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先说地理位置,新西兰在大洋洲,有南岛和北岛组成,首都是惠灵顿 再说人,包括人种,民族之类的,新西兰上的人本土人种应该是毛利人,后来白人登陆,人种比率发生极大变化, 由此就可以讲白人登陆以前的传统土著文明,再讲白人登陆之后的变化,还包括他为什么叫新西兰,既然叫新,以前一些定有西兰这个地方,由此可以想到是谁占领了这里,这个国家又是怎样独立的

新西兰景点 及 简单的新西兰文化 英语介绍

New Zealand (New Zealand), and New Zealand, is a political system of constitutional monarchy mix of British parliamentary democracy country, currently he is member of the commonwealth of New Zealand is located in the southwest Pacific, and territory is made up of two large islands, the north island south island by the cook strait separating, south island near Antarctica, on the other side of the north island and Fiji and tonga Auckland, Wellington and the largest city in the capital are located in the north island.

New Zealand is a highly developed capitalist countries of the world bank will be listed as one of the countries of the world’s most convenient business in New Zealand, its economy from a predominantly agricultural successfully transition to industrialization of internationally competitive free-market economy antler mutton dairy and coarse wool exports to the world.

Is also one of the most beautiful country in Oceania, New Zealand has a population of 4.47 million people, the land area of 268680 square kilometers, has a long white cloud, three common 14 national park Ocean Park three world heritage sites, including one for dual heritage.

New Zealand is the most beautiful parts of the island bay, where the major cities are: Patricia, Russell and huai tang Russell was the first capital of New Zealand, Patricia position between belong to island bay, there are more hotels Huai tang, in 1840, the Maori and European treaty room in her womb tang yi (TreatyHouse) jointly signed Huai tang’s treaty The house is still standing in the open and peaceful park Other important scenic spots here have wholly marae (MaoriMeetingHouse) the Maori’s biggest battle ship tourist center and the museum of art Huai tang yi people’s minds in New Zealand occupies an extremely important position, is interested in New Zealand’s history and culture of tourist "musts.

New Zealand famous attractions: with gold is famous tourist resort - Queenstown (Queenstown) the world’s first garden city, Christchurch (Christchurch) with the death of the observatory crater - mount Eden (MountEden) have described Maori village of our tile tribal history In the southern hemisphere’s tallest building, the sky tower Auckland’s busiest port, harbour bridge, and so on .


新西兰(New Zealand),又译纽西兰,是一个政治体制实行君主立宪制混合英国式议会民主制的国家,现为英联邦成员国之一。新西兰位于太平洋西南部,领土由南岛、北岛两大岛屿组成,以库克海峡分隔,南岛邻近南极洲,北岛与斐济及汤加相望。首都惠灵顿以及最大城市奥克兰均位于北岛 。

新西兰是一个高度发达的资本主义国家。世界银行将新西兰列为世界上最方便营商的国家之一 ,其经济成功地从以农业为主,转型为具有国际竞争力的工业化自由市场经济 。鹿茸、羊肉、奶制品和粗羊毛的出口值皆为世界第一 。




南岛在哪里 新西兰的简要介绍是什么

1、南岛邻近南极洲,北岛与斐济、汤加相望。首都惠灵顿以及最大城市奥克兰均位于北岛。政治体制为议会制君主立宪制。位于太平洋西南部,领土由北岛、南岛及一些小岛组成,以库克海峡分隔。 2、新西兰是一个高度发达的资本主义国家。世界银行将新西兰列为世界上最方便营商的国家之一,其经济成功地从以农业为主,转型为具有国际竞争力的工业化市场经济。鹿茸、羊肉、奶制品和粗羊毛的出口值皆为世界第一。新西兰也是大洋洲最美丽的国家之一,总计约有30%的国土为保护区。拥有3项世界遗产、14个国家公园、3座海洋公园、数百座自然保护区和生态区。

介绍新西兰历史的 ppt 急 要英文的

New Zealand is one of the countries established immigrants. Polynesian settlers in about in 500 to 1300 New Zealand, form the local aboriginal arrived in Maori culture. The first known European is arrived in New Zealand by the Dutch (Abel Tasman Janszoon Tasman) leads the fleet, in 1642, north and south west of the island is air. The Dutch people don’t know north and south island is separate, so all named Staaten Landt (state). Later, according to their bata in Indonesia from base to named Nieuw Zeeland. And the bata vuillard base is according to the Dutch Ceylon named after the province. In 1769, captain Cook (James Cook) began to close study New Zealand, he has three visiting the south Pacific and New Zealand, and for the New Zealand mapped. But in the original map version, the he put the Stewart island as a peninsula, and the Banks peninsula draw a island. Cook’s lead in New Zealand waters of the European whaling fleet expansion, he promoted the New Zealand eventually become the European colonies. New Zealand for the lower don Iraq Treaty (Treaty of Waitangi) became a British colony in 1840. With the treaty have English and tang Maori versions, the British royal family representative signed is in English, Maori group signed is Maori Chinese version. Maori language edition with tang Iraq to the New Zealand Maori treaty promise of "tino rangatiratanga". This word in English with tang treaty is translated into Iraq "leader", but in a position, it is "gross autonomy" means. For every man understand different, this word and some of the other problems caused by the government and the Maori still of the bad feelings between. Such as the seabed and the ownership of the beach before "ownership.


  地理  新西兰属于大洋洲,位于太平洋南部,澳大利亚东南方约1,600公里处,介于南极洲和赤道之间,西隔塔斯曼海与澳大利亚相望,北邻新喀里多尼亚、汤加、斐济,在南纬34度至47度之间。新西兰由北岛、南岛、斯图尔特岛及其附近一些小岛组成,面积27万多平方公里,专属经济区120万平方公里。海岸线长6900公里。新西兰素以“绿色”著称。虽然境内多山,山地和丘陵占其总面积75%以上,但这里属温带海洋性气候,四季温差不大,植物生长十分茂盛,森林覆盖率达29%,天然牧场或农场占国土面积的一半。广袤的森林和牧场使新西兰成为名副其实的绿色王国。新西兰水力资源丰富,全国80%的电力为水力发电。森林面积约占全国土地面积的29%,生态环境非常好。北岛多火山和温泉,南岛多冰河与湖泊。北岛第一峰鲁阿佩胡火山高2797米,火山上有新西兰最大的湖泊陶波湖,面积616平方公里。南岛横跨南纬40°~47°,岛上有全国第一峰库克山。阿尔卑斯山中的弗朗茨·约瑟夫冰川和福克斯冰川,是世界上海拔最低的冰川。山外有一系列冰川湖,其中特阿脑湖面积342平方公里,是新西兰第二大湖。苏瑟兰瀑布,落差580米,居世界前列。  气候  新西兰属温带海洋性气候,季节与北半球相反。新西兰的12月至2月为夏天,6月至8月为冬天。夏季平均气温25摄氏度,冬季10摄氏度,全年温差一般不超过15度。各地年平均降雨量为400~1200毫米。  环境  新西兰约于一亿年前与大陆分离,从而使许多原始的动植物得以在孤立的环境中存活和演化。除了独特的植物和动物之外,这里还有地形多变的壮丽自然景观。新西兰从冈瓦纳古陆(Gondwanaland)分离之后,这些原始的物种便在这块独立的土地上演化和繁衍,著名的自然学家大卫·贝拉米(David Bellamy)称这里是“摩亚方舟”(Moa’s Ark),此名称来自新西兰所特有的巨大步行鸟“摩亚”(moa,又名恐鸟),但现在已绝种。自从人类开始在新西兰定居以来,短短1000多年的时间已经使许多原生物种消失,但近年来新西兰政府加大了自然保护的力度,情况已经有很大的改善。保护措施包括消灭野生动物保护区的有害生物、建立了13座国家公园、3座海洋公园、数百座自然保护区和生态区、1个海洋与湿地保护网络,以及保护特别的河流与湖泊。新西兰总计约有30%的国土为保护区。另外,像kakapo鹦鹉、垂耳鸦、几维鸟和大蜥蜴等珍稀与濒危物种的研究和管理计划也开始执行。  植物  虽然经过人类1000多年的砍伐,新西兰仍有四分之一的国土仍是茂密的森林――大部份位于高原地区。这些地区大都属于国家公园和森林公园,禁止开发,您可以尽情享受其中的野趣。新西兰森林的特点是温和、常绿的雨林,其中有巨大的树蕨、藤类和附生植物――看起来很符合一般丛林的模样。巨大的贝壳杉是世界上最大的植物之一,目前生长在相对较小的北岛凹地与科罗曼德尔半岛。  动物  新西兰是罕见鸟类的天堂。最著名的是不会飞的奇异鸟,新西兰的非正式国家标志。其它不会飞的鸟还有威卡秧鸡(weka)及濒临灭绝的kakapo鹦鹉,这是全世界最大的鹦鹉,它只能爬到低矮的灌木或较小的树上。另一种奇特的鸟类是好奇心很重的啄羊鹦鹉(原生高地鹦鹉),这种鹦鹉会飞,以不怕人类和大胆的个性而闻名。


新西兰既不是欧盟成员国还不是北约的成员国。一、新西兰介绍:新西兰(英语:New Zealand),又译纽西兰,是一个政治体制实行君主立宪制混合英国式议会民主制的国家,现为英联邦成员国之一。新西兰位于太平洋西南部,领土由南岛、北岛两大岛屿组成,以库克海峡分隔,南岛邻近南极洲,北岛与斐济及汤加相望。首都惠灵顿以及最大城市奥克兰均位于北岛。二、欧盟欧盟主要是欧洲地区国家,新西兰属于大洋洲离欧洲太远。欧洲联盟(德语:Europäische Union,法语:Union européenne),简称欧盟(EU),总部设在比利时首都布鲁塞尔(Brussel),是由欧洲共同体发展而来的,创始成员国有6个,分别为德国、法国、意大利、荷兰、比利时和卢森堡。该联盟现拥有28个会员国。三、北约北约主要是美国与西欧、北美主要发达国家,新西兰属于大洋洲也不是北约成员国。北大西洋公约组织(英语:North Atlantic Treaty Organization,缩写:NATO/’neitəu/;法语:Organisation du traité de l’Atlantique nord,简称:OTAN),简称北约组织或北约或音译为那图,是美国与西欧、北美主要发达国家为实现防卫协作而建立的一个国际军事集团组织。
