
托福听力真题 托福


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最好的练习听力的材料就是真题,真题就是要反复做,带着问题去做。做完之后对了答案,不要仅限于对完答案,就把这套真题放在一边,而是要拿这套真题衡量自己的水平,提高自己的水平,进而决定下一阶段该怎么办。一套题做完之后,正确的复习归纳的办法是: 1 找出那些错题,看原文找出自己为什么错,马虎还是听错,还是那个音自己根本就不会。不会其实也分为两种情况,一是听力问题,就是这个单词在脑中没有印象,这样自然就无法听出来,这种情况就是要反复听这个错题,几天之后再拿出来复习,直到完全记住为止。二是语意不会的问题,比如:take a rain check,这个经典问题已经被问到多次,同时也考了很多次,是“这次没有机会,下次再说的意思”。象这种题,查查书,来坛子问一下自然也就解决了,不过最好会了之后再反复听几次,毕竟一个单词的意思和一个单词的读音,在你脑中不一定是直接联系的,有时是需要通过练习将两者沟通起来的。 2 最好是多套真题一起总结,这是最好的发现自己听力薄弱环节的方法。其实这个同时也适用于语法题。通过多套题一起总结,人们往往会发现原来自己经常错的题常常分布在听力习题的某一部分,有的人是段子题,有的人是Part A的后10道题。段子题首先是要靠实力的,其实整个听力都是要靠实力的(这里所说的实力,仅仅是耳朵听英语的能力,不是头脑分析英语的能力),尤其是2000年以后的题,由于ETS发现了很多中国考生其实是用《弦外之音》之类的,仅仅通过语气就把题做出来了,因此他们在习题上也作了改革,使得仅仅通过语气方法做题成为了不可能。但是在实力之外还是有一些注定的,人说话中,下意识遵循的规则来帮助我们做题的,至于Part A的那些题,首先通过做题判断自己是否是实力问题,再次看看是否是习语问题。其实说白了,就是考察自己对于托福听力常考的那些知识点的熟悉程度,我上文说过,“对于现阶段的中国考生来说,托福考试是一个考查人们,对于一种固定题型熟悉程度的考试”,因此做完后总结,是发现自己对于这种固定题型,哪里还不够熟悉的最好的方式。我们的做题,总结就是要通过不断强化对于已经考过的习题的熟悉程度,来增强了对未知考题的熟悉程度。


  下面为大家概括托福听力考点,具体如下:  1 conversation:段落开头提到的原因必`考(30S)---problem/question,结尾的建议必考(尾巴题)  2、段落开头提到的本次主题必考—TODAY, 段落结尾的点评和总结必考prof 的点评  3、段落中重复两次的地方必考---通常为本节课的要点,师生各重复一次的地方必考,注意在笔记中划双线,重复两次的名词必考,一般重复的名词是AB项的替换词  4、 段落中的强调句型,多引出分论点,时考点:  This is the first time…  One thing important is…  The most important thing…  You should remember/notice/bear in mind/keep in mind---conversation引出建议的句型  5、针对上下文明显的肯定或者否定的回答必考definitely, absolutely, exactly, it’s a good question, excellent question, 注意听好PROF在这些回答之后的解释,一定会对重要内容作同义的重复  6、段中主论点下有定义加举例的必考(配对表格题)----dolphin in the forest, 罗列多个事实处必考,是非型表格题,说明多个程序,步骤的必考(排序型表格题  中间的步骤一定注意:then, so, ok, well, replace, the next stage…  7、难点的解释说明必考(核心概念)----小黑板,带字的笔记本,只要出小黑板都会有停顿  注意引导词it refers to, that is, that means, which means, This is to say, in other words, in another words, by that he meant, let me make it clear, let me make it simpler, let’s put it this way, let’  8、段中引用的观点必考,---对应都是对分论点的看法,think/argue/believe, 一定有小黑板,或者人物肖像  9、形容词和副词最高级后面的点重要,the most important, biggest, 因为是形容重要特点,一定注意PROF跑题的内容,话题的转移,布置作业,一回再谈,我打算先谈些什么,谈一下个人的经历-----语义理解。


 我这有老托福听力题包含PDF和音频MP3文件,由于文件比较大,完整版内容考生可以通过这个网址下载http://toefl.xiaoma.com/tuofuzixun/20150820/tfzx-sq-2015082002.html?seo=d7内容如下: 11. (A) Bill and Mary are engaged to be married. (B) Bill and Mary canceled the meeting. (C) Mary was outraged when she saw the bill. (D) Bill and Mary were angry about the cancellation.  12. (A) You must try to be quieter. (B) The volume is much too low. (C) I don’t hear anything down there. (D) The noise is coming from outside.  13. (A) They go alone to school. (B) They arrive at school on time. (C) They are doing well in school. (D) They find their own way to school.  14. (A) I’m typing the essay for Lisa. (B) That type of essay is easy to write. (C) At least the essay is typed. (D) Typing the essay is only a minor problem.  15. (A) I wanted Pamela to continue her project. (B) Pamela was discouraged from working on her art project. (C) It was an honor to be able to do the art project with Pamela. (D) Pamela has a lot of courage to take on such a large project.  16. (A) I can never keep a secret from Beth. (B) I told Beth we were going to surprise her. (C) I’ll be surprised if Beth comes to the party. (D) I don’t think we should tell Beth about the party.  17. (A) Sarah put on her makeup.  (B) Sarah hoped to take the test another time. (C) Sarah helped prepare the examination. (D) Sarah took a free sample of makeup.  18. (A) Does everyone have a copy of the assignment?  (B) Can you turn the sheet around? (C) Is there enough time for the assignment? (D) Do the sheets have enough information?  19. (A) I think that was the city bus, don’t you? (B) Was that supposed to be the city bus? (C) That wasn’t the city bus. (D) I don’t know why the city bus is so late.  20. (A) No one has a nose as sore as poll’s.  (B) No one here knows much about the subject of politics. (C) She’s well acquainted with the subject. (D) She doesn’t know anybody here.  21. (A) She doesn’t know when they will go. (B) She believes there is a road detour. (C) She won’t be ready at 8 o’clock. (D) She wants the man to go away.  22. (A) Sit sown. (B) Remain standing. (C) Go ahead of the woman. (D) Pick up the chair.


英语考试 TOEFL 托福 1) http://www.stuff.co.uk/toefl.htm TOEFL 练习 2) http://osu.orst.edu/~larsonan 3) http://www.testwise.com/review.html GRE 1) http://www.gre.org GRE 考试 IELTS 雅思 1)http://www.britishcouncil.org.cn/english/education/exams/new.htm 中国雅思考试 2) http://www.ielts.org/ 雅思


什么是例子简单来说,说话者为了阐明自己的观点所列举的人、事、物都可以称之为例子。比如,我们题目中提到的Soup Shop(TPO11,Lecture4), Professor为了说明在广告中广告词的重要性,给我们举了一个反例,说一个Soup Shop为了让更多人进店喝汤,就决定客人每买一碗汤就送一双袜子,那么可想而知顾客是越来越少的,为什么呢,人们很容易将二者联系在一起,袜子味儿的汤可太重口了,因此说明了message在advertising中的重要性。每个人的情况不同,也可以登录文都国际教育官网进行一对一的咨询。每个人的情况不同,也可以登录文都国际教育官网进行一对一的咨询。如何识别例子例子对应的英文单词大家都会:example,没错,听到example我们就自然而然知道在说例子了,那么类似的单词还有:for instance,such as, like, take…as an example(或者简单说成:take sth.),have you heard of…然而,这么明目张胆的例子可并不常见,想想我们对例子的定义,说话者为了阐明自己的观点所列举的人、事、物,那么,所有带有目的性、突然提及的人、事、物是不是都可以称之为例子呢?Yes! 例如:学生申请延迟交paper的时间,突然提到他同学的grandfather(为了说明他为何迟交paper,因为要去采访“爷爷”,)professor讲动物的displacement activity,学生突然提到关于动物睡觉的实验(举例说明动物的这种“替换活动”)在professor讲新型课堂对学生们的好处时,突然提到violin(举例阐释新课堂对于学生们创造力的培养)因此,我们对于托福听力的王牌套路——例子题,也要有见招拆招的分辨力,那就是,在我们听到任何跳戏的、貌似与主旨不相关的词句时,脑中一定要警钟长鸣,因为是它,就是它,例子来了!实战吃“栗子”接下来我们趁热打铁,给大家看看 “热栗子”都是如何“烤”的:Eg.1 OG2 Lecture4Professor:But the shift in the statue’smeaning started soon after it was built. Back in 1883, Emma Lazarus wrote thatfamous poem—you know, the one that goes: "Give me your tired, your poor… andso on and so forth. That poem describes the Statue of Liberty as a beacon ofwelcome for the entire world.Why does the professordiscuss the poem by Emma Lazarus?To emphasize the close relationship betweenliterature and sculptureTo illustrate how the meaning associated with amonument can changeTo stress the importance of the friendshipbetween France and the United StatesTo point out a difference between Mount Rushmoreand the State of Liberty正确答案:BEg.2 TPO39Lecture2Professor: Is creativity encouraged? Well, lots of Montessori teacherswouldn’t praise a child for using a violin as a baseball bat or for puttingtheir head like a hat. Butactually, creativity comes through learning to play the violin, using theobject for the purpose.Why does the professormention the violin?A.To demonstrate the type of creativity theMontessori method encouragesB.To stress the importance of music education atan early ageC.To give an example of how advanced Montessorilessons can beD.To show that Montessori teachers expectmaterials to be used for their intended purpose正确答案:D解题方法看到这里,同学们是否已经对例子题有所感觉了呢?当我们能从听力原文中分辨出例子考点的同时,针对例子题的考查方式也要熟捻于心,通过上面这三个例子就不难看出,最普遍的问法就是:why does the professor mention…(例子)?目前为止,解决例子题就万事俱备只欠东风了,东风就是例子本身的目的,也就是说,我们举这个例子是什么目的呢?那么目的也就是why does theprofessor mention…的答案。其实纵观TPO1-49,以及结合我们自己的说话语序,都可以总结出通常例子的前一句话是重点。当然,也有文章在例子前后都会提及目的,显然,第二遍是起到了补充、强调的作用,我们就更应该听得出来了。


德语学习德国文化更多》》德语美甲专业词汇大全德语日常用语:商店购物篇德语入门必看:发音规则"自拍死"死亡率直线上升(中德双语)德语初学者必看:动词erschrecken的用法纯德语阅读:慕尼黑啤酒节永远不能跟德国男友说的9句话会"加法"就能搞定德语单词造词法德福备考报考指南更多》》如何备考德褔阅读部分TestDaF(德福)听力答题技巧德福考试听力评分标准德福考试主要考哪些方面的内容德福答题步骤及方法德福(TestDaF)写作答题技巧德福(TestDaF)阅读答题技巧德福备考:阅读考点解析西班牙语学习更多》》西班牙语入门:疑问词用法总结西语阅读:金发收到女性追捧(中文翻译)西班牙语入门:服饰类词汇西语día和mano阴性阳性是怎么回事西班牙紧急救援电话及求救词汇如何才能写好西语简历2016年西语专八考后分析与总结每日一句西班牙语:为别人照路 也照亮了你自己的路西班牙文化更多》》西班牙语就在我们的日常生活中 你发现了吗De Madrid al cielo马德里到天堂(双语新闻)西班牙的帅哥都去当警察了(组图)西班牙祖父母节 致敬陪我们成长的人西班牙花式撩妹吻(Beso)现如今西班牙女性社会地位怎么样西班牙国王圣诞演讲稿 你看懂了吗除了Zara西班牙潮牌你还知道啥(组图)法语学习更多》》法语中Avoir的名词用法法语语法常见4大误区法语入门:冠词的重复和省略原则中国茉莉花茶的法语说法自学法语必看:地道日常用语之度假篇做生意必学:贸易类法语单词入门必学:法语常用简单对话(中法英三语)怎么样才能快速掌握法语法国文化更多》》法国人已经无力吐槽法国的地铁用数据告诉你法国人的兴趣爱好(组图)盘点法国人引以为傲的"遗产"(组图)善良留学生自述在法国被骗经历 给大家敲响警钟泰迪·瑞纳为奥运会法国队旗手(中法双语新闻)小心精灵Pokémon Go给你带来的10大危险(中法双语)法国人也阻止不了精灵宝可梦(Pokémon GO)的脚步法国尼斯是怎样的存在(组图)热点专题法语欧标A1直通车留法生活:购物指南德国留学必备常识词汇:A-F西语谚语二百句:开卷有益法语入门教材精讲汇总名师指导更多》》新东方在线名师马晓倩善于鼓励学生,引导学生积极思考【详情】法语TEF/TCF听力精讲班德语欧标A1+A2连读意大利语会话入门超实用生存西班牙语法语TEF/TCF语法精讲班实用德语(视频+外教朗读版)热门资料1西班牙语入门:疑问词用法总结2德语美甲专业词汇大全3法语中Avoir的名词用法4西语阅读:金发收到女性追捧(中文翻译)5西班牙语入门:服饰类词汇6德语日常用语:商店购物篇7德语入门必看:发音规则8法语语法常见4大误区9法语入门:冠词的重复和省略原则10中国茉莉花茶的法语说法


建议你还是多演练仿真题,真题答案考完之后才能知道,与其在这求答案,你还不如去好好复习,争取考好来。 2014年1月18日托福独立口语预测,35套题目,带*为重点题目。   虽然进入了2014年,不过大家复习备考还是应该以2012年北美考题及2013年初大陆真题为主,以后逐渐再过渡到2013年北美考题,同学们不妨先练习:2013年托福考试真题回忆及解析 ,考前练手很不错的。   2008.1.5ML   1.What time in a year you like most?   2.Dis/agree Having a relaxed or unhurried life is most important for a person.   2008.5.10ML   1.Describe a job or career that you admire but do not want to take7   2.Some people think that students should study during weekends, but others think that they should relax and to socialize   *2008.6.22ML   1.The famous people you admire.   2.univercity should spend money on acdemic activities or on building musical or camera center?   *2009.2.28ML   1.介绍一项你想要学习的技艺并且说明原因(运用细节和例子)   2.同不同意学生在上大学之前先休息一年做准备?   *2009.3.7ML   1.你最喜欢的一种放松方式   2.你喜欢在教室内还是教室外学习   *2009.5.16ML   1.重要决定Important Decision   2.高中要不要开艺术和音乐课Should school ask students learn music and art.   *2009.8.2ML   1.describe your first time to go to school when you were young, you like it or not之类的云云。   2.popular celebrities,like singers, actors,athletes are good examples for the young to learn?   *2009.9.20ML   1.describe a subject that you enjoy studying   2.should children be required to do household tasks as soon as they are old enough   *2009.9.26ML   1.小时候enjoy什么activity   2.旅游的时候是否喜欢照很多相片和保留机票门票做纪念When on a trip,some people like to keep a journal and take pictures. Others just look. Which do you prefer and why?   *2009.11.8ML   1.if you could do one thing for your community, what will you do and why   2.Some students like to regularly review their notes, others like to review their notes just before test, state your choice and explain why   *2009.11.14ML   1.Describe a most unforgettable success in your life. Explain why it was important to you. Include reasons and examples to support your response.   2.Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? It is never too late for an old people to receive high education and to get a university degree. Use specific reasons to support your answer.   *2009.12.20ML   1.What quality do you think is the mostimportant to be a university student? Highly motivated, hard working, orintelegent?   2.Do you prefer to work at home or attraditional offices or workplaces?   *2010.6.13ML   1.一个城市你最喜欢的地方   2.当你有问题那已解决的时候,你是问顾问还是通过网络或者图书馆找答案   2010.8.21ML   2.Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Children should be required to help with household tasks as soon as they are old enough to do so. Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.   *2010.9.12ML   1.While choosing a friend, which of the following characteristics do you care about most: honesty; loyalty or sense of humor?   2.Some people prefer reading newspaper or magazine to get news; others prefer watching television or listening to radio to get news. Which way do you prefer and why?   2010.10.31ML   1.important day in your life why?   2.watch television is not a good way to use time   *2010.12.12ML   1.你和家人/朋友的一次special event   2.去没去过的地方旅游,还是去去过的地方旅游。   *2011.3.13ML   1 Which technology has made the greatest impact on people’s life in your country? Airplane,computer or television. Use specific reasons and examples to support your response.   2 Some people believe that it is better for children to grow up in big cities. Others believe that it is better for children to grow up in small towns or rural areas.   *2011.5.29ML   1.Describe a person that you admire as an important role model. Explain why you look up this person. Include details and details to support your explainations.   2.Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? It is important for children to learn to draw or paint. Use specific reasons to support your answer.   2011.12.17NA   2.listening the audio 书和read book 你喜欢那个   *2012.2.11ML   1.你的一个朋友想要养个宠物,你的建议?   2.你对fictious novel的看法   *2012.3.4ML   1.为了让学生更好的了解营养和保健,学校开设厨艺课,你觉得这个决策合理吗?   2.是否认为老师和蔼可亲学生可以学到更多?   *2012.5.25NA   1)讲下你使用internet的一个benefit;   2)现在的人们是不是比100年的人拥有更健康的生活方式;   *2012.6.8NA   1.Your friend has received lots of money, what do you suggest to do   2.People should wear according to fashion.   2012.6.23NA   1.最喜欢和谁spend time together,why   2.学生是不是应该在quiet的环境下学习   *2012.8.4NA   1.air pollution现在这么严重,怎么办   2.老房子和现代化的房子,你更喜欢住哪个   2012.9.15NA   1.机器人useful or not;   2.工作场合应该穿suit or casual clothes?   2012.11.3NA   1.数学,画画,科学这三个学科你会选哪一个来学,你想从这一门课学一些什么?   2.你是喜欢用电子邮件还是用电话和朋友家人沟通?   *2012.10.27NA   1.在家里和谁像,traits还有行为之类的,为什么?   2.喜欢住大地方但是远,还是小公寓但是离学校近   *2012.10.28ML   1.The university is planning to allow students to watch TV in dormitories. What is your opinion and why? What are the advantages and disadvantages of watching TV in dormitories? Include reasons and examples to support your response.   2.Some people believe that teachers should communicate with students in class. Others believe that teachers should communicate with students by sending emails. Which do you prefer and why? Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.   *2012.11.16NA   1.是否喜欢和长辈(叔叔阿姨爷爷奶奶)聊天   2.家具或小家电坏了是自己修还是拿到店里修   2012.11.17NA   1.问你愿意做下面哪个:1.help child with their homework 2. teach adults using computer 3. clean city park   2.你喜欢住在离超市近,public transportation也方便,但是很吵的地方呢,还是喜欢住在很安静的地方,但是离超市什么的都很远的地方   2012.12.1NA   1.如果你有机会教一群小孩不同的program,你会选哪一个:1,recycling program(教他们废物回收利用) ;2,cooking,3种植物抑   2.你喜欢学习有趣但打分严格的课还是无聊简单的课?   *2012.12.7NA   1.三个职业,哪个重要于城市,一个是officer,一个是building designer,还有一个不记得了TT   2.网络社交,赞同吗?为什么。   2012.12.14NA   1.有个group要保护环境,你能提供哪些建议?   2.送礼物是送实用性的礼物还是for fun的?   2013.1.12NA   1.你觉得你的朋友最喜欢你的哪方面:cheerfulness, kindness, intelligently.三选一   2.如果让你选上一节课for fun, which one do you choose? art class, science class 而选一


托福听力重听题应该如何解答(如有疑问,可添加WeChat:caven18 详细了解~)难点1:重听部分有时不涉及解题的关键信息。解题技巧:通过回忆判断语境如TPO 9 Lecture 2 shrub in tundra第6题:重听部分:What’s the puzzle, warmer temperature should lead to the increase of vegetation growth, right?What does the professor imply when she says this?A. The information she gave is important enough to be repeated.B. Climate scientists are asking the wrong questions.C. The phenomenon she is describing is more complex than that it appears.D. Students should be able to solve the puzzle easily.和题目相关的上下文是(What’s the puzzle, warmer temperature should lead to the increase of vegetation growth, right?) Well, the connection is not so simple. 如果能回忆出这个部分,那么这道题自然迎刃而解。难点2:出现一些俚语,习语解题技巧:通过语气猜测准确含义如TPO 12 Conversation 1 第5题:重听部分:Student: Yeah, I never know how much to include. You know…where to draw the line-Professor: Tell me about it!What does the professor mean when she says this-A. She understands the student’s problem.B. She wants the student to explain his comment.C. She did not hear what the student said.D. She does not accept the student’s excuse.听到tell me about it, 很多同学会理解为“说来听听”,因此误选B选项。而通过文章的上下文:all writers struggle with that one. 然后提出了自己的建议“I think if you just cut out the …”我们不难发现老师已经理解了学生的观点,因此答案应该选A, 而“tell me about it”在口语中的意思就是“我懂你”。难点3:反讽语气的陷阱解题技巧:不自然地重读的单词或词组提示反讽如TPO 27 Lecture 4第6题:重听部分是:Apparently, what Goethe was saying was that they just happened to come up with the same theory at the same time.What does the professor/student mean when he says this?A. Many people have proposed theories about primary colors.B. Goethe discovered primary colors by accident.C. Goethe probably developed the primary color theory before reading Runge’s letter.D. Goethe may have been influenced by Runge’s ideas about primary colors.对于这道题,很多同学在看到正确答案的一瞬间,内心是崩溃的,老师不是明明说的是“Goethe和Runge凑巧在同一时间提出了同样的理论”么?怎么就变成“Goethe受到了Runge的影响”了呢?但是在音频中我们分别能听到教授对于“coincidentally”和“happened to”这两个表达都加了重音,而恰巧两者都表示“凑巧”。我们不妨先来读一读下面这句中文“嫌疑人说他凑巧在案发时间路过了案发现场”,请大家在读的时候注意加重“凑巧”的发音。我们应该很自然能理解说话人的言外之意应该是“哪有这么巧”,以此类推,那么题目中教授应该也是通过反讽来表达“哪有这么凑巧”。所以本题的答案是D选项。














orientation 迎新auditorium 礼堂stadium 露天体育场intro/basic course 基础课程introductory 初级的,入门的discussion 讨论presentation 个人陈述topic 话题,主题lecture 演讲slide 幻灯片librarian 图书管理员report 报告office hour 教授答疑时间submit/hand in/drop off 上交submission 上交computer lab 电脑实验室invigilator 监考人drop the course 弃考prerequisite 先决条件field work 实地考察diploma 文凭intermediate (level) course 中级课程higher course 高级课程overwhelmed/overwhelming 压倒/势不可挡culture shock 文化差异sign up for a course 选择课程required 必须的compulsory course 必修课selective/elective/optional course 选修课bulletin 公告栏dean 系主任review 评论project 工程,计划tons of (a ton of) 很多cover 覆盖research data 研究数据input 输入semester/term 学期seminar 讨论会,研讨班term paper 学期报告complicated 复杂的edited version 过的版本stressed 有压力的draft 起草;草图application 申请retake 重修due 到期的extension 延期term 术语;学期apartment 公寓department 部门appointment 预约draw up 起草final exam 期末考试midterm 期中essay question 论文题目comprehensive exam 综合考试subject 主题,科目class note 课堂笔记assignment 作业,任务revision 修订research paper 研究论文proposed topics 推荐主题make comment 发表评论available 可利用的statement 中心思想句,论文观点precise 精确的intensive 加强的,集中的advantage 优势consecutive 连贯的community center 社区活动中心optional course 选修课depart/departure 离开sign up for/ register/ get enrolled 注册

