
mechanism for

mechanism for(跪求翻译下文关于 社会冲突理论的英语翻译!求高手)

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跪求翻译下文关于 社会冲突理论的英语翻译!求高手

Social harmony is "normal" or "abnormal", the existence of differences in understanding. Such differences are reflected in the social sciences, the gradual evolution of structure and function for and with the traditional clash of two different paradigms, and ultimately the formation of the modern theory of social conflict results. Society is composed of norms, values and public morality will be members of society join together to form social consensus, that is, the value of corporate social cohesion, making a balanced society. All the social problems, can be balanced by the social model to explain. The traditional school of thought is precisely the conflict to see the side of social disharmony, many social problems can not be explained is not got a balanced model of the. It said that the community is dynamic, ever-changing. Society as a whole is definitely not a balanced system, in the social systems of each and every part of the conflict and do not include the factors and is a source of social change. Functioning in the community in maintaining order, in addition to members of the social values of society and recognition of the authority, power also plays a very important role in the maintenance. Emphasis on modern conflict theory of social conflict "is" functions, features and more than constructive. It is not only that the conflict has led to social disharmony, it also has the role of social integration, and its interest in the conflict is through the mechanism of how to promote change, to prevent the rigid social system. Clash of the modern social conflict in the recognition of the universality of the At the same time, the study of social harmony as the end-result, and constructive social conflict that has the function of social integration is a driving force for social change. Stability in itself is a neutral term, could mean that the order of a benign, but also may mean that the conservative, lagging behind, not fair, the order of the crisis brewing. The function of the conservative and strong, from the ideological point of view origin, it absorbed the functions of ideology, "society is a balanced system" theory of social systems. "Safety valve" theory of modern conflict theory of the important results. It said that the community should remain open, flexible, inclusive, and can be controlled through the legitimate and institutionalize a mechanism for a variety of social tensions can be released, the demands of society to respond to social conflict resolution. Therefore, the release of the conflict itself is a hostile relationship and maintain the mechanism, you can use a "safety valve" to describe the concept of social discontent as the legitimate way to provide the release mechanism of conflict. In addition, the "safety valve" mechanism to some extent, can also shift the focus of conflicts, to avoid the accumulation of contradictions. In other words, the social tensions not only to vent their dissatisfaction with the original object can be an alternative target to vent, to avoid the impact of the system and the overall harmony.

英翻中An End-to-end Rate-based Congestion Control Mechanism for Realtime Streams in the Internet

许多专业词汇译过来很别扭。这句中的end-to-end表示“端对端”,即我们平时所说的“终端互联”,目前比较流行的流媒体就是一种端对端的通信方案。rate-based是“以速率为基础的”,这是对系统性能的一种分类,类似的有content-based“以内容为基础的”。congestion control“拥塞控制”,又称为“拥堵管理”,是针对网络中因信息传输量过大而造成的数据通信障碍,所开发的管理模式。realtime系统就是具备了上述功能和特色的一种数据通信系统,从字面上理解,是一种“实时的”数据交换体系。 综上,这句话的大体意思是“一种基于realtime实时通信平台的,以速率为基础的端对端拥塞控制机制,迅速涌入互联网领域”。 顺便说一句,您悬赏的积分太少了……

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