
drexel大学容易录取吗 双录取


admin admin 发表于2024-08-13 10:09:58 浏览32 评论0





  • Drexel U 的托福最低分数线是 80 分。 祝你成功!

  • 同学你好,建议咨询专业的留学机构。有一点建议就是一般需要SAT成绩的学校对托福的要求都比较高,建议将托福分数再进行刷高。这样选择的余地会大一些。

  • 完全没问题吧。。我觉得你都可以考虑多要点奖学金了 XD。你到也真是不怕冷。。。

关于Drexel University 录取问题!!!!!

发邮件问学校或者看自己到没到人家的录取要求 德雷塞尔大学(费城)Drexel University (Philadelphia)所在省州:宾夕法尼亚州所在城市:Philadelphia学生人数:19882人中国教育部是否认证:获得认证 联系方式:地址:Office of Undergraduate Admissions Drexel University 3141 Chestnut Street Philadelphia, PA 19104 USA邮箱:enroll@drexel.edu 电话:215-895-2400 传真:215-895-5939入学要求:Freshman Admission DeadlinesDeadlineMaterial DueNovember 15Early Decision admission applications due for Westphal College of Media Arts & Design (This is a binding decision.)December 1Admission applications due for all accelerated degree programsFebruary 1Regular Decision applications due for Westphal College of Media Arts & DesignFreshman applications due Enrollment Form and tuition deposits due for Westphal College of Media Arts & Design Early Decision accepted studentsMay 1Enrollment Form and tuition deposit dueEarly Decision Admission Deadlines for Westphal College of Media Arts & DesignApplicants with exceptional academic qualifications who have decided that Westphal College is their top choice institution where, if admitted, they will definitely enroll, may apply for Early Decision. Applicants may apply to other institutions, but can only have one Early Decision application pending at any time. This is a binding Early Decision program. To be considered, a complete application indicating your intention to be considered for early decision is due by November 15. A completed application includes: standardized test scores, official transcripts, Early Decision Contract, CSS Profile, CSS Non-Custodial Profile (if applicable), essay, letters of recommendation, and portfolio (if applicable). Early Decision applicants will receive an admission decision on December 15.If you are admitted, you must confirm your intention to enroll by February 1 and withdraw your applications to all other universities. Should you not be offered a financial aid award that makes attendance possible, you may decline the offer of admission and be released from your Early Decision commitment. The regular admission deadline for freshman applicants to Westphal programs is February 1.Return to topTransfer Admission DeadlinesThe application deadlines for transfer applicants vary depending on the term in which you wish to enroll. Refer to our List of Full-Time Undergraduate Programs for program-specific limitations and entry terms.DeadlineMaterial DueAugust 15Fall term admission applications dueOctober 15Fall term admission applications due for Nursing ACE (Applications received after deadline will be reviewed on a continuous basis.)November 15Winter term admission applications dueFebruary 1Admission applications due for Radiologic Technology (Applications received after deadline will be reviewed on a continuous basis.)February 15Spring admission applications dueApril 15Spring term admission applications due for Nursing ACE (Applications received after deadline will be reviewed on a continuous basis.)Return to topInternational Application ChecklistDrexel takes into consideration a number of criteria when determining admission, including your high school performance and/or college performance, letters of recommendation, and essay.Undergraduate Admission ApplicationComplete an application for Undergraduate Admission. We prefer that you apply online to Drexel. We accept the following online applications:�6�1 Drexel’s Online Application�6�1 Drexel’s VIP Application�6�1 The Common ApplicationIf you do not wish to apply online, you may download and print either of the following:�6�1 Drexel’s Undergraduate Full-Time Admission Application �6�1 The Common Application and Drexel’s Supplemental Application You may only submit one application. To expedite the application process, please write your full name (no nicknames, please) on all items submitted. If you need to change your major or co-op selection after submitting your application, please Email Admissions, or call 1-800-2-DREXEL or 1-215-895-2400.Application Fee, $75 (waived if you apply on campus or online)EssayAll applicants (except Nursing ACE applicants) must submit a 250 to 500 word essay online. We do not accept essays submitted on paper. Westphal College of Media Arts & Design applicants: Relate your essay topic to your interest in your intended major. If you are applying to an accelerated degree program in the Westphal College, your essay topic should relate to your selected major and indicate why you are a good candidate for the program. To confirm that your intended major is in Westphal, view our List of Full-Time Undergraduate ProgramsAccelerated degree applicants: You should describe the factors that influenced your decision to pursue an accelerated degree in your chosen profession. Note:International students are ineligible to apply for the BA/BS/MD program and transfer students are ineligible for all accelerated degree programs.BA/BS/JD applicants: Qualified applicants will be requested to submit an additional essay.BS/PhD applicants must also describe any research involvement.BS/MS in Psychology applicants: Qualified applicants will be requested to submit an additional essay.Custom-Designed major applicants: Qualified applicants will be requested to submit additional admission materials.All other applicants: You may write about why you are interested in your choice of major, or you may write on any subject you choose.Transcripts All international applicants are required to submit an official academic record (with notarized English translation) from every secondary or postsecondary school attended. A transcript is official only when it is sent directly from an institution to Admissions, or when it is officially signed, stamped in color, and sealed. Transcripts must reflect 9th, 10th, and 11th grade coursework and grades earned. You may print the Transcript Request Form and use it to request official transcripts from your school counselor and/or registrar. All Nursing ACE and Radiologic Technology applicants who have coursework from an institution outside of the United States — except Study Abroad — must have their transcripts evaluated by one of these agencies:�6�1 World Education Services (WES)�6�1 International Consultants of Delaware�6�1 Educational Credential EvaluatorsTransfer Students: Transfer applicants must submit transcripts from all postsecondary institutions attended. Syllabus/course descriptions must accompany transcripts for evaluation of transfer credits.If you have completed fewer than 24 credits at the time of application, you must also submit an official copy of your secondary school transcript.Note: Radiologic Technology applicants are required to submit a high school transcript regardless of the number of completed college credits. Standardized Test ScoresAll applicants (except as indicated below) must take at least one of the following: SAT, TOEFL, IELTS, or ACT if your native language is not English. International applicants with both SAT and TOEFL or IELTS scores are considered more competitive candidates. Results must be forwarded to Admissions. Drexel encourages you to submit scores each time you take these exams.All students should use the following codes to send score reports to Drexel: SAT and TOEFL: 2194; ACT: 3556 All Nursing ACE and BSN Co-op applicants: Applicants born outside of the United States are required to take the TOEFL examination. The TOEFL can be waived if the applicant falls into one of these catagories:�6�1 Born on a U.S. military base.�6�1 Completed four years of high school and received a high school diploma from the United States, Australia, New Zealand, the United Kingdom, Canada, or Ireland.Passing test scores:�6�1 TOEFL iBT: Minimum combined score of 79 with a 26 score or higher in the speaking section.OR�6�1 TOEFL paper-based exam: Total score of 550 and the Test of Spoken English (TSE) exam with a minimum score of 55.Transfer Students: If you have completed 24 or more college credits in the United States and earned a grade of C or better in English Composition I and II, you are not required to submit standardized test scores. Otherwise you must take either the SAT, TOEFL, IELTS, or ACT and request that the results be forwarded to Admissions. All students should use the following codes to send score reports to Drexel: SAT 2194, TOEFL 2194.Letters of RecommendationTwo letters of recommendation are required. At least one must be completed by a high school counselor. You may submit our online Letter of Recommendation form or print and submit the Recommendation Forms . Recommendations on official letterhead will also be accepted. Note: Nursing ACE applicants are not required to submit recommendations. Transfer Students: Letters of recommendation are not required.Portfolio (Fashion Design and Graphic Design applicants only) You are required to submit a sample of your creative work with a maximum of 12 images of drawings, paintings, photographs, or other visual materials or a website. Briefly explain the context within which you created the work. All work submitted becomes part of the application and will not be returned. Your portfolio must be submitted online at HighSchoolPortfolios.com.Audition (Dance applicants only)Dance applicants are required to audition. Visit the Westphal College Dance websitefor more information.Early Decision Forms (Westphal College of Media Arts & Design)Students applying for Early Decision to the Westphal College are required to complete the CSS Profile and CSS Non-Custodial Profile (only required if your parents are divorced, separated, or were never married). In addition, Early Decision candidates must also complete the Early Decision Contract . Students must submit the CSS Profile, CSS Non-Custodial Profile (if applicable), and the Early Decision Contract by November 15.参考资料: http://school.nihaowang.com/4915.html


Deerfield Academy 是美国著名的私立寄宿高中。他坐落在美国麻州的著名的历史小镇Deerfield。在这个方圆不到一英里的小镇中,有美国三所著名的寄宿中学,除了DeerfieldAcademy以外,还有两所寄宿初中-Bement School 和 Eagelbrook School。利用开学前的空隙,我约了DeerfieldAcademy的国际学生招生主任J. J. Briones 先生面谈,并且进行一次采访。Briones先生愉快地接受了采访。Briones是Deerfield1982年的毕业生。在DeerfieldAcademy 的招生办工作了十几年。现在是学校招生办的AssociateDirector, 主要负责国际学生的招生,同时是学校网球队的教练。下面是采访的记录:陆愚: 和高兴您有时间和您又坐在一起,谢谢您能抽出时间来接受我的采访。谢谢你在过去几年对我的支持和帮助。Mr.Briones: 很高兴和你能有时间交流,以前几次都是来去匆匆。这个星期正好是开学前,比较轻松一些。也谢谢你专门开车过来。能能先介绍一下您的工作和情况吗?陆:没有问题。我从事咨询工作的经历有一点特殊。我在中国的清华大学毕业后,到美国读书。在美国的纽约大学和麻省理工学院获得学位后,在美国工作。美国的公司派我回上海工作。从2006-07年度我开始作为MIT的校友,帮助母校面试中国的申请MIT的学生。从2008年开始,负责MIT校友在中国南方区的面试。在这个过程中我接触了中国许多优秀的学生,也和MIT的招生办有许多沟通,了解到了美国顶尖大学的录取过程和对学生的Expectation。同时也有许多亲戚和朋友来咨询我,我给了他们一些建议,帮助了他们进入了比较理想的大学和高中。Mr. Bri


住宿服务Drexel University有56%学生住宿。本科入学要求Drexel University本科录取条件:高中应届或大一在读雅思考试6.5分或以上GPA 3.3分或以上托福iBT 79分或以上 (ESL)SAT(verbal) 580分或以上;(Math)620 分或以上本科申请条件开学时间:Quater Programs: 每年1月、4月、6月、9月Semester Programs: 每年1月、5月、8月申请截至日:每年11月15日(提前申请),1月15日IELTS分数要求:6.5TOEFL分数要求:79.0*TOEFL单科要求:口语26分( for Nursing ACE and BSN Co-op applicants only)Portfolio (for design& merchandising and fashion design major applicant)研究生申请条件开学时间:Quater Programs: 每年1月、4月、6月、9月Semester Programs: 每年1月、5月、8月申请截至日:每年11月15日(提前申请),1月15日IELTS分数要求:6.5(财政方面理科硕士:接受, 分数要求请联系学校)TOEFL(IBT)分数要求:70TOEFL单科要求:无要求新GRE》=310 留学费用:本科1.(无Co-op):$46386.0 美元+$2370学杂费2.(4年+one Co-op)1st year:$46,386.0 美元+$2,370美元学杂费2nd year: $61,848美元+ $3,610美元学杂费3rd year: $30,924美元+$3,610美元学杂费4th year:$46,386.0 美元+$2,370美元学杂费3.(5年+two Co-op)1st year: $46,386.0 美元+$2,370美元学杂费2nd,3rd,4th year: $30,924美元+$3,610美元学杂费5th year:$46,386.0 美元+$2,370美元学杂费研究生按照学分计算,学院之间价格有出入

托福81,gpa 3.4 能否被drexel(德雷塞尔)大学录取呢 商科 多谢了!!

  • 有可能被录取。但美国很多大学入学时要测试语言,不合格必须要修语言。这样就增加了留学时间和经济负担,还有面子问题。建议你狂补一下语言,录与否都必须的,你不想将来顺利听老外讲课吗?

  • 你好!从以往学生申请的案例来说,非常危险。你的GPA如果是4分的,还是一个优势。但是除了这些,你的PS也是很重要的。所以就toefl而言,你一点优势都没有,如果申请的人多,估计你就很危险了。另外,如果你没有被录取,你也可以尝试一下Pathway还是很好的哈。但是也不是没有希望,静静等待结果吧!

