
留学费用翻译成英文 英文


admin admin 发表于2024-06-19 05:49:43 浏览39 评论0





My parents, I have prepared for 700,000 yuan RMB to study the cost of their annual income in about 350,000 RMB, there are two sets of rental income in the city centre, about RMB 200,000 each year in the United States attending the annual cost of about 15 About 000 RMB, so my family would not cause too much economic pressure, but I think this is worth the investment in education, I intend to open after returning from school into a design company, I believe that this will soon be able to recover Than the investment cost.


My family xx million of existing funds, which will act as I went to Australia to study the full cost. Australia xx-year cost of about xx million yuan. We will provide proof of funds xx million. Million in time deposits which have xx and xx million loan. Another xx million Australian dollars to provide support to prove. Home financing comes mainly from long-term savings and a variety of financial management. Xxxx parents began to participate in work, length of service near xx years, a more stable job, have some savings at home. Especially me from xx to xx in xxxx year full scholarship, but also allow parents to save a fee. Financial management areas: home management is mainly stocks, funds and bond investments. Are more profitable investments of the Fund. Xx to xx in the bull market years, the fund has near xx million profit. Fonda has easy investment fund companies; Huaan fund companies; sea Fortis fund companies; South fund companies; Jiashi fund companies and other fund company’s many funds, which invest in a single easy to Fonda’s many fund companies funds, dividends and profits of the nearest xx million. (See Annex) xx month xx years, parents will fund all redemption funds to the stock account, the purchase of new shares and stock investment. Xx to xx on xx day in the stock account xxxx million total funds. (See attached) xx years some of the funds buy the bonds, fixed deposits, financial management and so on. To the present, through the accumulation of wage and financial investment, the funds available xx million yuan. Of which: 1: Treasury has xx million years xx on xx are stored in so far exceeded xx months, but I could not guarantee payment, xx in xx in xx months to the day the stock exchange into RMB account; (see table) 2: one-year time deposits has xx million; (see table) 3: Everbright Bank has a quarterly basis, fixed-rate financial management xx million xx to xx months after the expiration of the year, to xx million Australian dollars; (see table) 4: the stock account has xx million of funds, together with the turn from the treasury of the xx million, has xx million. (See table) Parents of the existing wage xx million / year or so, and have purchased a house, have xxx square meters (see table) the mortgage has been repaid, there is no debt, xx million in wages enough parents were living, there are savings.


费用的英文:cost; expenses; outlay。    



Let’s be practical and work out the cost first. 


He reckoned up the cost of everything in his mind. 


Our trips are all-inclusive ─ there are no hidden costs. 






留学 费用一些翻译

无论去任一个地方留学,虽然至少要懂当地通用语言外,也要先把英语学好,如果和欧美老师学是最好.比方说就算是日韩当地也很看重英语能力,在校的英语分数就会较高以及工作都比较好找,如果是其他的英语国家就更会用到英语了。要学好英语应该坚持有个好的研习空间与实习口语对象 ,老师水平是关键,欧美人士比东南亚好很多 口语标准才行,保持经常口语学习 1v1加强化教学才能够有很好的学习效果.课程结束后同样要重复温习课程录音音频 更可以加深印象;然后要是真的无口语交谈的人的话,可以去可可或爱思获得课余学习材料学习,多用耳听、眼观、嘴动、脑想,迅速的英语水平就培养起来 学习效果应该可以迅速明显的。加拿大加拿大与美国类似,大学亦有公立私立之分。然而加拿大的名牌大学多集中于公立大学,中国学生留学的首选也是公立大学。与美国相比,加拿大留学的成本会有显著降低。一般公立大学每年的学在1万至1.万加元之间。部分大学学可能低到~千加元,也有部分名校的热门专业学会高达万加元以上。总体上讲,加拿大留学的学预算按照每年1.万加元计算应当是相当安全的了   加拿大的生活地区差异较大,用最高的安大略省地区一年大概需要1.万加元,而税较低的地区如萨科彻温省每年则只要有~千加元就完全可以了。加拿大的留学生合租公寓的情况比较多,如果几个朋友能够在学校附近找到合适的房子,还能大幅度地节约开支。一般来讲,如果学校所在地不是像多伦多或温哥华这类的大,生活每年按照千加元来估算就绰绰有余了 。 同样地,教材和医疗保险每年还要花掉将近1千加元。再算上花每年1千加元,一个学生在加拿大中型读完年本科的总体用就会是: 学:1,000加元年*年(含一年语言预科)=0,000加元 生活:,000加元年*年(含一年语言预科)=,000加元 教材保险:1,000加元年*年(含一年语言预科)=,000加元 基本用:1,000加元年*年(含一年语言预科)=,000加元 合计:10,000加元≈,元人民币

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