


admin admin 发表于2024-06-03 15:56:55 浏览46 评论0









1、Australia is located in the southern hemisphere. It is the largest country in Oceania. It is on the east of the Pacific Ocean. It is near the India ocean in the West. There are many islands in the vicinity. It is about 7 million 692 thousand square kilometers, the population is about 19 million 200 thousand. About 74.2% of the British and Irish descendants. In 1788, the first British immigrants arrived in Australia.

2、The climate of Australia  is warm all the year round, and most of the population is concentrated in the southeast coast. The capital is Canberra, Sydney is the largest city

3、Australia is rich in natural resources and well-developed tourism, and a large number of tourists come here every year.


澳大利亚联邦(英语:Commonwealth of Australia),简称“澳大利亚”(Australia)。其领土面积7692024平方公里,四面环海,是世界上唯一国土覆盖一整个大陆的国家,因此也称“澳洲”。拥有很多独特的动植物和自然景观的澳大利亚,是一个奉行多元文化的移民国家。

Commonwealth of Australia , referred to as "Australia". Its territory area of 7692024 square kilometers, surrounded by the sea, is the only country in the world covering a whole continent, so it is also known as "Australia". Australia, which has many unique flora and fauna and natural landscapes, is a multicultural immigrant country.

澳大利亚(Australia)一词,原意为“南方的大陆”,由拉丁文 terraaustralis (南方的土地)变化而来。欧洲人在17世纪发现这块大陆时,误以为是一块直通南极的陆地,故取名“澳大利亚”。

The word "Australia" originally came from "the continent of the South" and came from Latin terraaustralis (the land of the South). When the Europeans discovered the continent in seventeenth Century, they mistakenly thought it was a land that went straight to Antarctica, so it was called "Australia".


Australia was originally an Aboriginal place of residence. In the early seventeenth Century, Spain, Portugal and Dutch arrived here. He became a British colony in 1770, and became Commonwealth of Australia’s dominion in 1901. In 1931, it became an independent state within the Commonwealth.


Australia is a highly developed capitalist country and its capital is Canberra. As the most developed country in the southern hemisphere and the twelfth largest economy in the world, and the world’s fourth largest exporter of agricultural products, it is also the first country in the world to export a variety of mineral exports, so it is called "the country sitting on the miner". At the same time, Australia is also the world’s largest number of sheep and wool exports, also known as "riding in sheep’s back country."


The population of Australia is highly urbanized, and nearly half of the people live in the two largest cities in Sydney and Melbourne, and many cities in the country have been rated as one of the most habitable places in the world.


It is also a sports power. It hosts many sports events throughout the world. Australia is an active participant in international affairs. It is a founding member of APEC and a member of the United Nations, the group of 20, the Commonwealth, the Pacific Security Treaty, the organization for economic cooperation and development and the Pacific island country forum.

