
oklahoma 英文 ma

oklahoma(Billy Gilman的Oklahoma的英文歌词和翻译)

admin admin 发表于2023-12-19 04:57:59 浏览112 评论0


大家好,关于oklahoma很多朋友都还不太明白,不过没关系,因为今天小编就来为大家分享关于Billy Gilman的Oklahoma的英文歌词和翻译的知识点,相信应该可以解决大家的一些困惑和问题,如果碰巧可以解决您的问题,还望关注下本站哦,希望对各位有所帮助!


Billy Gilman的Oklahoma的英文歌词和翻译

Billy Gilman - Oklahoma 俄克拉荷马 - 比利·吉尔曼Suitcase packed with all his things 手提箱里装好了他的全部行李Car pulls up the door bell rings 车停下,门铃响了He don’t wanna go 但他不想离开He thought he’d found his home 他认为他已经找到了家But with circumstances he can’t change 但他无法改变这局面Waves good-bye as they pull away 车启动时他恋恋不舍地挥手From the life he’s known 向他熟悉的生活告别For the last seven months or so.告别过去的七个月,和过去种种 She says we found a man that looks like you.她说我们找到了那个长得像你的男子Who cried and said he never knew 他哭着说自己从不知道About the boy in pictures that we showed him.我们给他看的那个照片上的男孩 A rambler in his younger days 他在年轻时是一个漫步者He knew he made a few mistakes 他知道在那时他所犯的错误But he swore he would have been there但他发誓他本来想去那里 Had he known it.去了解真相 Son we think we found your dad in Oklahoma.所以我们认为我们再俄克拉荷马洲找到了你的生父 A million thoughts raced through his mind千头万绪涌入他的心头 What’s his name? what’s he like?他叫什么?他是怎么样的? And will he be anything like the man in his dreams.他会和自己梦境中的有何相似吗? She could see the questions in his eyes她在他的眼中看出了疑问 Wispered don’t be scared my child对他轻语:孩子,不要害怕 I will let you know what we know我要让你知道我们所知的 About the man who that found he looks like you关于我们找到的那个像你的男子 Who cryed and said he never knew那个哭泣说他竟从未知晓About the boy in pictures that we showed him.关于照片上男孩的一点消息A rambler in his younger days He knew he’d made a few mistakes But he swore he would have been there Had he known it(此三句同上) He always said that 他总是说This was something that you wanted.这就是你想要的 Son it’s time to meet your dad in Oklahoma 孩子,是时候去俄州见见你的生父了One last turn he held his breath在最后一个拐弯处他屏住呼吸Till they reached the big house on the left直到他们到达左边的一座大房子 And all at once the tears came rollin in所有的眼泪一瞬间萦绕眼眶 And as they pulled into the drive当他们把车开进院子 A man was waiting there outside一个男子在外等候 To wipe the worry from his eyes等着将他眼中的忧虑扫去 Smiled and took his hand微笑着握住他的手 And he said说 I’m the man that looks like you我就是那个像你的男子 That cried because i never knew日夜哭泣的男子,因为我原先从不知道 About the boy in pictures that they showed me一点关于他们给我看的照片上的男孩的一点消息 A rambler in my younger days I knew I made a few mistakes我知道我犯了错 But I swear I would have been there 但我发誓我曾想去那里Had I known it去了解真相 Never again will you ever be alone你将不再孤独 Son welcome to your home in Oklahoma儿子,欢迎来到你在俄克拉荷马的家!


oklahoma 内抱腿侧面骑; 俄克拉荷马州; 俄克拉何马州; 俄克拉荷马州; She was named the outstanding undergraduate history major at the University of Oklahoma.她被评选为俄克拉何马大学历史专业的优等生。


norman,oklahoma诺尔曼,奥克拉荷马双语对照例句:1.Studying abroad, she joins a group of would-be iranian maoists in norman,oklahoma. 在国外求学期间,她曾加入俄克拉荷马州诺曼市的一个自称伊朗毛泽东主义小组的团体。 2.There have probably been 600 in april, according to harold brooks of thenational severe storms laboratory ( nssl) in norman, oklahoma. 根据设在俄克拉荷马州诺曼的美国强风暴实验室(nssl)harold brooks的说法,四月期间可能发生了600多次龙卷风。

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