
summary 怎么


admin admin 发表于2024-09-11 13:32:17 浏览16 评论0





  • summary


    adj. 简易的;扼要的

    n. 概要,摘要,总结

  • Summary executions of African men in groups of 60 to 70 have been documented. 

  • Auerbach has written an accessible summary of the literature on the incidence of the tax. 

  • If someone in business returns from a conference, you are likely to see a video summary. 

  • In summary, there is strong evidence that investors ignore selection biases in fund performance advertisements. 

  • Thank you Media Matters, for an efficient summary of the terms of the energy debate. 

  • For more on the topic, New Scientist offers this clever summary in video. 

  • It is impossible to give a brief summary of what has happened in the eastern Congo? 

  • The summary of responses to the consultation has been published on the department’s website.

  • Below I provide some quotes from her appearance, along with a summary of the law. 

  • Summary Opinion 2012-100, (October 16, 2012), sometimes all the Service needs is the smell test. 

  • As Nagasaki shows, the Japanese have learned to exact summary justice at the ballot-box. 

  • The SCMP’s wire summary said the proposed law is a watered-down version of the original. 

  • Download the full report, the Executive Summary or browse the report by chapter. 

  • Tonight we will be sending you a summary that you may share with your clients. 

  • The rougher and more summary his work, the greater its appeal to the cultivated. 

  • Click here for copies of a six-page summary of this important Center Roundtable Discussion. 

  • It’s compiled by the online magazine, Slate, and here is Mark Jordan Legan with SummaryJudgment. 

  • In summary, we have a gap up this morning after a sharp 7 day decline. 

  • The NHS is working towards compiling an Emergency Care Summary for every person in Scotland. 

  • If you lose your summary plan description, you may have a difficult time getting another copy. 

summary 是什么意思

  • summary 基本翻译n. 概要,摘要adj. 简易的;扼要的网络释义summary:摘要 | 汇总 | 小结

  • 总结 摘要;概略,1简明的,简短的;概括的2立即的,当场的(处刑等};仓促行事的。看懂没?大概就这几个意思。

英国留学生论文Executive Summary怎么写

Executive Summary就是文章的执行总结,是整个你的商业计划第一个部分,相当于整个商业计划的精华缩减版,使整个商业计划的核心内容所在。大概要写一页。 概述应包括的基本内容有: 企业的宗旨,例如: In 2007, ABC Corporation was created to... Now, ABC Corporation is at a point where… 背景介绍,例如: For many years people have… The condition of the industry today is such that… 产品或服务及市场竞争情况,例如: We have just completed the development of S30 – a novel and proprietary construction tool Compared to competitive products, our s30 can… 企业目标,例如: Our objective, at this time, is to propel the company into a prominent market position. We feel that within 5 years ABC Corporation will be in a suitable condition for further expansion, an initial public offering or profitable acquisition. To accomplish this goal we… 管理团队和管理组织,例如 Our management team consists of 5 men and women Whose backgrounds consist of 10 years of marketing with… 市场策略,例如: The fundamental thrust of our marketing strategy consists of… 财务状况和计划,例如: In 5 years we will have… and our investors will be able to… 结论,例如: ABC Corporation enjoys an established track-record of excellent support for our customers. Their expressions of satisfaction and encouragement are numerous, and we intend to continue our advances in the…以下提供一篇Executive Summary 执行摘要范文作为例子:在当今动态的企业世界,变更必须跟上环境的动态。为了从这些变化中获得最大的利益,提前计划他们是非常重要的。有五个因素可能会导致组织变革,是竞争,技术,增长的愿望,改进和政府法规。例如,组织需要做出一些改变,因为竞争激烈的市场环境,所以如果企业不做任何改变,那么他们的竞争对手将接替他们的位置。随着技术的提高更快,企业需要改变他们的战略,以满足快速的技术改进。同样,世界上的每一个组织都希望经济增长,所以他们需要做出一些具体的变化来满足增长的愿望。另一方面,利益相关者有时会受到组织变革的影响。例如,业主和股东会受到组织变革的影响,因为这些变化将直接影响企业利润。顾客可能会受到组织的直接或间接的影响,因为这些变化可能无法满足他们所需要的和想要的。员工也可能会受到业务变化的影响,因为他们不知道他们是否能适应业务的变化。今天组织变革是必要的。然而,并不是所有的企业都在改变,以适应整个环境的变化。未能做出必要改变的公司必须面对可能被做了必要改变的业务所带来的后果。在竞争激烈的市场环境中,不能改变的企业是无法生存的。如果公司想做一些改变,它仍然有一些挑战,该公司必须面对。例如,在任何组织中的变化都需要过度的规划,因为在组织中的任何重大变化都会显示其对业务的影响。缺乏共识的变化也可以是一个挑战的因素。另一方面,工作环境的变化在一个组织中会导致员工变得困惑,所以有一个适当的管理和员工之间的沟通是非常必要的。总之,改变是非常重要的组织发展。In today’s dynamic corporate world, businesschanges are required to keep up with the dynamics of the environment. In order to gain the maximum benefits out of these changes, it is very important to plan them in advance. There are five factors may cause organisation change that are competition, technology, desire for growth, improvement and government regulations. For example, Organisation needs to make some change because highly competitive market environment, so if business don’t make any change, then their competitor would take over their position. With the technology improve faster, business need to change their strategy to meet fast technology improvement. Similarly, every organisation in the world desire to growth, so they need to make some specific change to meet the desire of growth. On the other hand, stakeholders sometimes are impacted by organisation change. For instance, owners and shareholders would be impacted by organisation change, because those changes will directly impact on business profit. Customer might be impacted by organisation change directly or indirectly, because the changes may not satisfy what they need and want. Employees might be also impacted by business changes, because they don’t know whether they can adapt the business after the changes. Making change in organisation is necessary today. However, not all business makes change to meet the whole environment change. The companies which fail to make the necessary changes have to face consequences that might be taken over by the business that made necessary change. These companies that fail to change are unable to survive in the high competitive environment of market. If the company wants to make some changes, it is still have some challenges that the company has to be faced. For example, changing in any organization requires excessive planning, because any major change in the organization would show its effect on the business. Lack of consensus regarding change can also be a factor of challenge. One the other hand, working environment change in an organization can lead employees become perplexed, so have a proper communication between the management and the employee is very necessary. The biggest challenge for organization to make change is the time taken. If the planning is not proper and the goals are not clear then the whole change process could take more time than what it should be taken. In conclusion, making change is very important for organisations development.

