
pennsylvania dutch town

pennsylvania dutch town(美国土拨鼠日是什么节日 还有它的语言怎么得来的)

admin admin 发表于2024-09-18 02:36:44 浏览4 评论0


“pennsylvania dutch town”相关信息最新大全有哪些,这是大家都非常关心的,接下来就一起看看pennsylvania dutch town(美国土拨鼠日是什么节日 还有它的语言怎么得来的)!


美国土拨鼠日是什么节日 还有它的语言怎么得来的

有一句古老的苏格兰对联“圣烛节里明又亮,两个冬天齐亮相”,在美国的宾西法尼亚州,有一只土拨鼠,每年的2月2日圣烛节的那天都会出窝观察自己的影子,然后用叫声传递信息给当地土拨鼠俱乐部的代表,代表会翻译给媒体,对当年的冬天是否会延长6个星期做出预报。据说从来没出错。   土拨鼠日就是每年2月2日圣烛节   每年的2月2日是美国传统的土拨鼠日,在这一天,冬眠的土拨鼠要醒过来,从洞里出来预测春天。一般来说,土拨鼠要看自己的影子,如果看到影子了,就回洞里接着睡大觉去,因为春天还要再等6个星期才能到来,如果土拨鼠看不到自己的影子,就说明春天就要到了。 为什么要选择2月2日呢?因为这个日子来自“圣烛节(Candlemas)”,就是在圣诞节后第40天,这一天,天主教徒点起蜡烛来纪念圣母玛丽。这是个欧洲的传统,正如诗歌里唱的:   If Candlemas be fair and bright,   Winter has another flight.   If Candlemas brings clouds and rain,   Winter will not come again.   当德国移民在宾西法尼亚州定居以后,这些被称为Pennsylvania Dutch的人把这个传统带到了美国,预测春天的光荣任务就交给了美国的原住民“土拨鼠”。   一般来说2月2日这一天,土拨鼠从洞里出来,各大电视台都直播这一盛况,如果这一天是个好天气,土拨鼠就能看到自己的影子,按照传统的说法,如果2月2日阳光灿烂,那么以后6个星期天气会很糟糕,冬天还将延续。如果这一天天气不好,那么土拨鼠就看不到自己的影子,就说明春天到了。   美国官方的土拨鼠,或者说是政府认证的土拨鼠是宾州Punxsutawney的土拨鼠。


复活节兔子(The Easter Bunny)The Easter Bunny is a mythical character depicted as a rabbit. In legend, the creature brings baskets filled with colored eggs, candy and toys to the homes of children on the night before Easter. The Easter Bunny will either put the baskets in a designated place or hide them somewhere in the house for the children to find when they wake up in the morning.The Easter Bunny as an Easter symbol seems to have its origins in Alsace and southwestern Germany, where it was first mentioned in German writings in the 1600s. The first edible Easter Bunnies were made in Germany during the early 1800s and were made of pastry and sugar.The Easter Bunny was introduced to America by the German settlers who arrived in the Pennsylvania Dutch country during the 1700s.According to the tradition, children would build brightly colored nests, often out of caps and bonnets, in secluded areas of their homes. The Oschter Haws would, if the children had been good, lay brightly colored eggs in the nest. As the tradition spread, the nest has become the manufactured, modern Easter basket, and the placing of the nest in a secluded area has become the tradition of hiding baskets如觉得太长,可只要第一段。

美国有一个族的人 不用现代设备 不上学 不开车 骑马的 叫什么名字

他们是Amish people 是十九世记从德国移居美国大陆。他们现在也是过着几百年前的生活,他们称Deutsch 所以很多人以为他们从荷兰来。服装也是从前的样子,衣服全是手做,也不看电视,唯一的交通工具就是马车。宾州和俄亥俄州是阿米什人聚居州,他们有自己的教堂,圣经也是德文。所以他们也算美国的特色。阿米什人,霍尔姆斯县拥有最大的阿米什人的世界人口。The term "Dutch," when referring to the Pennsylvania Dutch, means "German" or "Teutonic" rather than "Netherlander." Germans, in their own language, call themselves "Deutsch," which in English became, misleadingly, "Dutch." The Pennsylvania Dutch language is a descendant of German, in the West Central German dialect family. Although it is still spoken as a first language among some Old Order Amish and Mennonites (principally in the Lancaster County area), the language is almost extinct as an everyday language among the non-religious, though a few words have passed into English usage.术语“荷兰,”当谈到宾夕法尼亚荷兰语,意思是“德国”或“顿”而不是“荷兰人”。德国人在他们自己的语言,称自己为“德语”,这在英语成了,误导,“荷兰。宾夕法尼亚荷兰语是德国后裔,在西中德语方言的家庭。虽然它仍是一个在一些旧秩序和门诺派阿米什人的第一语言(主要在兰开斯特县区)发言后,几乎绝迹的语言为各非日常语言,宗教,但也有几句话已成为使用英语通过

新泽西州的英文 介绍

New Jersey (pronounced /njuː ˈdʒɜrzi/ ( listen)) is a state in the Mid-Atlantic region of the United States. It is bordered on the north by New York, and to the east by the Hudson River, Upper New York Bay, the Kill Van Kull, Newark Bay, the Arthur Kill, Raritan Bay, Sandy Hook Bay, Westchester County, New York City, Long Island, and the Atlantic Ocean. On the west, it is bordered by the Delaware River, Delaware Bay, Pennsylvania, and Delaware. New Jersey lies largely within the sprawling metropolitan areas of New York and Philadelphia. It is the most densely populated state in the United States.Inhabited by Native Americans for more than 2,800 years, the first European settlements in the area were established by the Swedes and Dutch in the early 1600s. The English later seized control of the region, naming it the Province of New Jersey, which was granted to Sir George Carteret and John Berkeley, 1st Baron Berkeley of Stratton as a colony. At this time, the name was taken from the largest of the British Channel Islands, Jersey. New Jersey was the site of several decisive battles during the American Revolutionary War. In the 19th century, factories in cities such as Paterson and Trenton helped to drive the Industrial Revolution. New Jersey’s position at the center of the Northeast Corridor, between Boston, New York City, Philadelphia, Baltimore and Washington, D.C., fueled its rapid growth through the suburban boom of the 1950s and beyond. Today, New Jersey has the highest population density and the second highest median income of any state in the United States. Only Maryland has a higher median income.

美国dutch town介绍

It refers to the German-speaking connunities who immigrated to Pennsylvania during the 17th ad 18h centuries in their research for freedom. They were mostl Lutheran and Reformed Protestants, but aslo included a unique religious sect the Amish, who have retained their original culture up to this day and reject modern machinery, e.g. the car, The word "Dutch" actually comes form "Deutsch" which means "German" in German" in German.

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