
personal statement 范文 state

personal statement 范文(能提供几篇优秀的personal statement 吗,最好能中英文对照的)

admin admin 发表于2024-08-03 00:23:58 浏览34 评论0


其实personal statement 范文的问题并不复杂,但是又很多的朋友都不太了解能提供几篇优秀的personal statement 吗,最好能中英文对照的,因此呢,今天小编就来为大家分享personal statement 范文的一些知识,希望可以帮助到大家,下面我们一起来看看这个问题的分析吧!


能提供几篇优秀的personal statement 吗,最好能中英文对照的

Personal Statement As a senior student of Zhengzhou Grain College, I am now applying for the acceptance to the University of Waikato strong1y. I will graduate from Zhengzhou Grain College in June 2000 and now I am major in Marketing. Marketing is a burgeoning field in China, then I hope I can learn more modern knowledge on marketing in New Zea1and. During my co1lege years of study, I have mastered much professiona1 knowledge and elementary technica1 abilities, especially on the marketing. I am strongly convinced that I can undertake some research during my further study. Meanwhile, due to the open study environment in my co1lege, my ana1ytical ability and problem so1ving skills have also gotten great improved. I think, with the ski11s, I can success in my study. At the same time, my good Eng1ish is the basis for me to study in an English-speaking country. I am fluent in reading and writing and I passed the CET-4 (Which is a nationa1 Co1lege English Test) in 1998. Now I am trying to improve my spoken English, reading aloud every morning on campus. I think that I can adapt myself to the new environment of New Zealand soon after I arrive at the University of Waikato. At the same time, to me, Computer is a tool for study. Especially with tl1e computer science development, Internet has made the earth smaller and smaller and information more and more available. I have always been fond of the computer and use it to help my study moreover, from the Internet, I have known more about the foreign countries and universities. The beautiful scenery and the peaceful environment of New Zealand are the big appeal to me. Moreover, tl1ere have advanced educationa1 system and knowledgeable teacher. Therefore, l decided to get my further study in New Zealand. The University of Waikato, with l6 undergraduate degrees, 70 interdisciplinary programs, is firmly placed amongst Universities internationally. I am sure, after the study of Master programs in the famous University of Waikato, I can be something in the marketing field. . I am eager to get your information soon. Best Regards Yours Sincere1y Cai Ying英语个人陈述范文Personal Statement Now, either from such medias as television, magazine and network, or experienced by ourselves, the fact of environmental deterioration is displayed, which we have to worry about. In middle and western part of China, drying and desertification phenomena are obvious. “Badlands” with flourishing plants and vigorous flowing water in Beijing outskirt were covered by square “ match boxes” over night, with that, there is winter nearly without snow. In order to beautify environment, the property of our community made a river, but it became a smelly one sooner. The above seem to be resulted by organization or individual, which have no business with us. And we also have no right to interfere. But this excuse does not ease me. In daily life, many of our actions bring danger to the sustainable development of the entironment. For example, shampoo we use every day will threaten the entironment if it is not treated strictly. So I earnestly pay attention to collecting approaches to solve such kind of problems. As a result, out of my expectations, I find that traditional custom can better solve the problems. For instance, Dai people use fermented water that has cleaned the rice to wash their hair. This absolutely does no harm to the environment. Moreover, many Dai people all along have black hair through their lifetime; in Chinese medicine, herbal medicine and silver acus are used to cure people and there seems to be no such problems as antibiotics. I am puzzled that as if traditional living ways get along better with nature. Then, what will today’s biology science do? In this regard, I want to go to America, a country nearer to science, especially advanced science, to disabuse my questions. I will make attempts to use it solve some problems in vicious circle and maintain harmonious living environment or use science to explain and connect such kind of traditional ways as Chinese medicine with modern science. I was born in Xinjiang, the center of Asia and Europe. Industrial and agricultural civilization there is not developed, but natural sceneries are very beautiful. In the north, there are snow mountains, lakes and forests like that of Switzerland as well as grassland that is clear and capacious; in the south, there is vasty desert and flourishing and vigorous oasis interspersed in it. I spent my primary school time at a private school in Beijing (the first one in Beijing). Because it was established by individual, the school had more independence and our headmaster determined not to educate us in the way other school did, that is, only to pay attention to Chinese and Mathematics. He provided us science devices and sorts of sports facilitates, very advanced in we children’s eyes, and allowed us to choose teacher on our own. Taking this advantage, I was lucky to use microscope frequently when I was in Grade 3 at primary school to watch materials I searched all over the school like leaves of peach, small unknown flowers and roots of withered plant. It was my greatest fun to make various materials into temporary flakes—more seductive than sweets. When I was in Grade 4, I assisted the teacher in making a sample of white rabbit and it was displayed in our headmaster’s show box till my graduation from the school. Then I entered Experimental High School attached to Beijing Normal University, a key one in Beijing ranking the Second or Third Place and situating in the back of Ministry of Education of China. Our teachers were all learned, quoting a wealth of examples and famous theories and words in class, which was very interesting. There, I imbibed kinds of knowledge concerning geography, history, politics, physics and chemistry, etc. And my records were all good, especially in geography and biology. From Junior 1 to Senior 3, my records of these two courses were never below 92/100 points. But biology was still my favorite. I partook in biology experimental elective course and did more experiments than that required in teaching outline, such as generally extracting DNA, anatomizing frog and identifying chlorophyll. In Senior 2, I studied by myself General Biology, which was the course of freshman of China and got the Second Prize in National High School Students Biology Competition, ranking top 30 in Beijing—there were nearly 100,000 participants in Beijing.Not far from my university, Lake XXX, which has been famous for thousands of years as the most beautiful lake in China, is facing the problem of eutrophication. A hundred kilometres north at the boarder of XXX Province, Lake XXX, the XXX largest in China, is experiencing the outbreak of blue algae. These are just two scenes that depict the deteriorated clash between economic and environmental concerns I witnessed over the last decade in China, which attracted me to the environmental engineering program in ChinaUniversity University and attracts me to the exchange program in environmental microbiology in USAUniversity.In ChinaUniversity University, I’ve built a strong background in biological science which helps me to understand the sewage biological treatment technology and biodegradation. In the Biochemistry course, I learned about the metabolism of sugar, protein, and fat acid, especially the ways of sugar degradation which are known as tricarboxylic acid circle, Embden-Meyerhof-Parnas pathway, and hexose biphosphate glycolysis. In the Environmental Biology course, I learned about the microbiology degradation and bioremediation of certain organic pollutants. I also understood the biogeochemical cycle which plays an important role in learing management and use of water resource.Extensive experimental and practical skills are also valuable assets I obtained during my undergraduate study. In an open microbiology experiment design project, my group designed an experiment on luminescent bacteria toxicity. We tested toxicity of landfill leachate of the whole processing flow in regulating tank and sedimentation tank. In the 4th student research training program of ChinaUniversity University, I worked on a project in the determination of seasonal variation of detection of disinfection by-products in drinking water. During the training, we have applied headspace capillary gas chromatography to determine the trace DBPs(Disinfection By-products), especially the THMs. For the research of the variation of DBPs through time and space scales, we determined the sampling interval and regional distribution. In addition, we detected the DBPs in local beverages. The research training improved my expertise in experiment designing, literature reviewing and device operating. During my intern in the Environmental Monitoring Station of Hangzhou City. I used XXX技术 to XXX目的. This experience enhanced my comprehension of my major and improved my team-work ability and communication skills. With my solid academic background in environmental engineering, I am ready to take a further step to enrol in graduate study. I am most interested in the field of biodegradation of contaminants in water and soils. In USAUniversity, I would be able to take courses that improve my expertise in this field, such as Water and Waste Treatment Plant Design. I would also be able to involve in advanced research carried out in USAUniversity. The graduate study in USAUniversity would improve my ability in practical problem solving and would be a key step in my professional career

申请高中的personal statement怎么写

里分享一下我写Personal Statement的经验。美国学校不是把你培养成考试机器,最好说说你理想的缘由。 4:我想每个学校都希望录取积极阳光的学生、理性深刻,能写出多好的东西. 真实,你越挫越勇,并不在乎你文笔多牛逼: 1,甚至现在依然不见彩虹,你能否向学校证明你有能力面对它们. 积极,将来能有所作为(然后再回馈学校,你要选择最好的方式来呈现你的特质:一个只想得A的学生,有些甚至微乎其微,就算侥幸被录取,这是很重要的品质,你害的不光是自己,他们还会跟踪你在学校的表现、情感上等等,取决于你在Personal Statement里面的态度。如果你的背景太离奇,你的理想最好具体,等等:这是一切的基础。这样的文章既反映出你的思维能力。你过去也许经历过风雨,又贴近你的生活. 远景?招生办知道你的能力,然而你从你的经历中挖掘出一些感悟,不要以为美国大学不知道你的经历是否真实。 以上只是一部分,而是助你实现你的理想,几乎了解世界各地高中的情况、以小见大等等等等:一个高中生。 2,并没有多少吸引力,让人更容易了解你。每个人生活经历都有很多故事,一些成长,还有无数学弟学妹,而是看中你的文字反应出来的个人能力,单你没有放弃,情感丰富,才能引起招生办的兴趣去继续深入地了解你。你在大学阶段会面临很多挑战,他们每年都收到成千上万的申请、生活上,为学校捐钱),给你带来一些改变,其实Personal Statement可以很多样,你要有理想。 3。用一句烂大街的话说. 诚实,他们会展开调查。希望这些有所帮助,一旦发现,学业上,而不是满腹牢骚的学生,思想多深刻、一些思考,你会如何去努力实现

急求助!! 我的personal statement该怎么写

personal statement个人陈述(或是 个人申明)Work Assignment : Briefly describe (Please enter not more than 1000 characters; Do not use the symbols " & ~) your most recent work/job assignments, if any, relating to the programme you are applying for admission (Use a separate sheet of paper, if necessary). You may also indicate any research experience you may have or any paper(s) that you may have published over the last 5 years. A statement of support from your employer would be useful. Use a separate sheet of paper if necessary.工作任务: 简要地描述一下(输入的字符不得超过1000个;请勿使用 “ & ~ 这些符号) 您最近的工作任务(若有的话)要与您所申请的项目有一定的联系。(如有需要,可另起一页)。 您也可以列举在过去5年期间,您的研究经验或者已发表的论文。也可附上您的雇主(大概就是曾经录用过你的单位 译者注)对您的评价。如有需要,可另起一页。Pursue Reason : State (Please enter not more than 1000 characters; Do not use the symbol " & ~) why you wish to pursue this programme and how you would use the knowledge you gain from it in practice (A separate statement of support from your employer would be useful).目的及原因: 请说明(输入的字符不得超过1000个;请勿使用 “ & ~ 这些符号)为什么您希望申请这个项目,以及您将如何运用您在这个项目实践过程中学到的知识。 (也可另外附上您的雇主对您的评价。)————————————————————————————大致就是这个意思 可能有些词汇还不到位 不过应该没什么大问题我是外语系的 希望可以帮上忙

personal statement

我有份以前写的PS,也是申请数学系的,可以让你参考一下。但我的建议是,只有自己写出来的,才是PS。他人的最多只能看一下拿点灵感。Personal Statement I am an overseas student from China. I am applying for a Mathematics course at University.Mathematics is my favourite subject and it’s the most wonderful thing: For any person in the world, even if he/she doesn’t learn about Literature, Physics, Biology, Art, Law, (perhaps he/she doesn’t even know who is the President of his/her country.) There is one thing he/she must know: Mathematics. Everything relates to Mathematics; nothing can work without it.Although, to me, Mathematics is a wonderful thing, lots of people have suggested that I choose another subject to study at University. Because in their mind there is no job that needs Mathematics as advanced as University Mathematics except researching or teaching. But for me, Mathematics is part of my way of life. It’s a key that could open the door into my dream!I want to have my own enterprise. I need to have good logical judgment to discern what is an opportunity or a crisis. I need to have different ideas to find a new way; I need to calculate what will happen in the future Lots of things I need and all of those I can find in Mathematics. Why not choose it? There is no reason for me to change my decision.I will describe my study as an exploration for knowledge. As an explorer I have good endurance but it doesn’t mean I like to waste time. I like to ask if I don’t know: I think of teachers as having the map that could show me which is the right way. It will not let me get lost in exploration.As an explorer I have adventurous but this doesn’t mean I am rash. I like to find out different ways. There is not only one way you can go to a destination. I could discover lots of things during my exploration. It will help me to break new ground.As an explorer I have my own special skill. I like to know why something works. It’s not just to help me to solve the same style problem more quickly and easily. I could infer further development when I know the basic theory. It gives me the ability to face the future by myself.I left my parents to study from the age of 11 and I have now lived alone in England for about 2 years. I feel so lucky that I can study in the UK. In China we have no chance to choose what we do or do not want to learn. Study in China is very boring for me. But now I can study the things I am interested in, so I am enjoying my study very much.Every week I drive to a school and teach the children Chinese. It’s quite hard for me because this is my first time as a teacher. Sometimes I like to read fiction about magic and myth. I enjoy escaping to a different world.At the moment I am a Dreamer. I imagine all sorts of things: What is the past? What is the future? What is the truth? Perhaps Mathematics will give me the answer. Then I shall become a Thinker. I hope.

有谁能推荐几篇Personal Statement作为让我参考一下谢谢还有推荐信有范文的话也最好

我读硕士时候的。推荐信:February 16, 2005To Whom It May Concern: This is a strong recommendation for XXX of the State University of New York. Since 2003, XXX has been a part-time New York correspondent for the Global Times, which has a circulation of 2 million copies and is the subsidiary newspaper of my newspaper, the People’s Daily of China. As the Chief of United Nations Bureau of People’s Daily and a supervisor of overseas correspondents for the Global Times, I would like to strongly recommend XXX to the graduate school at your university. Through the contacts we have had during last two years, I am very confident that XXX has the qualifications you are seeking. As a part-time New York correspondent for the Global Times, XXX’s writings have been primarily focused business news and very popular among our readers. XXX has an excellent background in business. She is very sensitive to the current markets and is very good at finding valuable news topics. XXX also holds impressive experiences in media. As far as I know, XXX has been a part-time journalist for several leading newspapers in China since she was in high school. XXX also has very strong research ability as her writings have shown. Although it is not her primary responsibility, she helped the Global Times collect useful data on the U.S. markets. The Global Times assigned XXX the part-time New York Correspondent position not only because of her background in business and her media experience, but also because of her excellent bilingual skills. XXX’s works in the Global Times are all written in Chinese. However, she has to conduct interviews or research for useful data in English. As far as the editors in Beijing are concerned, XXX has done a fabulous job as an overseas correspondent by making use of her strong language abilities. Although writing is her pleasure, she is determined to become an entrepreneur. It would make her perfect if she can continue further studies in the graduate program. This is a great career path for XXX as she can reach her potential and demonstrate her knowledge and skills in business. With her strong sensitivity and understanding of business and marketplace, I believe XXX will succeed in her pursuit of Master’s degree. I would like to, once again, strongly recommend this smart young lady to your graduate school and ask the school to give XXX assistance in the application process. Sincerely yours,XXXXXX Title of position Company Address Telephone and EmailPS:The story doesn’t begin with “once upon a time”. It was only recently that I realized what my “real” career would be. I have dreamed of becoming a scientist, a teacher, an ice cream vendor, and all sorts of different people when I was a kid. However, I knew these dreams would not become true the day I was determined to become an entrepreneur. Yes, an entrepreneur, maybe not so big and established, but small and successful. And why I wanted to be an entrepreneur?I have been holding part-time media jobs since I was in high school in China. This media experience takes me to the world that is called “business”. Being a part-time journalist for the Beijing Youth Daily and the Middle School Times in China and a part-time special New York correspondent for the Global Times (a newspaper in China), I have interviewed some entrepreneurs. Every successful entrepreneur has a million stories to tell. Every story of success demonstrates an entrepreneur’s in-depth knowledge in business, quick response to the ever-changing marketplace, and confidence in his/her own ability to succeed. It was simply fascinating to just hear these stories. However, besides writing down these entrepreneurs’ success, I kept asking myself one question: can I become one of them? This one little question has awakened the “business” side of myself. Running a business is not easy. What’s the first thing? You have to know what you are going to run. Living in New York, I have had quite a few inspirations by observing this world’s financial and business center. I often said to myself, “oh, this thing’s gonna be a hit if I can bring it to the public,” or, “this service’s so cool, and the best part is that no one has even thought about it!” These daydreams were soon hit by the reality: how can I manage to present something to the public? That was why I chose marketing as my undergraduate major. I believe that marketing, more than accounting and management, is something that you need to be trained with. Accounting folks are almost always good at math, and management people almost always have ambition and leadership in their hearts. As for marketing, you may be creative, but creativity may be largely found in only one part of marketing that is called “advertising and promotion”. There are a lot more to learn. As a marketing major, I was exposed to the internationally accepted marketing concepts, such as the four P’s (Product, Price, Place, and Promotion), as well as the American way of doing marketing, such as strict rules on bribery when it comes to promotion and other business activities. However, besides marketing classes, other business classes are just as important as marketing courses. The functional areas of business are integrated. And I know a successful businessperson may be specialized in one of these areas, but he/she will also know about how other areas are functioned. So I took some accounting, finance, and management classes to build myself as a businessperson, but not only a marketer. My undergraduate marketing classes went so smoothly that I began to think maybe I would become a good entrepreneur after I graduate with my Bachelor of Science in Marketing. Well, I was partially wrong. Right now I am taking the undergraduate capstone class and having a team of three people to run a business in a simulated game. I can read the financial reports, calculate ratios, and utilize the results in the decision-making and management of the business. However, when it comes to more complicated management problems, the answer is nowhere to be found. This makes me think about the real world. In the real, fast-paced business environment, not knowing an answer to a management problem should be a businessperson’s shame. That should never be the case. Then I put in some serious thoughts into my pursuit of career goal. I don’t want to become just a marketer. I want to become an entrepreneur. And a successful entrepreneur needs to know everything of all the functional areas of business from an international perspective. Of course books and real-life experience may help me to succeed, but I don’t believe these can show me a prosperous business as fast as does learning on campus. Systematical learning in business administration will help me make better decisions later in my career. So an MBA is a must on my way to success. Now the story of me becoming an entrepreneur doesn’t end here because I know that after getting my Master’s degree in business administration, I will be ready.

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