
澳洲tafe紧缺职业 本科

澳洲tafe紧缺职业(我去澳洲 读本科 然后读tafe的 紧缺 职业~~~~)

admin admin 发表于2024-09-22 13:36:42 浏览4 评论0


各位老铁们,大家好,今天由我来为大家分享澳洲tafe紧缺职业,以及我去澳洲 读本科 然后读tafe的 紧缺 职业~~~~的相关问题知识,希望对大家有所帮助。如果可以帮助到大家,还望关注收藏下本站,您的支持是我们最大的动力,谢谢大家了哈,下面我们开始吧!


我去澳洲 读本科 然后读tafe的 紧缺 职业~~~~

所以的紧缺专业实在是很难预测的事情,移民的政策一直在变,或许你现在来的时候是紧缺的,到你申请前又变了。与其这样不如选择一个稳妥点的专业比较实际点。你可以去移民局的网站上查下各个课程的移民分数,以及需要什么认证。如果你通过相关认证,即使没有毕业,移民分数也能拿到,如果其他分数加起来足够申请PR,可以直接申请。至与如果你想读本科又想读TAFE的话,可以选择TAFE的那种D2D的课程,就是DIPLOMA TO DEGREE的课程,连续可以都拿到相关文凭。

我想去澳洲学tafe,不知道选厨师还是会计 听说 紧缺职业把cooker踢出去了是吗有在澳洲大哥大姐帮个忙



没错,就是做假牙的。牙模技师又称牙医助理,侧重于学习齿模技术,包括修补和制作新的牙齿器具,需要经常与牙医打交道。该专业毕业生毕业后大多留在澳洲的医院或者牙齿器具制作试验室工作。学生除了学习口腔理论知识外,更主要的是学习如何制作和修复牙套牙模,如何制作牙齿矫正器等。包括石膏铸造法、电镀、金属打磨、蜡模、制陶术等技术。这是一门颇有难度的课程,有些学校比如南澳Tafe 还需要手指灵活度 ...举例:Holmesglen 牙医技师课程简介Holmesglen Institute of TAFE 牙医技师课程开学日期:2月 雅思要求: 雅思5.5.各项不低于5 课程长度:2年课程费用:$28,000 per course 工具费$1,100*此课程2010年2月的入学在今年2月份已满 Kingston 牙医技师课程地理位置:西澳 perth开学日期: 2月和7月 雅思要求:雅思5.5分 课程长度:2年 学费:$29,995 私立学校,生活费比较便宜牙模技师的就业前景:就业易 牙模技师在澳洲属于紧缺职业,且就业范围很广泛,牙模技师通常工作于医院、牙科诊所或齿科实验室。国内目前也很需要这方面的技术人才。薪资高 澳大利亚严重缺少牙模技师,技师年薪高达6—8万澳元(30—50万人民币)之多,周末上班有2倍工资。牙模技师属于澳大利亚的高收入阶层。可移民 牙模技师职业在澳大利亚属于高移民分职业,但不是CSL中的职业。在澳大利亚毕业后找到工作,熬够了年限有可能移民。


每到申请季学生最犯愁的就是选大学选专业,毕竟专业的选择会影响到学习热情和以后的工作,因此,选择专业马虎不得。那么,到澳洲留学到底该选择哪些专业比较好呢?下面上外中外合作办学老师就给大家简单介绍下澳洲留学几大高薪专业。 高薪专业一:会计专业澳大利亚CPA注册会计师体系是被全世界认可会计师体系之一,申请该专业的学生数量比较大。而具有会计专业较高学历背景的人才,无论在澳大利亚还是在世界其他地方都很抢手。高薪专业二:计算机专业作为特别受中国留学生欢迎的热门专业之一,IT课程越来越受赴澳留学生的青睐。澳洲IT行业各分支专业就业率趋势呈快速增长,其中软件开发、软件工程、计算机和IT类管理和销售、网络工程、网络通讯、网络安全对人才的需求高居榜首。学好IT,走遍世界都不怕。高薪专业三:教育专业教师在澳大利亚拥有很高的地位,是非常受尊重的职业,同时也是澳大利亚所稀缺的专业人才,每年的需求量都在上涨。澳大利亚是个极度注重教育的国度,但是就读教育专业的人不多。因此,澳大利亚教育行业相当紧缺,待遇也很高。高薪专业四:医学专业医学专业是澳洲大学就业率比较高的专业,平均就业率高达97%,是名副其实的金饭碗。而且虽然澳洲各界一直喊话政府要求控制医生的PR人数,但奈何医学类人才的缺口实在太大,每年的移民配额高居不下!高薪专业五:护理专业在澳洲,护理专业与教师、工程师一样,目前均位居澳洲紧缺专业名单之中,是具有移民优势的专业。尤其是护理人才,需求量极大。而且澳洲的护士资格获得世界范围的认可,澳洲的护士在获得一定的工作经验后,还可选择在美国、加拿大和欧洲等地工作,获得更高的报酬。高薪专业六:工程专业学习澳大利亚工程专业,算是身兼一技之长,且工程专业涉及面相当广,如汽车、航空、结构、化学、电子、环境、机械、冶金、材料、矿业、石油等,毕业生的就业范围相当宽广,从事技术或者转型管理,选择多向,就业前景良好,收入有保障。同时,工程专业还是具有移民优势的专业。上述就是关于澳洲留学的六大高薪职业介绍,只是个人意见作为参考。更多澳洲留学情况,请访问上外中外合作办学官网了解。


最近的确是在修改MODl表就是可以加15分紧缺表,不过你也别抱太大希望在TAFE上,因为移民部长最近的讲话中明确指出澳洲未来的方向在高科技人才和别想靠一些短期课程就可移民。电工,电焊,厨师,理发等出现在60分表上和15分的MODl 不在CSL哦 但是谁也不敢保证2年以后怎么样,况且移民部长说了这话。预计新的MODL表会在今年年底之前出来的。两个资料结合可以看出想靠TAFE移民,好像越来越远了。这是移民部长说的话 ABC Lateline interview with Chris Evans --------------------------------------------------------------------------------RAFAEL EPSTEIN: If we can shift focus a bit, I suppose, to migration policy, you reduced the skilled migration intake this year, obviously in the face of what you thought the economic conditions were at the time.Things are looking better with the economy. I wonder if people in business have already approached you and said, "Listen, we need to think about raising the skilled migration intake again."SENATOR CHRIS EVANS: I certainly made it clear at the time I thought we would run large migration programs for a number of years, that this was a temporary correction, and when the economy improved there’d still be a shortage of skills in the economy. We are obviously trying to fill those skills needs by training more young Australians for the demands of the economy, but I think we’ll still need strong migration over the coming years, particularly because of the ageing of the work force.So those demands will commence again, and certainly in my own state of Western Australia I’ve already been having discussions with a range of large developments about their skills needs, things like the Gorgon project.RAFAEL EPSTEIN: So you have already flagged the need to raise that again?SENATOR CHRIS EVANS: They’ve started talking to me about what the labour needs will be and prospects are of getting the skills from the Australian work force. I think Gorgon is relatively confident they’ll be able to fill most of the positions locally. But if we get a succession of large developments occurring at once, there’s no doubt that some migration support will be needed in order to meet some of those skills needs.RAFAEL EPSTEIN: I just wonder if your policy, your view is to try to stay ahead of the growth curve of the economy, or do you wait for the economy to grow and wait for people to come to you and say, "Listen, we need these people".SENATOR CHRIS EVANS: Obviously we try to stay in front of the game, and we try to make sure that the migration program is much more responsive to employers’ needs, that’s one of the things I have been focusing on for the last year. People have to understand that the most immediate way of responding to the needs is with a temporary migration program. A lot of employers want to bring people on only for temporary purposes, for short period of times, and the 457 program meets those needs.We have seen a dramatic drop off in the number of 457 visa applications reflecting the state of the economy. But if the economy picks up, no doubt the numbers of those applications will pick up again as well.RAFAEL EPSTEIN: On another area of migration policy, I know you were in India recently, and I think you - I believe you made the point to potential students coming to Australia that you want to decouple this link between education and migration, you don’t want people to think vocational training in Australia is an automatic path to permanent residency. I just wonder if you make that point and that point really sinks in in places like India, will people still want to come here and will they want to learn vocational training for a year or two in Australia if they think it won’t lead to them living in Australia?SENATOR CHRIS EVANS: Well I guess the proof will be in the pudding. I’m very clear that we run a migration program to suit the needs of Australia, it’s a program to suit our national interests. Part of that national interest is attracting young highly skilled persons. People who trained here and have had some work experience here make good migrants, so we’ll want to continue to attract former students into our permanent migration program. But we want to attract those with the skills that we need, skills that we can’t meet locally. So I’m making it very clear to potential students that the migration program will be based on Australia’s needs, not on whatever courses they choose to study.RAFAEL EPSTEIN: I wonder if you think vocational training is still as attractive to people from places like India if it’s not a step towards coming to live here?SENATOR CHRIS EVANS: One of the things I want to make sure is that they are looking at courses that would advantage themselves in terms of coming to Australia. We have got to ensure that we are sending the clear signals about what skills we need. I think some people have come purely for the migration pathway, that’s why some of them haven’t been all that particular about the courses they’ve studied or necessarily worried too much about the quality. That’s been a really unfortunate development. I think there is major reform needed. Julia Gillard’s embarked upon that. But my job as Immigration Minister is to make it clear that our program is designed to meet the needs of Australia, we welcome graduates from a university from overseas and from our colleges who have the skills that we need.But we will be deciding on those skills needs and looking to recruit those people, and obviously that would encourage people to study the sorts of skills we are looking for. Some of those will be vocational skills, we were short of welders and other occupations like that a year or two ago. We may well be again, but those decisions have to be based on Australia’s national interest, and it should not be run by courses chosen by overseas students and it won’t be. 资料二:含专家分析:1. 澳洲将更加强调高附加值的技术人才,特别是有本科和硕士学位的人才。比如精算师、医生、护士、反射师、教师、数学家、科学家、工程师等2. 未来的紧缺职业将要侧重在中长期人才,而不是短期,短期人才需求将通过由雇主提名和工作签证满足;.3. 居然短期工作被雇主担保有技能和经验人满足了,那么没有得到担保的人,要想在社会生存就需要更好的技能了。政府不希望看到移民来到澳洲却没有工作,这对移民本人和澳洲都不是好事。4. 为此,移民部推出了三大方案,欢迎大家提出建议。第一个,建议取消紧缺职业清单, 改为根据申请人是否可以表现出良好的定居能力和就业前景来给予额外加分。 The first option would be not to have an occupation list but to instead rely soley on the GSM Points Test to assess the relative merits of applicants based on characteristics that have been established to be indicators of good settlement and labour market prospects. 第二个,保留紧缺职业清单,作为政府为澳洲中长期移民需求调节的工具。仅仅对满足移民合格分的人适用。 The second option would provide government with a tool to target the program, or part thereof, through a list which would provide the basis for awarding points to applicants whose skills meet Australia’s medium to long term needs. The points available for these skills would provide a slight advantage to applicants in achieving the pass mark.第三个 引入了一个未来职业清单的概念, Future Skills List (FSL)provides a strategic means of targeting visa applicants with high value skills in occupations that will better enable Australia to meet these challenges as knowledge society。 这个FSL需要认可澳洲政府的战略重点,申请人是具备高度技能的,未来3-5年内会开始有强烈需求的。但是在FSl清单的人不获得额外加分,只是优先处理机会。有点类似CSL清单,The third alternative would also use a Future Skills List as a tool but applicants who have skills on the list would not gain an advantage under the Points Test, rather (if they meet thepass mark) they would have their applications processed as a priority. This proposal would operate in much in the same way as the current CSL.

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