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约翰·卡尔顿是世界上薪酬最高撰稿人之一。很有可能你在《阁楼》、《男性周刊》、《时尚健康》、《肌肉与健康》以及很多其它杂志上看到过他的一些作品。几乎对于每一件想得到的产品,他都可以销售数百万美元。 他过去和盖瑞·亥尔波特(1938-2007)是多年的朋友,盖瑞·亥尔波特称约翰为世界排名第二的文案撰稿人。并与杰·亚伯拉罕和丹·肯尼迪都共事过。所有其他撰稿人也都从约翰·卡尔顿身上寻找智慧。 他的写作课程:“营销叛军的强力文案秘诀”中包括很多实用有效的提示、秘诀和技巧,可以帮你取得成功。用约翰的话说就是“即使你的英文很烂,‘专业人士’也能告诉你捷径,指导你写出非常吸引人的广告来,使你生意、财富和生活都变得极好!” 辫子哥的牛人文案钱模就有约翰·卡尔顿的销售信和文案,对营销人和文案撰稿者有很对口的参考价值,甚至可以引用和引申,并改善为自己想要的文案和销售信。在辫子哥的文案钱模里的牛人销售信。我会时常去关注他的网·站的更新。




卡尔顿大学的computer systems engineering program(电脑工程)computer systems engineering program includes courses in the software and hardware aspects of computer systems organization and design; object-oriented programming in C++ and Java; real-time systems; software engineering; digital and analogue electronics; linear systems; communication systems and networks; and telecommunications. ~~~~~~~~~~~~气候比较:What is the Climate, Average Temperature/ Weather in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan?The average temperature in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada is 2.0 °C (36 °F). The average temperature range is 37 °C. The highest monthly average high temperature is 26 °C (79 °F) in July. The lowest monthly average low temperature is -23 °C (-9 °F) in January. Saskatoon, Saskatchewan’s climate receives an average of 344 mm (13.5 in) of rainfall per year, or 29 mm (1.1 in) per month. On average there are 99 days per year with more than 0.1 mm (0.004 in) of rainfall (precipitation) or 8 days with a quantity of rain, sleet, snow etc. per month. The driest weather is in January, March when an average of 14 mm (0.6 in) of rainfall (precipitation) occurrs across days. The wettest weather is in June when an average of 62 mm (2.4 in) of rainfall (precipitation) occurrs across 11 days. The average annual relative humidity is 62.4% and average monthly relative humidity ranges from 43% in May to 85% in January & December. Average sunlight hours in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan range between 2.7 hours per day in December and 10.8 hours per day in July. There are an average of 2389 hours of sunlight per year with an average of 6.5 hours of sunlight per day. ~~~~~~~~渥太华What is the Climate, Average Temperature/ Weather in Canada?The average temperature in Ottawa, Canada is 5.7 °C (42 °F). The average temperature range is 32 °C. The highest monthly average high temperature is 27 °C (81 °F) in July. The lowest monthly average low temperature is -16 °C (3 °F) in January. Canada’s climate receives an average of 865 mm (34.1 in) of rainfall per year, or 72 mm (2.8 in) per month. On average there are 141 days per year with more than 0.1 mm (0.004 in) of rainfall (precipitation) or 12 days with a quantity of rain, sleet, snow etc. per month. The driest weather is in February when an average of 58 mm (2.3 in) of rainfall (precipitation) occurrs across 13 days. The wettest weather is in August when an average of 83 mm (3.3 in) of rainfall (precipitation) occurrs across 10 days. The average annual relative humidity is 62.8% and average monthly relative humidity ranges from 53% in May, July to 75% in January & December. Average sunlight hours in Canada range between 2.5 hours per day in December and 9.1 hours per day in July. There are an average of 1989 hours of sunlight per year with an average of 5.4 hours of sunlight per day.


卡尔顿大学建于1942年成立,是由安大略湖省的基督教青年会发起建立的,1957年正式成为大学,是加拿大著名的公立大学。卡尔顿大学位于加拿大首都渥太华市中心,校园占地62公顷,风景秀丽,毗邻政府机构,实验室,图书馆,学习氛围浓郁。它在公共事务与管理、高科技等领域中名列前茅,享有盛誉。学校是安大略湖大学联盟的成员,还是加拿大大学及学院委员会的成员,也是国际大学联合会的成员。中文名: 卡尔顿大学 创办时间: 1942 类别: 公立大学 所属地区: 加拿大渥太华 注册学生: 22000 校园面积:

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