

Master by CourseWork 和 by Research 的区别 新加坡留学?留学作业中介词有哪些用法

admin admin 发表于2023-11-02 01:23:02 浏览48 评论0


本篇文章给大家谈谈留学by,以及Master by CourseWork 和 by Research 的区别 新加坡留学对应的知识点,文章可能有点长,但是希望大家可以阅读完,增长自己的知识,最重要的是希望对各位有所帮助,可以解决了您的问题,不要忘了收藏本站喔。


Master by CourseWork 和 by Research 的区别 新加坡留学





  A check for(amount of money):She gave me a check for$50.

  A demand for something:There wasn’t enough demand for the product.

  A need for something:In the class,a real need for discipline is evident.

  A reason for doing something:I have a reason for doing that.


  A rise in something:A rise in prices has occurred.

  A fall in something:A fall in prices affected the employees.

  A decrease in something:We have seen decreases in production levels.


  A cause of something:She is the cause of all his problems.

  A photograph or a picture of something or someone:He took a picture of the girl.


  The damage to something:I did a lot of damage to my car.

  An invitation to an activity:We were invited to their wedding.

  A reaction to something:Her reaction to his behavior was funny.

  A solution to a problem:He provided the solution to our issue.

  An attitude to something:Your attitude to your problems is lousy.


  A relationship with someone or something:The relationship with my dog is fun.

  A connection with someone or something:His connection with the city is limited.

  A contact with someone or something:Have you had contact with Sarah?


  A connection between two things:There is no connection between the two ideas.

  A relationship between two things:The relationship between the two is strong.

  A contact between two things:There is little contact between the two parents.

  A difference between two things:There is no difference between those two colors.
