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牛津英语教与学|牛津小学英语|牛津初中英语|牛津...剑桥...牛津英语5A同步听力MP3(全套) 上… 07-25 牛津英语4A同步听力... www.wdabc.com/ 94K 2006-9-26 - 百度快照 牛津英语教学资源网 09-10 免费Flash课件... www.oetr.net/article.asp 43K 2006-9-25 - 百度快照 高一英语上册unit3教案(全)-人教版...学校·教师·试卷·课件·文学·下载·电脑·搜索·建站·健康·动画·音乐·笑话·同学·交友·留言·免费·...高一英语上册unit3教案(全)-人教版"... www.yuyicn.com/edu/2006/200606/2006062517 ... 65K 2006-8-4 - 百度快照 www.yuyicn.com 上的更多结果 牛津8B unit2 全套教案-免费英语教育资源牛津英语8B UNIT2(初二下) (Unit 2,8B) Teaching Designs Unit opening: Background information In this unit students explore different...请选择登陆或免费注册 用户名: 密密码: 点击本地下载 软件大小:25K 文件格式:rar *... web.12999.com/showzip.php?id=7399 17K 2006-9-7 - 百度快照 web.12999.com 上的更多结果 2006年江苏地区牛津英语8B Unit 4(Grammer)教案..您当前的位置:免费教育资源网 -》 下载 -》 英语...原子核的组成教案示例... · 原子核教案示例 ...资源名称:2006年江苏地区牛津英语8B Unit 4(Grammer)...2006年湖南地区生物科基因的表达课件 · 2006年浙江地区... www.ttshopping.net/soft/45/201/2006/20060 ...


牛津英语教与学|牛津小学英语|牛津初中英语|牛津...剑桥...牛津英语5A同步听力MP3(全套) 上… 07-25 牛津英语4A同步听力... www.wdabc.com/ 94K 2006-9-26 - 百度快照 牛津英语教学资源网 09-10 免费Flash课件... www.oetr.net/article.asp 43K 2006-9-25 - 百度快照 高一英语上册unit3教案(全)-人教版...学校·教师·试卷·课件·文学·下载·电脑·搜索·建站·健康·动画·音乐·笑话·同学·交友·留言·免费·...高一英语上册unit3教案(全)-人教版"... www.yuyicn.com/edu/2006/200606/2006062517 ... 65K 2006-8-4 - 百度快照 www.yuyicn.com 上的更多结果 牛津8B unit2 全套教案-免费英语教育资源牛津英语8B UNIT2(初二下) (Unit 2,8B) Teaching Designs Unit opening: Background information In this unit students explore different...请选择登陆或免费注册 用户名: 密密码: 点击本地下载 软件大小:25K 文件格式:rar *... web.12999.com/showzip.php?id=7399 17K 2006-9-7 - 百度快照 web.12999.com 上的更多结果 2006年江苏地区牛津英语8B Unit 4(Grammer)教案..您当前的位置:免费教育资源网 -》 下载 -》 英语...原子核的组成教案示例... · 原子核教案示例 ...资源名称:2006年江苏地区牛津英语8B Unit 4(Grammer)...2006年湖南地区生物科基因的表达课件 · 2006年浙江地区... www.ttshopping.net/soft/45/201/2006/20060


牛津小学英语网现在五花八门,不知是否符合你要的版本,你可以先把此下载地址复制保存下来后,先下你孩子此年度的资料,知识要求是掌握一定量的词汇,二十多个基本句子结构和一定量的日常交际用语,包括:"向新学生介绍老师、同学","根据特征认人","谈论人物","认物,牛津小学英语主要在以下几个方面进行了积极而有益的探索。1 以学生的发展为宗旨,以提高学生的综合素质为目标 牛津小学英语网 牛津小学英语网 http://jjtogo.com/JiajialeL1/JiajialeL2/gkxx.html 牛津小学英语网参考资料:牛津小学英语网


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October 25th Dear Mom I am having a wonderful time here. I went to some very interesting places. Kitty’s teacher Mr Wu invited me to join in their school trip to the World Park. It was a great day but we did not enjoy it at the beginning. Yesterday morning Mr Wu and the other students met Kitty and me at the school gate. Then we got on a coach. The trip from Kitty’s school took about two hours by coach. It was boring. There was a lot of traffic on the city roads but it got better when we were on the highway. Kitty and I felt sick for most of the trip. Finally, we arrived at the World Park. The sky was blue and everything was beautiful. We became very excited when we saw the Eiffel Tower from the coach! It is made of metal and really tall. When the coach stopped, we all got off quickly. Kitty and I did not feel sick any more. We just wanted to go into the park and enjoy ourselves. Soon, we were inside. The whole world was there in front of us.’ There are over a hundred places of interest from all over the world. They are small but wonderful. The pyramids looked Just like the real ones in Egypt. The Golden Gate Bridge looked just like the one back home too. When I saw them, I couldn’t believe my eyes. They were wonderful. It was an amazing day but the best part was the song and dance parade. The music was great and Kitty wanted to join in the dancing. You can see some photos of the trip on the Internet. Kitty’s classmate Daniel taught himself how to make a home page. He put his photos on it for everyone to look at. Go and see for yourself! Love Linda翻译10月25日亲爱的妈妈 我在这里度过美好的时光。我去了一些很有趣的地方。凯蒂老师吴老师邀请我参加他们的学校去世界公园的旅行。这是一个伟大的日子,但是我们不喜欢它。 昨天早上吴老师和其他的学生见面,我在学校大门口。然后我们上了一名教练。从基蒂学校出发的旅行乘长途车花了大约两个小时。它很无聊。有很多城市道路交通的,但它有更好的,当我们在高速公路上。凯蒂和我在大部分旅途中感到不舒服。 最后我们到达了世界公园。天空是蓝色的,一切都是美好的。我们变得非常兴奋,当我们看到埃菲尔铁塔的教练!艾菲尔铁塔是由金属制成,而且真的很高。当教练停了下来,我们都很快下车。凯蒂和我并不感到恶心了。我们只是想去公园玩一玩。 在不久的将来,我们里面。整个世界都在那里1:41前,有超过一百名胜古迹,世界各地的人们。他们虽小但奇妙。 金字塔看起来就像埃及的真的金字塔。金门大桥看上去就像是一条回家。当我看到他们时,我简直不敢相信我的眼睛。他们都很棒。 它是令人惊异的一天,但最好的部分是歌舞游行。这音乐实在太棒了,凯蒂希望参加跳舞。 你能看到一些图片在互联网上的旅行。凯蒂的同学丹尼尔自己学会了如何制作网页。他把照片放在它给大家看。你自己去看看吧! 爱 琳达。这些是第3单元的Reading


UNIT 1 The first day at school第一单元 在学校的第一天A Read and sayA 读并说It is the day of the new term.All the students are back at school.今天是新学期。所有学生回到学校。They are happy to see each other again.他们开心的再次相互看着。Glad to see you.Helen and Mike.Glad to see you.很高兴看见你。海伦和迈克。很高兴看见你。Look,there’s a new building.看,这是新的大楼。Yes,there are a lot of rooms in it.是的,这里有许多房间在里面。How many classrooms are there?There are twenty-four.这里有多少个教室?There are twenty-four这里有24个。Is there a sports hall? No.there isn’t.这是体育馆? No.there isn’t 不,这不是。Are there any reading rooms in the building?在大楼里这里有阅读室吗?I’m not sure.Let’s go and see.我不能确定。让我们去看一下。Look at the boticeboard.看着这个通知板。There are two reading rooms这里有两个阅读室。Is there a table tennis room?这里是一个桌球室吗?Let me see.Yes,there is.It’s on the first floor.让我看。是的,这里是。它在第一个走廊。Are there any computer rooms?这里有电脑房吗?Yes,there are.They’re on the second floor.是的,这里有。它们在第二个走廊。Let’s go and have a look.让我们去并看一下。B Look,read and learnB 看,读并学 a toilet 一间盥洗室 a garden 一个花园 a table tennis room 一间桌球室 a sports hall 一个体育馆 a reading room 一间阅读室 a swing 一个秋千 a slide 一个滑梯 a see-saw 看E Read and actE 读并扮演Is there a park near your house?你家附近有一个公园吗?Yes,It’s a small one.but there are a lot of flowers and trees.是的,这是一个小公园。但是这里有许多花和树。Are there any swings?Yes,And there’s a slide,too.这里有秋千吗? 是的,并且这里也有滑梯。Shall we go and play there?Good idea.我们能去并在那里玩吗?好主意。G Listen and repeatG 听并重复cake 蛋糕 grape 葡萄 plate 盘子 table 桌子On the table,there are some cakes and grapes on the plate.在桌子上,这里有一些蛋糕和葡萄在盘子上。H Sing a song Two jacketsH 唱一首歌 两件短上衣sorry,歌找不到!这样,可以吗? 可以就给点分吧


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