
出国留学的英语 出国留学英语 专业


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  Academic year:组成学年的单位,如:学期、学季等。

  Academic advisor:由学校中之教授或职员担任,帮助学生学业问题之顾问。



  Advanced placement:申请美国大学时,可经由考试或转学分(transfer credit)而直接进入大一、 大二、大三或大四。

  Advanced standing:同Advanced placement。

  Associate degree:副学士学位。为高中毕业后所上的两年制社区大学(Community College)或两年制学院(Two-year College)所发给的学位。



  Bachelor’s degree: 学士学位。由四年制大学毕业所取得的学位。

  Baccalaureate degree: 学士学位。由四年制大学毕业所取得的学位。

  Bursar: 学校之财务及会计部门。

  Bulletin: 布告、公告。通常学校课程介绍目录也叫bulletin.


  Campus: 校园,校区

  Candidate notification date: 学校公布其对于学生申请结果的决定的日期。

  Candidate reply date: 回函期限。大部份学校会指定的一个日期,此日之前学生必须通知学校是否要入学。

  College catalog: 学校介绍目录。

  Community college: 两年制的社区大学。

  Competitiveness: 学校的竞争性;越有竞争性的学校代表申请的困难度越高。

  Conditional Admission: 即条件式入学;有些学校会给条件不合(通常是英文能力未达标准)的学生条件式许可,待其修完所需之课程始可正式开始修学位。

  Cooperative Education Plan: 建教合作计划;学生可一边上学一边从事相关工作, 或是课程、工作轮流,或是课程、工作同时进行。一般这类计划要花五年取得学士学位。然因移民局之规订,所以外国学生较少有这类机会。

  Core Course: 是取得大学学位之必修通识科目,只有少数学校无此要求。通常必修科目分三大类:自然、社会、和人文科学,在毕业前每大类需修满一定的学分数,一般多半在大一或大二修这类的课程。

  Credit或Credit Hour或unit:学分。

  Curriculum vitae 或vitae 或 CV: 将自己的学历、研究经验、专业经验等总合起来以有结构的方式呈现出来,和履历表类似。此表等于学术界使用的履历表。


  Dean: 学院院长。

  Degree: 学位。

  Deferred Admission: 延迟入学:准许学生在被接受后延迟一定时间入学,例如延后一年。

  Dissertation: 论文,一般指博士论文。

  Distribution Requirement: 同Core Course。

  Doctorate 或 Doctoral Degree:博士学位。

  Dormitories 或Dorm:宿舍。

  Double Major:双主修;学生完成两个科目的主修的必修课。




  Electives: 选修;可选本系或旁系、主修或非主修的课。

  Enrollment deposit: 订金;有些学校会要求被接受的学生付保证金(不退还)以保留位置。



  Fellowship:奖学金;提供学费,学校生活费给Full-time 学生。

  Financial Aid:财力奖助;包括奖学金(发给成绩优良者),助学金(发给经济有所需者)……等等,其中含有:1.不需还的奖助金(grant, scholarship);2.贷款(loan),但极少给外国学生;3.校内的工作机会(work study)。每个学校申请奖助金的规定不同,大部份很少给外国学生,尤其是大学部的学生。


  Foreign student Advisor:外国学生顾问;各学校中多有此部门,由专业人员给与外国学生学业或私人问题的辅导。


  Full-time student:全时学生。至于要修多少学分以上才算全时学生,视各学校规定而异。


  GPA(grade point average):即成绩点数与学分的加权平均值。

  GPR(grade point ratio):同GPA (grade point average)

  Graduate Management Admission Test(GMAT):由GMAC委员会委托美国教育测验服务社(Educational Testing Service,简称ETS)举办的世界性测验,做为美国美国商学研究所的申请入学参考条件之一。大部份的美国商学研究所均会要求GMAT成绩。此测验包含计量(Quantitative)、语文(Verbal)及分析写作(Analytical Writing)二篇,提供学校评估申请者将来在商学研究所的学术表现。

  Graduate Records Examination (GRE):由GRE委员会委托美国教育测验服务社(Educational Testing Service,简称ETS?#123;举办的世界性测验,做为美国各大学研究所或研究机构的申请入学参考条件之一。GRE测验分为普通测验(General Test和学科测验(Subject Tests)两种。普通测验是测量考生语文(Verbal)、计量(Quantitative)、和分析(Analytical)等三种能力,进而反映未来学术成就成功的可能性。

  Graduate Study: 研究所;得到学士学位后,进入研究所求取硕士、博士学位之课程。

  Graduate program: 研究所课程。


  High School:高中。

  Higher Education:高等教育。

  Honors Program:荣誉课程;一个给优秀学生的特殊的学习机会。


  Independent Study:独立研究;有一些课学生可独立研读,不需上团体课程或小组作业。基本上是学生与一位或数位指导老师,规划研读计划,定期向他们报告进展并在期末交一总报告以评分。

  IAP-66: 美国州政府指定合格的教育交换学者资助机构所发给的文件,为J-1签证必备之证件。

  International Student Advisor:见Foreign Student Advisor。






  1. I see. 我明白了。

  2. I quit! 我不干了!

  3. Let go! 放手!

  4. Me too. 我也是。

  5. My god! 天哪!

  6. No way! 不行!

  7. Come on. 来吧(赶快)

  8. Hold on. 等一等。

  9. I agree。 我同意。

  10. Not bad. 还不错。

  11. Not yet. 还没。

  12. See you. 再见。

  13. Shut up! 闭嘴!

  14. So long. 再见。

  15. Why not? 好呀! (为什么不呢?)

  16. Allow me. 让我来。

  17. Be quiet! 安静点!

  18. Cheer up! 振作起来!

  19. Good job! 做得好!

  20. Have fun! 玩得开心!

  21. How much? 多少钱?

  22. I’m full. 我饱了。

  23. I’m home. 我回来了。

  24. I’m lost. 我迷路了。

  25. My treat. 我请客。

  26. So do I. 我也一样。

  27. This way。 这边请。

  28. After you. 您先。

  29. Bless you! 祝福你!

  30. Follow me. 跟我来。

  31. Forget it! 休想! (算了!)

  32. Good luck! 祝好运!

  33. I decline! 我拒绝!

  34. I promise. 我保证。

  35. Of course! 当然了!

  36. Slow down! 慢点!

  37. Take care! 保重!

  38. They hurt. (伤口)疼。

  39. Try again. 再试试。

  40. Watch out! 当心。

  41. What’s up? 有什么事吗?

  42. Be careful! 注意!

  43. Bottoms up! 干杯(见底)!

  44. Don’t move! 不许动!

  45. Guess what? 猜猜看?

  46. I doubt it 我怀疑。

  47. I think so. 我也这么想。

  48. I’m single. 我是单身贵族。

  49. Keep it up! 坚持下去!

  50. Let me see.让我想想。

  51. Never mind.不要紧。

  52. No problem! 没问题!

  53. That’s all! 就这样!

  54. Time is up. 时间快到了。

  55. What’s new? 有什么新鲜事吗?

  56. Count me on 算上我。

  57. Don’t worry. 别担心。

  58. Feel better? 好点了吗?

  59. I love you! 我爱你!

  60. I’m his fan。 我是他的影迷。

  61. Is it yours? 这是你的吗?

  62. That’s neat. 这很好。

  63. Are you sure? 你肯定吗?

  64. Do l have to 非做不可吗?

  65. He is my age. 他和我同岁。

  66. Here you are. 给你。

  67. No one knows . 没有人知道。

  68. Take it easy. 别紧张。

  69. What a pity! 太遗憾了!

  70. Any thing else? 还要别的吗?

  71. To be careful! 一定要小心!

  72. Do me a favor? 帮个忙,好吗?

  73. Help yourself. 别客气。

  74. I’m on a diet. 我在节食。

  75. Keep in Touch. 保持联络。

  76. Time is money. 时间就是金钱。

  77. Who’s calling? 是哪一位?

  78. You did right. 你做得对。

  79. You set me up! 你出卖我!

  80. Can I help you? 我能帮你吗?

  81. Enjoy yourself! 祝你玩得开心!

  82. Excuse me,Sir. 先生,对不起。

  83. Give me a hand! 帮帮我!

  84. How’s it going? 怎么样?

  85. I have no idea. 我没有头绪。

  86. I just made it! 我做到了!

  87. I’ll see to it 我会留意的。

  88. I’m in a hurry! 我在赶时间!

  89. It’s her field. 这是她的本行。

  90. It’s up to you. 由你决定。

  91. Just wonderful! 简直太棒了!

  92. What about you? 你呢?

  93. You owe me one.你欠我一个人情。

  94. You’re welcome. 不客气。

  95. Any day will do. 哪一天都行夕

  96. Are you kidding? 你在开玩笑吧!

  97. Congratulations! 祝贺你!

  98. T can’t help it. 我情不自禁。

  99. I don’t mean it. 我不是故意的。

  100. I’ll fix you Up. 我会帮你打点的。

  101. It sounds great!. 听起来很不错。

  102. It’s a fine day。 今天是个好天。

  103. So far,So good. 目前还不错。

  104. What time is it? 几点了?

  105. You can make it! 你能做到!

  106. Control yourself! 克制一下!

  107. He came by train. 他乘火车来。

  108. He is ill in bed. 他卧病在床。

  109. He lacks courage. 他缺乏勇气。

  110. How’s everything? 一切还好吧?

  111. I have no choice. 我别无选择。

  112. I like ice-cream. 我喜欢吃冰淇淋。

  113. I love this game. 我钟爱这项运动。

  114. I’ll try my best. 我尽力而为。

  115. I’m On your side. 我全力支持你。

  116. Long time no see! 好久不见!

  117. No pain,no gain. 不劳无获。

  118. Well,it depends 噢,这得看情况。

  119. We’re all for it. 我们全都同意。

  120. What a good deal! 真便宜!




  Buffet 自助餐

  Napkin 餐巾纸

  Fries 薯条

  Appetizer 开胃菜

  Straw 吸管

  Plain rice 白饭

  Fried rice 炒饭

  Chow mein 炒面

  Boba milk tea 珍珠奶茶

  Cheeseburger 芝士汉堡

  Regular/Large Drink 标准/大杯饮料

  All-you-can-eat 自助餐

  Sunny side up 煎一面的荷包蛋

  Over-hard 全熟蛋

  Scrambled 炒蛋

  Ranch 田园沙拉酱

  Thousand Island 千岛酱

  Mayo 美乃滋

  Blue Cheese 蓝奶酪酱

  Italian Dressing 意式沙拉酱

  Honey Mustard 蜂蜜芥末酱

  Whole Wheat Bread 全麦面包

  White bread 白面包

  Toast 烤土司

  Instant noodles 方便面

  Chicken nuggets 鸡块

  Mashed potatoes 土豆泥

  Chicken Drumsticks/ Chicken thighs 鸡腿

  Lettuce 生菜

  Onion 洋葱

  Jalapenos 墨西哥青椒

  Celery 芹菜

  Coriander/Cilantro/Chinese parsley香菜

  Green onion 葱

  Ginger 姜

  Gallic 蒜

  Parcel 包裹

  C.O.D.= Cash on delivery 货到付款

  Sender 寄件人

  Recipient 收件人

  Postcard 明信片

  Surface mail 非航空的平寄邮件

  Universal postcard 国际明信片

  Postal packet 小包裹

  Bulky packet 大宗包裹

  P.O.Box 邮政信箱

  Zip code 邮政编码

  Registered letter 挂号信

  Weigh a parcel 称包裹

  Pay postage 付邮资

  Currency 货币

  Balance 结余

  Overdraft/overdraw 透支。例句:What if I overdraw? 透支了怎么办?

  Credit card 信用卡

  Debit card 借记卡

  Due date 信用卡还款日

  Checkings account 支票储蓄账户

  Check 支票

  cash a check 兑现支票

  Money order/Cashier’s Check 汇票/本票 (租房很多时候会用来交押金,需要先存指定金额才能拿到)

  Savings account 定期账户

  Service charge 服务费

  Interest rate 利率

  Deposit your money (in the account/ with the bank) 存钱

  Pay my bills 付款

  Withdraw 支取。例句:withdraw 100 dollars from my savings account 从定存中支取100刀。



Dear Sir, Having graduated from the Department of Business Administration at People’s University of China in June 1999, I would now like to apply for admission and a tuition scholarship at your University for the fall semester of 2000. I would appreciate your sending me the necessary application forms for admission with information about financial assistance to your Department of Business Administration for an MBA degree. As soon as I receive your letter, I shall forward you all my supporting documents. I am looking forward to your early reply. Respectfully yours, 某某 答案补充 1999年6月我毕业于中国人民大学工商管理系,现在我想申请在贵校2000年秋季学期入学和学费奖学金。感谢您给我必要的入学申请表格的,以及您的工商管理系MBA学位相关资讯财政援助大信息。 我一收到您的信,我将给你寄去我所有的证明文件。我期待着您的早日答复。


Nowadays, many people like to study abroad. Studying abroad is often considered as a great opportunity which will lead to bright future in one’s ride of passage. Not only can we learn different cultures and knowledge from foreign countries, studying abroad can also enrich our lives.One coin has two sides. Likewise, different people have different minds. Conservative and negative concerns about studying abroad have been gradually emerging from our society. People start to wonder what goes wrong with studying abroad. There are a couple of issues worth of our discussions. Disadvantages of studying abroad may affect one’s life culturally and economically. We Chinese will experience cultural shocks if we study abroad and live in another country. Some peers may not be able to adapt to a new environment of their studying and living, which may be very different from that of theirs. Life is beautiful, and it is hard. If one does not feel comfortable with the new culture of another country, he will not be happy about studying in that country. In addition, studying abroad can cost students a great deal of living expenses. Some Chinese students are so academically successful that they receive scholarships in their studies. However, most peers who study abroad do not receive scholarships. Furthermore, they have to deal with many unexpected hardships by living away from their parents and homeland. For example, medical insurance, daily foods, clothes, rents and transportation can generate a large amount of living expenses. Often time, they need to heavily depend on their parents’ overseas monthly payments.时下,很多人喜欢到国外学习。出国留学通常被认为是这将导致光明的未来在通道之一的骑一个很好的机会。我们不仅可以学习不同的文化和知识来自国外,在国外学习还可以丰富我们的生活。一个硬币都有两面。同样,不同的人有不同的想法。对出国留学的保守和消极的忧虑已逐渐摆脱我们的社会。人们开始怀疑,什么不顺心与出国留学。有几个问题值得我们讨论。出国留学的缺点可能会影响一个人的生活文化和经济。我们中国将经历文化冲击,如果我们在国外学习和生活在另一个国家。一些对等体可能不能够适应他们的学习和生活的一个新的环境,这可能是从他们的非常不同。生命是美丽的,这是很难的。如果一个人不感到舒适与另一个国家的新的文化,他不会感到高兴在该国学习。此外,出国留学可以花费学生大量的生活费。一些中国学生在学术上如此成功,他们获得奖学金的学业。然而,大多数同龄人谁出国留学没有获得奖学金。此外,他们必须住在父母家里和国土处理许多意想不到的困难。例如,医疗保险,日常食物,衣服,租金和运输会产生大量的生活费用。通常情况下的时候,他们需要严重依赖于父母的海外按月支付。


Nowadays, many people like to study abroad. Studying abroad is often considered as a great opportunity which will lead to bright future in one’s ride of passage. Not only can we learn different cultures and knowledge from foreign countries, studying abroad can also enrich our lives.One coin has two sides. Likewise, different people have different minds. Conservative and negative concerns about studying abroad have been gradually emerging from our society. People start to wonder what goes wrong with studying abroad. There are a couple of issues worth of our discussions. Disadvantages of studying abroad may affect one’s life culturally and economically. We Chinese will experience cultural shocks if we study abroad and live in another country. Some peers may not be able to adapt to a new environment of their studying and living, which may be very different from that of theirs. Life is beautiful, and it is hard. If one does not feel comfortable with the new culture of another country, he will not be happy about studying in that country. In addition, studying abroad can cost students a great deal of living expenses. Some Chinese students are so academically successful that they receive scholarships in their studies. However, most peers who study abroad do not receive scholarships. Furthermore, they have to deal with many unexpected hardships by living away from their parents and homeland. For example, medical insurance, daily foods, clothes, rents and transportation can generate a large amount of living expenses. Often time, they need to heavily depend on their parents’ overseas monthly payments.时下,很多人喜欢到国外学习。出国留学通常被认为是这将导致光明的未来在通道之一的骑一个很好的机会。我们不仅可以学习不同的文化和知识来自国外,在国外学习还可以丰富我们的生活。一个硬币都有两面。同样,不同的人有不同的想法。对出国留学的保守和消极的忧虑已逐渐摆脱我们的社会。人们开始怀疑,什么不顺心与出国留学。有几个问题值得我们讨论。出国留学的缺点可能会影响一个人的生活文化和经济。我们中国将经历文化冲击,如果我们在国外学习和生活在另一个国家。一些对等体可能不能够适应他们的学习和生活的一个新的环境,这可能是从他们的非常不同。生命是美丽的,这是很难的。如果一个人不感到舒适与另一个国家的新的文化,他不会感到高兴在该国学习。此外,出国留学可以花费学生大量的生活费。一些中国学生在学术上如此成功,他们获得奖学金的学业。然而,大多数同龄人谁出国留学没有获得奖学金。此外,他们必须住在父母家里和国土处理许多意想不到的困难。例如,医疗保险,日常食物,衣服,租金和运输会产生大量的生活费用。通常情况下的时候,他们需要严重依赖于父母的海外按月支付。


We all know it can be a frustrating and sometimes painful experience going to study in a foreign country, with its different language and culture. But while overseas study has its drawbacks, the difficulties are far outweighed by the advantages. Indeed, people who go abroad for study open themselves up to experiences that those who stay at home will never have.The most obvious advantage to overseas university study is real-life use of a different language. While a person can study a foreign language in his or her own country, it cannot compare with constant use of the language in academic and everyday life. There is no better opportunity to improve second-language during one’s studies offers a distinct advantage when one is applying for jobs back home that require the language.On a university campus, the foreign student is not alone in having come from far away. He or she will likely encounter many others from overseas and it is possible to make friends from all around the world. This is not only exciting on a social level, but could lead to important overseas contacts is later professional life.Finally, living and studying abroad offers one a new and different perspective of the world and, perhaps most important, of one’s own country. Once beyond the initial shock of being in a new culture, the sutdent slowly begins to get a meaningful under. Standing of the host society. On returning home, one inevitable sees one’s own country in a new, often more appreciative light.At last, while any anxiety about going overseas for university study is certainly understandable, it is important to remember that the benefits offered by the experience make it well worthwhile我们都知道,它可以是一个令人沮丧的,有时是痛苦的经历去到国外学习,以其不同的语言和文化。但是尽管出国留学有其弊端,困难是远远超过了优势。事实上,那些出国留学经历那些呆在家里。  最明显的优势,以海外大学学习是真实的使用一种不同的语言。当一个人在学习一门语言,在他或她自己的国家,它无法与不断的使用语言的学习与生活中。没有更好的机会来改善二语在一个人的研究提供了一个明显的优势之一是求职时回家需要的语言。  在大学校园里,外国学生”并非来自很远的地方。他或她可能会遇到很多其他人来自海外及有可能来自世界各地的朋友。这不仅是对一个社会的水平,激动人心,但可以导致重要的联系是后来的职业生涯海外。  最后,在国外居住和学习提供了一个全新的视角的世界,也许最为重要的是,对自己的国家。一旦超过最初的震惊的是在一个陌生的文化中,sutdent慢慢地开始有意义。站在主机的社会。回到家,看到一个不可避免的在一个新的,通常更珍惜光明。  最后,当任何忧虑出国学习当然是可以理解为大学,重要的是要记住这个福利的经验使它很有价值的 Recent years, more and more Chinese people have chosen to study abroad. To this tendency, some people think it is not good, as most of the overseas learners do not come back, whereas I hold a different opinion. In my opinion, it is a good thing that more Chinese people go abroad. There are three reasons. First, the overseas learners can improve their ability through the study. They can grasp advanced technologies and their language ability can be improved as well. Second, with the rapid development of China, more and more overseas learners will choose come back, using their abundant knowledge studied abroad to serve for the motherland. The third, the government and most domestic enterprises are willing to provide favorable treatments to attract them to come back. For the above reasons, I think it is not a bad thing for more and more Chinese study abroad.  近年来,越来越多的中国人已经选择出国留学。这种趋势,一些人认为这样做是不对的,因为大部分的海外学生不回来了,而我持有不同意见。    在我看来,这是一件好事,越来越多的中国人出国。有三个理由。首先,海外学生可以通过学习提高他们的能力。他们能掌握先进技术和他们的语言能力可以改善。第二,中国的快速发展,越来越多的外国学生将选择回来,用他们的丰富知识留学服务为祖国。第三,政府和大多数国内企业提供良好的治疗方法来吸引他们回来。    因此,我认为这并不是一件坏事,越来越多的中国人出国学习的机会。 网上复制的,望请采纳!


dear XIAO MI thank you very much for the reply I school has been issued by the Graduate School of the school that, since my system is a two-year, the end of June this year will complete all the studies, see the annex. In June will have the final results and graduation certificates, will not appear in two schools at the same time studying the situation. I like this situation, I do not know whether you meet the conditions of this » Thanks again for your valuable time!

英语达人帮忙翻译这篇留学动机信顺便看看有没有错误 很着急!!!!!!!

Motivation:Epidemiology is the study of factors affecting the health and illness of populations, and serves as the foundation and logic of interventions made in the interest of public health and preventive medicine. The changes in life conditions and circumstances have widened the disease spectrum so dramatically that people’s health concept keeps on developing. Thus more and more attentions are drawn to the study of Epidemiology that is considered a cornerstone methodology of public health research, and is highly regarded in evidence-based medicine for identifying risk factors for disease and determining optimal treatment approaches to clinical practice. It is my aspiration to devote myself to the subject of Epidemiology as I am interested in studies of its broad field, ranging from outbreak investigation to study design, data collection and analysis. The researches concern not only communicable diseases such as H1N1 Flu A, SARS, but also non-communicable ones related to e.g. diabetes and obesity. Furthermore, the magnitude of Epidemiology in promoting public health in order to serve the public has motivated me specially. I am convinced that through the dedication I am able to conduct researches with methodological and analytic knowledge, which are of help in preventing and controlling diseases.

