


admin admin 发表于2024-07-10 16:19:07 浏览25 评论0





1 Unit 1 Personal Relationships Part 1 Preparation 1 Welcoming to Our Group! 1 Group Work Group work is an important activity students are required to do throughout the semester. In the activity students can listen to each other and share each other‘s ideas and experiences. Interpersonal relationships will develop during the process of working together. What‘s more, working in small groups, say, between 3 and 5, students will have greater opportunities to improve their listening and speaking skills than they can when the whole class works together. In addition, group work can help practice and develop four key skills: problem-solving, decision-making, critical thinking and creative thinking. To involve students in this activity each group should have a group leader to help the teacher achieve this goal. Students may change their groups every 5 or 6 weeks so as to be able to know more of their classmates. They may also take turns being group leaders.

新编剑桥商务英语中级 学生用书第三版 答案

  • 同求一份。442351982@qq.com 。万分感激。期末考复习

  • 977568645@qq.com也发份给我T^T感谢

  • 可不可以给我发一份谢谢1196143101@qq.com

  • 355698550@qq.com大神,求发

  • 841010124@qq.com还有没有人给我发呀??我想知道那个买2艘船一个锚的来往信件的整个流程,有谁有也给我发一下吧,非常非常感谢呢?


答案在教师用书上 这里可以下载: http://club.topsage.com/thread-2212767-1-1.html 大家论坛BEC版块,资料信息很多的哦: http://club.topsage.com/forum-90-1.html
