼里的对话(地址:

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