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  (A), the godfather of shampoo brands - Procter amp; Gamble  In a sense, P amp; G is not only a Chinese brand of shampoo "Godfather", but also a variety of industries in China brand "Godfather." P amp; G to bring people apparently not only Rejoice, Head amp; Shoulders shampoo bottles as simple as bringing multinational companies Procter amp; Gamble for the brand, the market advanced management, operational experience and marketing tools, enabling Chinese enterprises to benefit from the gang money, and thus the first batch of achievements in the true sense of who the Chinese market.  1, P amp; G landing in China  Founded in 1873 Procter amp; Gamble (P amp; G) companies, 100 years later, in August 1988, and finally the establishment of 10 million U.S. dollars investment in Procter amp; Gamble Co., Ltd. Guangzhou. Head amp; Shoulders shampoo launched at the end, although the pricing is made of shampoo four times more, but its high-quality image, innovative packaging with an unprecedented overwhelming domestic-style advertising campaign quickly seized the hearts of consumers, 1989 sales of exceeded 1 billion yuan in 1990 also launched the "Rejoice" and "Pantene" two shampoo brands.  In China, when no rival, Procter amp; Gamble to use multi-brand strategy to accelerate the one hand, eating into the market, on the one hand the introduction of competition mechanism within the three major brands and promote each other, develop their potentials. And each brand has extended a 4-6 varieties, so accustomed to a single species with shampoo choice of Chinese people have a calm space.  2, Procter amp; Gamble shampoo brand structure  A total of five P amp; G’s shampoo brands, more than 20 series, including Rejoice, Head amp; Shoulders, Pantene and sand-sun, Clairol. In addition, ASCEND brand, but has been frozen. Its brand chart is as follows:  Since May 22, 2001, Procter amp; Gamble (Global) spent 4.95 billion U.S. dollars incorporation 100 Bristol-Myers Squibb’s Clairol unit, the P amp; G’s shampoo seafood chain has a few to make the perfect: "Rejoice" heavy "submissive"; "Pantene "heavy" health ";" Head amp; Shoulders "heavy" dandruff ";" Sassoon "do" hair experts ";" Clairol "heavy" hair Xihu ", plus various sub-brand series products , an impregnable shampoo kingdom has been built successfully.  3, Rejoice, is one such self-confidence  As the world’s first launch of a shampoo, conditioner combo technology shampoo brand, Rejoice (Rejoice) in October 1989 into China. Just a few years, Rejoice with its excellent quality and fast-growing market leader for the shampoo brand, its visibility, consumer usage, distribution rate of the market indicators quickly jumped to first place. It is not only for consumers in an elegant supple hair, but also for its positive self-esteem, optimistic personality into the minds of consumers love the brand has been extra.  In October 1989, first introduced in China Rejoice shampoo conditioner combo wash exposed, in December the same year introduced the first portable equipment;  Since 1994, annual national "Rejoice Star" events.  In December 1996, Rejoice the first to launch a breakthrough in China, with the Hot Oil hair shampoo deep effect.  By the end of 1998, Rejoice next-generation product launch formula, lead to more supple and fresh scent effect.  In October 1999, Rejoice introduction of new packaging and new and improved formulas, products, complete equipment upgrade.  In March 2000, Rejoice launched a new design specifically for Chinese consumers, the first black shampoo.  In July 2000, Rejoice launched on the market 75% of consumers to meet the special needs of a balanced light moisture shampoo.  ... ...  So far, Rejoice moisture has formed anti-dandruff combo (green Gone with the Wind), Hot Oil Conservation combo (orange and Gone with the Wind), Shouwu black hair Shampoo (black Gone with the Wind), light and moisture balance shampoo (blue Gone with the Wind) more effective care-in-one shampoo (yellow float) five series, as the shampoo market leader, worthy of China’s first shampoo brand, no wonder she was so self-confident!  (一)、洗发水品牌教父——宝洁  从某种意义上来说,宝洁不仅是中国洗发水的品牌“教父”,也是中国众多行业的品牌“教父”。宝洁带给国人的显然不只是飘柔、海飞丝几瓶洗发水那么简单,宝洁带来的跨国公司对于品牌、对于市场的先进管理、运作经验和营销手段,使得中国企业获益匪钱,并由此成就了第一批真正意义上的中国营销人。  1、宝洁登陆中国  成立于1873年的宝洁(PG)公司,在一百多年后的1988年8月,终于投资1000万美元成立广州宝洁有限公司。年底推出海飞丝洗发水,虽然定价是国产洗发水的4倍多,但其高品质的形象、新颖的包装加上国内前所未有铺天盖地式的广告攻势,迅速抓住了消费者的心,1989年销售额就突破1亿元,1990年又相继推出了“飘柔”和“潘婷”两大洗发水品牌。  在中国尚无敌手的时候,宝洁用多品牌战略一方面加速蚕食市场,一方面内部引入竞争机制,三大品牌互相促进,各展所长。而且每个品牌又延伸出4-6个品种,令用惯了单一品种洗发水的中国老百姓有了从容选择的空间。  2、宝洁洗发水品牌结构  宝洁旗下共有五大洗发水品牌,二十多个系列,包括飘柔、海飞丝、潘婷和沙宣、伊卡璐。此外,还有润妍品牌,但已经被雪藏。其品牌结构图如下:  自2001年5月22日,宝洁(全球)斥资49.5亿美元收编百时美施贵宝旗下的伊卡璐后,宝洁的洗发水产品链已经几尽完美:“飘柔”重“柔顺”;“潘婷”重“健康”;“海飞丝”重“去屑”;“沙宣”做“护发专家”;“伊卡璐”重“染发洗护”,再加上各子品牌的系列化产品,一个坚不可摧的洗发王国已经构筑成功。  3、飘柔,就是这样自信  作为全球第一个推出洗发、护发二合一科技的洗发水品牌,飘柔(Rejoice)于1989年10月进入中国。短短几年内,飘柔以其优异的品质迅速成长为洗发水市场的领导品牌,其知名度、消费者使用率、分销率等各项市场指标很快跃居第一。它不仅为消费者带来了一头飘逸柔顺的秀发,更以其推崇的积极自信、乐观向上的个性成为消费者心目中厚爱有加的品牌。  1989年10月,飘柔第一个在中国推出洗发护发二合一洗露,同年12月推出第一个轻便装;  自1994年起,每年举办全国“飘柔之星”大型活动。  1996年12月,飘柔第一个在中国突破性地推出具有焗油效果的深层护发洗发露。  1998年底,飘柔新一代配方产品推出,带来更柔顺效果和清新香味。  1999年10月,飘柔推出全新包装和新改进配方,产品全面升级。  2000年3月,飘柔全新推出专为中国消费者设计的首乌黑洗发露。  2000年7月,飘柔推出满足市场上75%消费者特别需要的轻盈均衡滋润洗发露。  ……  到目前为止,飘柔已经形成滋润去屑二合一(绿飘)、焗油护理二合一(橙飘)、首乌黑发洗发露(黑飘)、轻盈均衡滋润洗发露(蓝飘)、多效护理多合一洗发露(黄飘)五大系列,作为洗发水的市场领袖,当之无愧的中国第一洗发品牌,也难怪她这样自信!  (真的以身相许吗?)


AAU研究(Awareness Attitude Usage) 简称AAU AAU研究即通过观测,掌握 消费者 对 品牌 或某 产品 ( 服务 ) 的知名度( Awareness)、态度(Attitude)及使用状况( Usage)的变化。它们是预测品牌份额变化的敏感 指标 , 其中任何一个因素的变动都应当引起 企业 的注意。


Eau 是香港 Micro-Current Biology Project Limited(HK) 旗下的一款高端产品品牌。公司由3位医学教授,2位工程博士并联合日本,韩国,新加坡,台湾在香港成立一个全新生物工程计划——微电流生物工程计划(Micro-Current Biology Project)。此项计划致力于把微电流生物技术普及到日常生活中。


Eau的企业理念为:健康、环保是Micro-Current Biology Project 的理念。美丽源于健康,来自Eau。早在1830年细胞内通电能力就被一位意大利的科学家Carlo Matteucci 第一次发现并用于细胞的恢复和治疗用途。

其中以 The V Roller(塑颜V脸机)最为出名, 是一款以微电流生物技术运去改善肤质及促进其新陈代谢的产品,一经推出就席卷亚洲个地。

参考资料:百度百科 eau


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