

augustana(Augustana的《Boston》 歌词)

admin admin 发表于2024-07-04 07:43:20 浏览7 评论0


本篇文章给大家谈谈augustana,以及Augustana的《Boston》 歌词对应的知识点,希望对各位有所帮助,不要忘了收藏本站喔。


Augustana的《Boston》 歌词

歌曲名:Boston歌手:Augustana专辑:All The Stars And Boulevards能把pop推向无底的深渊的力量rock’n’rollin the light of the sun, is there anyone? oh it has begun...oh dear you look so lost, eyes are red and tears are shed,this world you must’ve crossed...you said...you don’t know me, you don’t even care,you don’t know me, you don’t wear my chains...essential and appealed, carry all your thoughts acrossan open field,when flowers gaze at you...they’re not the only ones who crywhen they see youyou said...you don’t know me, you don’t even care,you don’t know me, you don’t wear my chains...she said I think I’ll go to Boston...I think I’ll start a new life,I think I’ll start it over, where no one knows my name,I’ll get out of California, I’m tired of the weather,I think I’ll get a lover and fly em out to Spain...I think I’ll go to Boston,I think that I’m just tiredI think I need a new town, to leave this all behind...I think I need a sunrise, I’m tired of the sunset,I hear it’s nice in the Summer, some snow would be nice...Boston...where no one knows my name...http://music.baidu.com/song/8020176

augustana 的《hey now》歌词和翻译

机器翻译自重啊……很喜欢augustana^^很难懂。。大概直译了一下。。凑合着看吧- -Sky black and blue深蓝色的天空Blue turned to red渐渐变成了红色It’s quiet in the streets now寂静的街景It’s screaming in your head在你的脑海里尖叫I ain’t a fool我不是傻瓜I’ve got my doubts我只是会迷茫困惑Say it doesn’t hurt我说它没有伤到我Doesn’t matter anyhow不管怎样,没有关系Anyhow不管怎样Saying hey you’re bleeding for nothing嘿,你在为毫无意义的事情痛苦It’s hard to breathe when you’re standing on your own当只有自己一个人的时候,连呼吸都那么困难We’ll kill ourself to find freedom我们无自由毋宁死You’ll kill yourself to find anything atall而你付出所有却一无所获So lock all the doors那就关上所有大门And put your child to rest让你的孩子去休息It’s quiet in the streets now寂静的街景It’s screaming in your head在你的脑海里尖叫We’re passing the time我们在消磨时光We’re breaking apart我们在分崩离析We’re damned at the end我们的结局糟糕透了We’re damned at the start我们的开始也是一样Blame it on the roses怪那些盛放的玫瑰Blame it on the red怪那一片殷红Running out of time没有时间了Running out of breath喘不过气Saying hey now you’re bleeding for nothing嘿,你在为毫无意义的事情痛苦It’s hard to breathe when you’re standing on your own当只有自己一个人的时候,连呼吸都那么困难We’ll kill ourself to find freedom我们无自由毋宁死You’ll kill yourself to find anything而你付出所有却一无所获You say good-bye每个夜晚Every day and nightWith writing on the walls你的道别都写在墙上Everybody’s gonna need somebody每个人都需要有人To take our troubles, and our worries, and our problems all away来抚平我们的忧虑,带走我们的烦恼’Cause, hey you’re just bleeding for nothing因为,你正在为毫无意义的事情痛苦It’s hard to breathe when you’re standing on your own当你只有自己一个人的时候,连呼吸都那么困难We’ll kill ourself to find freedom我们无自由毋宁死You’ll kill yourself to find anything atall而你付出所有却一无所获Hey now you’re bleeding for nothing因为,你在为毫无意义的事情痛苦It’s hard to breathe when you’re standing on your own当你只有自己一个人的时候,连呼吸都那么困难We’ll kill ourself to find freedom我们无自由毋宁死You’ll kill yourself before在那之前你会将自己折磨至死You’ll kill yourself again不止一次Hey now, hey now, hey nowRight nowHey now, hey now, hey nowRight nowHey now, hey now, hey nowRight nowHey now, hey now嘿,就是现在

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