


admin admin 发表于2024-07-29 14:34:45 浏览31 评论0






  剑桥少儿英语等级考试( Cambridge Young Learners English Tests)是经教育部批准,由英国剑桥大学考试委员会设计,教育部考试中心及各省级教育考试机构负责组织的一项评估少儿学习英语情况的考试。目的在于检测学员学习效果,对学员听、说、读、写四项技能进行评估,并进一步调动学员的学习热情和兴趣,增加荣誉感和成就感。

  1 问:孩子参加剑桥少儿英语等级考试有哪些好处?


  2 问:剑桥少儿英语考试有几种形式?


  3 问:剑桥少儿英语等级考试的过级标准是什么?















  第一, 问候对话。

  第二, 看图片用手指指物说单词

  第三, 数数(看图片数数,报出答案)

  第四, 读儿歌背儿歌

  第五, 听指令做动作。

  应考锦囊:(1)口语考试要做到有问必答,不要对考官发出的询问无应答,如果没有听明白可以说sorry等(2)应主动运用礼貌用语hello/good-bye/thank you 等。


  Set l

  Listen carefully.Stand up please.

  Run tothe window.Touchthe window and run back.Good.

  Sit downand look at the pictures on the desk.

  Pick upthe white horse and put it on the black dog.Good.

  Put thegrey cat between the brown monkey and the white sheep. Good.

  Put thewhite horse under the black dog now.

  Thankyou.You may goon with the next part.

  Set 2

  Listencarefully.Lookat the pictures on the desk.

  Pick upthe yellow socks and put them on the black shoes.Good.

  Put thered T-shirt between the green skirt and the blue trousers.Good.

  Put theyellow socks and the black shoes under the blue trousers.Good.

  Stand upplease and jump three times.

  Touchyour nose.Good.Clap your hands.Good.

  Thankyou.You may goon with the next part.

  Set 3

  Listencarefully.Standup please.Hop to the door and touch the door.

  Pleasehop back and stop.Jump five times.Good.

  Sit downplease and look at the pictures on the desk.

  Pick upthe green kite and put it on the yellow kite.Good.

  Put thepurple kite between the blue kite and the pink kite.Good.

  Put thegreen kite under the purple kite.Good.

  Thankyou.You may goon with the next part.微信:绵阳剑桥英语

  Set 4

  Listencarefully.Lookat the pictures on the desk.please.

  Pick upthe blue clock and put it on the grey wall.Good.

  Pick upthe small black watch and put it on the hand.

  Put theyellow guitar between the clock and the watch.Good.

  Stand upplease.Touchyour ears.Touch your nose.Good.

  Run tothe door and touch the door.Run back and sit down.Good.

  Thankyou.You may goon with the next part.

  Set 5

  Listencarefully.Standup and walk to the window.

  Touchthe window and j ump back and sit down.Good.

  Look atthe pictures on the desk.

  Pick upthe yellow cake and put it next to the brown ice cream.Good.

  Pick upthe sausage and put it between the eggs and the fish.Good.

  Put theyellow cake under the fish.

  Thankyou.You may goon with the next part.

  Set 6

  Listencarefully.Lookat the pictures on the desk.

  Pick upthe red car and put it next to the yellow bus.Good.

  Put thewhite plane under the green helicopter.

  Put theblack train between the yellow bus and the green helicopter.Good.

  Stand upplease.Hop tothe window and hop back.

  Clapyour hands three times.Touch your mouth.Touch your nose.

  Thankyou.You may goon with the next part.

  Set 7

  Listencarefully.Standup and stand on one le9.

  Hop tothe door and touch the door,and then hop back.Good.

  Sit downplease and look at the pictures on the desk.

  Pick upthe green pen and put it under the grey pencil—box.

  Put thered book under the purple ba9.

  Put thelong ruler between the green pen and the book.

  Thankyou.You may goon with the next part.

  Set 8

  Listencarefully.Lookat the pictures on the desk please.

  Pick upthe red flower and put it on the blue lamp.

  Pick upthe mirror and put it on the pink doll.Good.

  Put thebrown box between the red flower and the pink doll.Good.

  Stand upplease and touch your head.

  Run tothe door,touchthe door and run back.

  Thankyou.You may goon with the next part.

  Set 9

  Listencarefully.Standup please and touch the chair.

  Jump tothe window and touch the window and then come back.Good.

  Clapyour hands twice.Touch your nose.Touch your ears.Good.

  Pick upthe swimming pool and put it next to the garden.

  Pick upthe ZOO and put it on the farm.

  Put thebookshop between the garden and the Z00.

  Thankyou.You may goon with the next part.

  Set 10

  Listen carefully.Look at the pictures on thedesk.

  Pick up the.cap and put it next to the glasses.Good.

  Pick up the handbag and put.it next to the jeans.

  Put the sun—glasses between the cap and the handba9.

  Stand up please.Jump like a rabbit.Good.

  Walk like a turtle.Good.Flylike a bird.

  Thank.you.You may go onwith the next part.











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