
personalstatement 英国大学 申请

personalstatement(申请英国大学的personal statement有什么要注意的地方)

admin admin 发表于2024-09-22 13:18:01 浏览3 评论0


本篇文章给大家谈谈personalstatement,以及申请英国大学的personal statement有什么要注意的地方对应的知识点,文章可能有点长,但是希望大家可以阅读完,增长自己的知识,最重要的是希望对各位有所帮助,可以解决了您的问题,不要忘了收藏本站喔。


申请英国大学的personal statement有什么要注意的地方

有人觉得个人陈述personal statement写得太好容易遭到质疑,这首先要明确,英国大学申请过程中,personal statement最重要的目的是为了让招生委员会更深入、更全面地了解申请人的情况。所以这种personal statement的内容不应该是申请学生的简单背景介绍或者学习成绩的机械罗列,而是着重应该写学生的思考、观察、反省以及从经历中所学到的东西。但是一个常见的问题是,当一名申请者的TOEFL/SAT写作部分得分不高,而所递交的申请personal statement如果写得太好,是不是反而会让招生委员会质疑呢?这种担心很多人都有,尤其是在学生找他人修改过personal statement后,更加会心里没底,学生往往无所适从,不知道personal statement写到什么程度为好。甚至有人建议,如果TOEFL/SAT写作部分的成绩不佳,写申请personal statement的时候还要故意降低写作水平来增加内容的可信性。

Personal Statement是什么Personal Statement写作时需要注意哪些问题


Personal Statement跟CV有什么相同点和不同点

Personal statement和CV 是完全不同的两种个人材料。CV也就是resume,即简历,其内容高度凝练,有着固定的书写格式,包含了个人信息,求学经历,所获奖项,擅长技能和发表文章等内容,通常只有一到两页,每一点都只有非常有限的几个字陈述,表现形式类似于表格。简历的例子可以在任意大学的任意教授的个人资料中找到。CV很重要,通常需要时刻更新。Personal statement简称PS,作用类似Statement of purpose是一篇关于个人情况的陈述性文章,用于求学和求职申请。PS长度不限,但篇幅也会控制在两到三页,可以详细的陈述个人特点和优势。相对于CV全面而简略的陈述个人情况,PS更侧重于大篇幅的突出作者某一项或几项特点,以起到给人留下深刻印象的作用。PS的例子可以在各留学和求职网站上找到。

personal statement是什么

  • 这是申请国外大学所需要的一个个人陈述,内容要展现出你的亮点,比如获得的奖励,参加过的社会实践,工作经验等对你申请大学有一定的帮助

  • 多数都是PS,SOP的差别也不大如果具体QA文章就按要求写就是了

  • 文书申请中的最重要一环 - Personal Statement 个人陈述应该怎么写(上)

留学的Personal Statement怎么写呢

下面是一些些personal statement的指导我受益匪浅希望对你也有帮助What is a good Statement of Purpose?   Your application to any graduate program at SUSE requires you to submit a statement of purpose. We attach great importance to the statement. A thoughtful and well-written statement often makes the difference between admission and denial. But applicants frequently fail to do justice to themselves in statements of purpose. In what follows, I offer a few tips to help you to make your best effort.   Your statement should clearly have the purpose it is supposed to have.   That sounds too obvious to be worth saying, but many statements fail on this elementary criterion. The statement should be narrowly focused on convincing the intended reader – i.e., a professor at SUSE who teaches in the program to which you are applying – that you have a serious and well-considered purpose in applying to that program. A compelling statement will convince the reader that you are the kind of student likely to thrive in the program to which you are admitted and who would contribute to (and not merely benefit from) our academic autobiographical essays, in which case they become inadvertent disclosures of purposefulness.   A Statement of purpose is not a narrative of your accomplishments.   The reader of your file will make a judgment about whether you merit admission on the basis of many considerations, and your file will include much material including your transcripts, what your referees say about you, etc., that reveal your academic and other accomplishments. There is no harm in mentioning a particular accomplishment in passing in your statement when this is relevant to explaining your purpose in applying to the program. But persuade the reader that he or she is highly qualified for admission. Remember that we will be quick to deny admission if we have insufficient evidence that the candidate is well-suited to the program by virtue of his or her interests and ambitions, regardless of how intellectually well qualified the applicant might be. The statement of purpose is usually the only part of the applicant’s file where one can find strong evidence of whether the program will really mesh with the applicant’s interests and ambitions. If you devote the statement to a list of the great things you have done, then you will merely exasperate the reader.   Your statement should be the right length.   The Stanford on-line application says that the statement should be two pages. Many applicants pay no heed to that stipulation and submit something substantially longer. That is a mistake. Succinctness is a virtue in academic as in other writing. When your file is being read by members of the faculty, they will be reading it alongside many other files, and they will typically be reading under severe time constraints. People tend not to be especially tolerant of verbosity under these circumstances, to put it mildly. If your reader has evidence that you will take ten words to say something that another, equally qualified candidate will say in six, you might well find that the other candidate will be preferred over you.   Sometimes a statement can be overly concise by failing to give a sufficiently detailed account of the applicant’s purpose in applying to the program. If your first draft of the statement is merely a page, then it is probably insufficiently detailed.   Make absolutely sure that your statement contains no misspellings, grammatical or factual errors, and that your prose is as lucid as you can possibly make it.     Your readers will reasonably expect that your statement is an example of your writing at its very best. After all, if you are really serious about applying to graduate school, then you will have devoted a lot of time to your statement, and what the reader sees is presumably the outcome of multiple drafts and prolonged effort. Poor writing and factual efforts is very strong evidence that you are not yet ready for graduate school.   A statement of purpose for a doctoral program is different than one for a master’s program.   A master’s program is not inferior to a doctoral program; it is merely different. Therefore, it would be wrong to infer that standards for a statement of purpose in an application to a doctoral program are higher than the standards applicable to master’s applications. But the standards are certainly different. For example, in a statement of application to our master’s in the Social Sciences in Education (SSE), an excellent statement of purpose might or might not indicate any particular research topic that the student wishes to pursue in the program. The student might also be unsure about which particular social sciences would be the most important ones in his or her studies. Being unclear about these matters is not inappropriate when one is applying to a broadly focused master’s program. But being unclear about them would certainly be a liability in a doctoral application. Academic programs are more intensively specialized at the doctoral level, and a corresponding degree of specialization and precision in the way applicants specify their academic purposes is reasonably expected. Evidence of your familiarity with the educational research currently under way at SUSE is probably a good thing to see in any statement of purpose, even at the master’s level. But in a doctoral application, it is extremely important to show that your interests converge closely with the current research of faculty who work in the program to which you are applying. Other doctoral applicants will certainly do this, and if you do not, you will forfeit an important competitive advantage to them.     Your statement should be tailored to the particular institution to which you are applying.   This is not strictly necessary at the master’s level, but even there it is a good idea. Of course, it is only commonsense to apply to several similar programs at different institutions, and so your statement of purpose in applying to a program at SUSE may be 80% the same as the statement you submit to three or four programs elsewhere. But the few sentences that address why you are applying to this institution in particular can be very helpful. A student’s application might be quite strong overall without making it clear to the reader why Stanford in particular would be an excellent fit for the student, as opposed to some other institution to which he or she has applied. A statement of purpose can stand out by addressing that question directly and persuasively.我总结一下,就是要突出你个人的特点,最好些你自己成长的一些历程,关于你从中获得的经验和成长。我们一个counselor跟我们说最重要的是不要罗列你的成就,那没有用。招生官希望看到的是一个学生的过去,现在和未来,想发掘一个有上进心,对学校有贡献的学生

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