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1.卡波特的早期主要作品包括他的第一部长篇小说《别的声音,别的房间》和5篇短篇小说:《黑夜之树》,《米丽亚姆》,《无头鹰》,《关上最后一道门》,《悲伤主人》。2.中期阶段的 作品通称为“白昼情调的故事”。他写过自传性的故事,如《圣诞节的回忆》;中篇小说《竖琴草》,后来改编成剧本;短篇小说《花房》(与人合作),后来改编成音乐喜剧;配有照片的游记文集,如《地方色彩》,《观察集》(与人合作);电影脚本《打倒魔鬼》 ,《天真无邪者》;一部集喜剧、游记为一体的非虚构小说《缪斯为人们所倾听》3.1960年代中期,他完成并出版了举世瞩目的非虚构小说《冷血》。此外,他还发表了短篇小说《感恩节的来宾》,《三部曲》(与人合作),《去伊甸园的途中》等等优秀作品。4.晚期1973年发表的《犬吠》还是从他早期写成的作品中选出十七八篇集合而成的。70年代初,他也曾着手以真人真事为依据进行写作,曾定书名为《回答祈祷者》,刚在杂志上刊登了4个篇章:《莫佳韦》,《巴克斯山珍宴》,《不曾宠坏的调皮鬼》和《凯蒂·麦克劳德》,便因题材问题招惹一部分人的极大愤慨,引起了轩然大波,卡波特甚至公堂受讼。1980年,卡波特完成了他最后一部作品,书名为《给变色龙听的音乐》,起初打算定书名为《奇怪的齿》,后来才改为现在的书名。这部集子收了一个中篇《袖珍棺材》,该作有一定的深度。


你好,只能找到英文资料遗作:Answered Prayers参考资料:To celebrate the book’s success, Capote threw what many called the“Party of the Century,” the famous “Black and White Ball.” This maskedball, at New York’s elegant Plaza Hotel, was to be the pinnacle of bothhis literary endeavors and his popularity. Overwhelmed by thelifestyles of the rich and famous, Capote began to work on a projectexploring the intimate details of his friends. He received a largeadvance for a book which was to be called Answered Prayers(after Saint Theresa of Avila’s saying that answered prayers cause moretears than those that remain unanswered). The book was to be a bitingand largely factual account of the glittering world in which he moved.The publication of the first few chapters in Esquire magazinein 1975 caused a major scandal. Columnist Liz Smith explained, “Hewrote what he knew, which is what people always tell writers to do, buthe just didn’t wait till they were dead to do it.”With these first short publications Capote found that many of hisclose friends and acquaintances shut him off completely. Though heclaimed to be working on Answered Prayers (which manyimagined would be his greatest work), the shock of the initial negativereactions sent him into a spiral of drug and alcohol use, during whichtime he wrote very little of any quality. When Capote died in 1984, atthe age of fifty-nine, he left behind no evidence of any continuedprogress on Answered Prayers. Though many feel that Capotedid not live up to the promise of his early work, it is clear from whathe did write that he was an artist of exquisite talent and vision. Withboth his fiction and his non-fiction, he created a body of work thatwill continue to move readers and inspire writers for years.详细死因:liver disease complicated by phlebitis and multiple drug intoxication参考资料:Capote died in Los Angeles, California, on August 25, 1984, aged 59.After his death, fellow writer Gore Vidal described Capote’s demise as "a good career move".参访录是记录言行的资料的意思么?如果是的话,答案如下:记录言行资料:With Love from Truman (1966纪录片),Gerald Clarke, in Capote: A Biography (1988) With Love from Truman (1966),a 29-minute documentary by David and Albert Maysles and Charlotte Zwerin, shows a Newsweek reporter interviewing Capote at his beachfront home in Long Island. Capote talks about In Cold Blood,his relationship with the murderers and his coverage of the trial. Heis also seen taking Alvin Dewey and his wife around New York City forthe first time. Originally titled A Visit with Truman Capote, this film was commissioned by National Educational Television and shown on the NET network. Truman Capote: The Tiny Terror is a documentary that aired April 6, 2004, as part of A&E’s Biography series, followed by a 2005 DVD release.
