
stanford medicine 排名

stanford medicine(中国现在生物专业排名(前十))

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这篇文章给大家聊聊关于stanford medicine,以及中国现在生物专业排名(前十)对应的知识点,希望对各位有所帮助,不要忘了收藏本站哦。



国内排名 中国科学院上海生命科学研究院 中国科学院动物研究所 北京大学 清华大学 复旦大学 华中农业大学 中山大学 浙江大学 武汉大学 中国农业大学 南开大学 北京师范大学 中国科技大学 南京大学 山东大学 厦门大学 兰州大学 四川大学 南京农业大学 西北大学 中国海洋大学 南京林业大学 华东师范大学 西北农林大学 吉林大学 华中科技大学 解放军军需大学 首都师范大学 国际排名 Biological Sciences Top Schools 1. Harvard University (MA) 1. Stanford University (CA) 3. Massachusetts Institute of Technology 3. University of California–Berkeley 5. California Institute of Technology 6. Johns Hopkins University (MD) 7. Princeton University (NJ) 7. Ugogoco 7. Yale University (CT) 10. Rockefeller University (NY) 10. Scripps Research Institute (CA) 12. Cornell University (NY) 12. Duke University (NC) 12. University of Chicago 12. University of Wisconsin–Madison 12. Washington University (MO) 17. Columbia University (NY) 17. University of California–San Diego 17. University of Michigan–Ann Arbor 20. University of California–Davis 20. Univ. of Texas Southwestern Medical Center 20. University of Washington 21. Baylor College of Medicine (TX) 22. Ugogo 23. University of Pennsylvania 美国大学生物排名 1. Stanford University (CA) 4.9 2. Harvard University (MA) 4.8 Massachusetts Institute of Technology 4.8 University of California–Berkeley 4.8 5. California Institute of Technology 4.7 Johns Hopkins University (MD) 4.7 Ugogoco 4.7 8. Rockefeller University (NY) 4.6 9. Princeton University (NJ) 4.5 Scripps Research Institute (CA) 4.5 Yale University (CT) 4.5 12. Duke University (NC) 4.4 University of Wisconsin–Madison 4.4 14. Columbia University (NY) 4.3 Cornell University (NY) 4.3 University of California–San Diego 4.3 University of Michigan–Ann Arbor 4.3 University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center–Dallas 4.3 Washington University in St. Louis 4.3 20. Ugogo 4.2 University of Chicago 4.2 University of Washington 4.2 23. University of Pennsylvania 4.1 24. Baylor College of Medicine (TX) 4.0 University of California–Davis 4.0 University of Illinois–Urbana-Champaign 4.0 27. University of Colorado–Boulder 3.9 University of North Carolina–Chapel Hill 3.9 29. Cornell University (Weill) (NY) 3.7 Emory University (GA) 3.7 Mayo Medical School (MN) 3.7 University of Minnesota–Twin Cities 3.7 University of Texas–Austin 3.7 Vanderbilt University (TN) 3.7 Yeshiva University (Albert Einstein) (NY) 3.7 36. Brandeis University (MA) 3.6 Northwestern University (IL) 3.6 Purdue University–West Lafayette (IN) 3.6 University of California–Irvine 3.6 University of Virginia 3.6 41. Case Western Reserve University (OH) 3.5 Indiana University–Bloomington 3.5 University of Arizona 3.5 Ugogo Center 3.5 45. Brown University (RI) 3.4 Dartmouth College (NH) 3.4 Michigan State University 3.4 Pennsylvania State University–University Park 3.4 Rice University (TX) 3.4 SUNY–Stony Brook 3.4 University of Alabama–Birmingham 3.4 University of Iowa 3.4 University of Maryland–College Park 3.4 54. Carnegie Mellon University (PA) 3.3 Ohio State University 3.3 Rutgers State University–New Bruck (NJ) 3.3 University of Florida 3.3 University of Georgia 3.3 University of Oregon 3.3 60. Texas A&M University–College Station 3.2 Tufts University (MA) 3.2 University of California–Santa Barbara 3.2 University of Massachusetts–Amherst 3.2 University of Pittsburgh 3.2 University of Rochester (NY) 3.2 University of Texas Health Science Center–Houston 3.2 University of Utah 3.2 68. Georgia Institute of Technology 3.1 Iowa State University 3.1 New York University 3.1 North Carolina State University 3.1 University of Illinois–Chicago 3.1 University of Massachusetts Medical Center–Worcester 3.1 University of Texas Health Science Center–San Antonio 3.1 75. Arizona State University 3.0 Boston University 3.0 OGI School of Sci. & Engineering–Oregon Health & Sci. U. 3.0 Oregon State University 3.0 UMDNJ–New Jersey Medical School 3.0 University of California–Riverside 3.0 University of Connecticut 3.0 University of Kansas 3.0 University of Miami (FL) 3.0 University of Southern California 3.0 University of Texas Medical Branch–Galveston 3.0 Washington State University 3.0 87. Baylor University (TX) 2.9 Florida State University 2.9 Georgetown University (DC) 2.9 Tulane University 2.9 University of California–Santa Cruz 2.9 University of Cincinnati 2.9 University of Missouri–Columbia 2.9 Virginia Tech 2.9 95. Colorado State University 2.8 Kansas State University 2.8 Medical College of Wisconsin 2.8 Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (NY) 2.8 Syracuse University (NY) 2.8 University of Kentucky 2.8 University of Notre Dame (IN) 2.8 University of Tennessee Health Sciences Center 2.8 University of Tennessee–Knoxville 2.8 104. Boston College 2.7 Finch University of Health Sciences–Chicago Medical School 2.7 George Washington University (DC) 2.7 SUNY–Buffalo 2.7 Thomas Jefferson University (PA) 2.7 University of Nebraska–Lincoln 2.7 University of Nebraska Medical Center 2.7 University of Oklahoma 2.7 Wake Forest University (NC) 2.7 113. Auburn University (AL) 2.6 College of William and Mary (VA) 2.6 CUNY Graduate School and University Center 2.6 Rutgers State University–Newark (NJ) 2.6 SUNY–Albany 2.6 Temple University (PA) 2.6 University of Maryland–Baltimore 2.6 Wayne State University (MI) 2.6 121. Clemson University (SC) 2.5 Louisiana State University–Baton Rouge 2.5 Louisiana State University School of Medicine–New Orleans 2.5 Medical College of Georgia 2.5 Medical College of Pennsylvania 2.5 Medical University of South Carolina 2.5 New York Medical College 2.5 St. Louis University 2.5 Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences (MD) 2.5 University of Delaware 2.5 University of Hawaii 2.5 University of Maryland–Baltimore County 2.5 University of New Mexico 2.5 University of Texas–Dallas 2.5 University of Vermont 2.5 Virginia Commonwealth University 2.5 Wesleyan University (CT) 2.5

Stanford 医学院招AI相关postdoc是哪个老师

Postdoctoral Scholar in AI for Medical Image Analysis, Precision Cancer MedicineThe Ruijiang Li lab at Stanford University School of Medicine is recruiting a highly motivated postdoctoral scholar. The major focus of the lab is to develop imaging biomarkers and molecular diagnostics for early cancer detection, diagnosis, prediction of therapy response and outcomes. Our work has been published in top clinical journals including JAMA Oncology, Annals of Oncology, Annals of Surgery, Clinical Cancer Research, Radiology. The lab is funded by 3 active NIH R01 grants. Please visithttp://med.stanford.edu/lilabThe project involves the use of machine learning and deep learning for medical image analysis, including radiology (CT, MRI) and histopathology (H&E, multiplex florescence imaging). This information will be integrated with genomics and transcriptomics data to study cancer biology, build tumor atlas, and predict treatment response and patient outcomes. The ultimate goal is to develop novel diagnostic, prognostic, and predictive biomarkers for precision oncology. We closely work with a multidisciplinary expert team of surgeons, radiologists, pathologists, and oncologists at Stanford.The applicant should hold a PhD in physical sciences or engineering (including applied math, statistics) with a strong motivation to solve biomedical problems. The ideal candidates will have prior research experience in medical image analysis, machine learning expertise, and strong programming skills.Postdocs and students in the lab have gone on to establish their own independent labs in academia or secure jobs in technology industry. Major awards to postdocs include ASTRO Clinical/Basic Science Research Award, Basic/Translational Science Award, and the prestigious NIH K99/R00 Pathway to Independence Award, which provides $1,000,000 over 5 years to establish an independent research program. One of my lab trainees recently joined the MD Anderson Cancer Center (No.1 cancer hospital in the US) as a tenure-track assistant professor.Stanford University is located at the heart of Silicon Valley, epicenter of the technology revolution in biomedicine. This is an excellent opportunity not only for those motivated to pursue an academic career, but also for those interested in entrepreneurship with the goal of commercialization and translation of new technology into clinical practice.Interested applicants should send a research statement, CV, and names of three references to:Ruijiang Li, PhD DABREmail: rli2 AT stanford.edu

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